app/views/spree/checkout/payment/_affirm.html.erb in spree_affirm-0.2.22 vs app/views/spree/checkout/payment/_affirm.html.erb in spree_affirm-0.2.30
- old
+ new
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
-<div class="affirm-learn-more-section">
- <%= render partial: 'spree/checkout/affirm/learn_more' %>
/* only include this setup once */
if (!window.AffirmPaymentMethods) {
Include the affirm js snippet
var _affirm_config = {
public_api_key: "<%= payment_method.preferred_api_key %>",
- script: "https://<%= payment_method.preferred_server %>/js/v2/affirm.js"
+ script: "https://<%= payment_method.preferences[:test_mode] ? '' : '' %>/js/v2/affirm.js"
(function(l,g,m,e,a,f,b){var d,c=l[m]||{},h=document.createElement(f),n=document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0],k=function(a,b,c){return function(){a[b]._.push([c,arguments])}};c[e]=k(c,e,"set");d=c[e];c[a]={};c[a]._=[];d._=[];c[a][b]=k(c,a,b);a=0;for(b="set add save post open empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct".split(" ");a<b.length;a++)d[b[a]]=k(c,e,b[a]);a=0;for(b=["get","token","url","items"];a<b.length;a++)d[b[a]]=function(){};h.async=!0;h.src=g[f];n.parentNode.insertBefore(h,n);delete g[f];d(g);l[m]=c})(window,_affirm_config,"affirm","checkout","ui","script","ready");
set the shared checkout data
total: <%= ( * 100).to_i %>,
currency: "USD",
tax_amount: <%= (@order.additional_tax_total * 100).to_i %>,
- checkout_id: "<%= @order.number %>",
+ order_id: "<%= @order.number %>",
discount_code: "<%= @order.coupon_code %>",
- shipping_type: "<%= if @order.shipments %>",
+ shipping_type: "<%= if @order.shipments.exists? %>",
shipping_amount: <%= (@order.shipment_total * 100).to_i %>,
shipping: {
name: {
full: "<%= @order.ship_address.full_name %>",
@@ -56,14 +52,18 @@
zipcode: "<%= @order.bill_address.zipcode %>",
+ metadata: {
+ "platform_type": "Spree Commerce",
+ "platform_version": "<%= Spree.version %>",
+ "platform_affirm": "<%= Spree::Gateway::Affirm.version %>",
+ },
meta: {
source: {
- client_name: "spree_affirm",
- version: "<%= Spree::Gateway::Affirm.version %>",
data: {
<% if spree_current_user %>
order_count: "<%= spree_current_user.orders.complete.count %>",
account_created: "<%= spree_current_user.created_at %>",
@@ -71,11 +71,10 @@
last_order_date: "<%= spree_current_user.orders.complete.last.completed_at %>",
<% end %>
<% end %>
is_logged_in: <%= !!spree_current_user %>,
- spree_version: "<%= Spree.version %>"
merchant: {
@@ -122,56 +121,63 @@
/* wait for the DOM to be ready */
$(function() {
+ change the payment method name
+ \*****************************************************/
+ $( ".payment-option" ).each(function() {
+ if($( this )[0].innerText === "Affirm"){
+ $( this )[0] = "Affirm Monthly Payments";
+ }
+ });
+ /*****************************************************\
setup loading and cancel events for the form
affirm.checkout.on("cancel", function(){
$("#checkout_form_payment input.disabled")
.attr("disabled", false)
- var button_text = $("#checkout_form_payment input").val();
- $("#checkout_form_payment input[type='submit']").on("loading", function(){
- button_text = $(this).val();
- $(this).val("Loading...");
- })
- .on("done_loading", function(){
- $(this).val(button_text);
- });
handle continue button clicks with .open()
var checkedPaymentMethod = $('div[data-hook="checkout_payment_step"] input[type="radio"]:checked').val();
if (window.AffirmPaymentMethods[checkedPaymentMethod]) {
var $submit_button = $(this).find("input[type='submit']");
// update with checkout method details
- // show the loading message
- $submit_button.trigger("loading");
// submit the checkout{
target: $submit_button
return false;
+ /*****************************************************\
+ remove the payment source empty box from UI
+ \*****************************************************/
+ $(document).on('click', '#checkout_form_payment'
+ , function (event) {
+ if($('div[data-hook="checkout_payment_step"] input[type="radio"]:checked')[0].parentNode.outerText === "Affirm Monthly Payments") $('.payment-sources').hide();
+ }
+ )
window.AffirmPaymentMethods = {};
@@ -180,11 +186,10 @@
set the product/button specific data to be
used when the continue button is directly
window.AffirmPaymentMethods["<%= %>"] = {
- public_api_key: "<%= payment_method.preferred_api_key %>",
- financial_product_key: "<%= payment_method.preferred_product_key %>"
+ public_api_key: "<%= payment_method.preferred_api_key %>"