lib/spreewald/web_steps.rb in spreewald-0.3.10 vs lib/spreewald/web_steps.rb in spreewald-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -526,5 +526,36 @@
lines = lines.collect { |line| line.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}.collect(&:strip).reject(&:blank?)
pattern = lines.collect(&Regexp.method(:quote)).join('.*?')
pattern = Regexp.compile(pattern)
page.find('body').text.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').should =~ pattern
+# Tests that an input or button with the given label is disabled.
+Then /^the "([^\"]*)" (field|button) should( not)? be disabled$/ do |label, kind, negate|
+ if kind == 'field'
+ element = find_field(label)
+ else
+ element = find_button(label)
+ end
+ ["false", "", nil].send(negate ? :should : :should_not, include(element[:disabled]))
+# Tests that a field with the given label is visible.
+Then /^the "([^\"]*)" field should( not)? be visible$/ do |label, negate|
+ field = find_field(label)
+ expectation = negate ? :should_not : :should
+ case Capybara::current_driver
+ when :selenium, :webkit
+ patiently do
+ visibility_detecting_javascript = %[
+ (function(){
+ var field = $('##{field['id']}');
+ return(':visible'));
+ })();
+ ].gsub(/\n/, ' ')
+ page.evaluate_script(visibility_detecting_javascript).send(expectation, be_true)
+ end
+ else
+ field.send(expectation, be_visible)
+ end