lib/spout/tasks/engine.rake in spout-0.8.0.beta10 vs lib/spout/tasks/engine.rake in spout-0.8.0.beta11
- old
+ new
@@ -7,198 +7,5 @@
t.warning = true
t.verbose = true
task default: :test
-namespace :spout do
- require 'csv'
- require 'fileutils'
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'json'
- require 'erb'
- desc 'Create Data Dictionary from repository'
- task :create do
- folder = "dd/#{ENV['VERSION'] || standard_version}"
- puts " create".colorize( :green ) + " #{folder}"
- FileUtils.mkpath folder
- expanded_export(folder)
- end
- desc 'Initialize JSON repository from a CSV file: CSV=datadictionary.csv'
- task :import do
- puts ENV['CSV'].inspect
- if File.exists?(ENV['CSV'].to_s)
- ENV['TYPE'] == 'domains' ? import_domains : import_variables
- else
- puts "\nPlease specify a valid CSV file.".colorize( :red ) + additional_csv_info
- end
- end
- desc 'Match CSV dataset with JSON repository'
- task :coverage do
- require 'spout/commands/coverage'
- end
- desc 'Identify Outliers in CSV dataset'
- task :outliers do
- require 'spout/commands/outliers'
- outliers =
- outliers.run_outliers_report!
- end
- desc 'Match CSV dataset with JSON repository'
- task :images do
- require 'spout/commands/images'
- types = ENV['types'].to_s.split(',').collect{|t| t.to_s.downcase}
- variable_ids = ENV['variable_ids'].to_s.split(',').collect{|vid| vid.to_s.downcase}
- sizes = ENV['sizes'].to_s.split(',').collect{|s| s.to_s.downcase}
-, variable_ids, sizes, standard_version)
- end
- desc 'Generate JSON charts and tables'
- task :json do
- require 'spout/commands/graphs'
- variables = ENV['variables'].to_s.split(',').collect{|s| s.to_s.downcase}
-, standard_version)
- end
-def number_with_delimiter(number, delimiter = ",")
- number.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{delimiter}")
-def standard_version
- version ='VERSION', &:readline).strip rescue ''
- version == '' ? '1.0.0' : version
-def expanded_export(folder)
- variables_export_file = "variables.csv"
- puts " export".colorize( :blue ) + " #{folder}/#{variables_export_file}"
-"#{folder}/#{variables_export_file}", "wb") do |csv|
- keys = %w(id display_name description type units domain labels calculation)
- csv << ['folder'] + keys
- Dir.glob("variables/**/*.json").each do |file|
- if json = JSON.parse( rescue false
- variable_folder = variable_folder_path(file)
- csv << [variable_folder] + keys.collect{|key| json[key].kind_of?(Array) ? json[key].join(';') : json[key].to_s}
- end
- end
- end
- domains_export_file = "domains.csv"
- puts " export".colorize( :blue ) + " #{folder}/#{domains_export_file}"
-"#{folder}/#{domains_export_file}", "wb") do |csv|
- keys = %w(value display_name description)
- csv << ['folder', 'domain_id'] + keys
- Dir.glob("domains/**/*.json").each do |file|
- if json = JSON.parse( rescue false
- domain_folder = domain_folder_path(file)
- domain_name = extract_domain_name(file)
- json.each do |hash|
- csv << [domain_folder, domain_name] + keys.collect{|key| hash[key]}
- end
- end
- end
- end
-def extract_domain_name(file)
- file.gsub(/domains\//, '').split('/').last.to_s.gsub(/.json/, '')
-def domain_folder_path(file)
- file.gsub(/domains\//, '').split('/')[0..-2].join('/')
-def variable_folder_path(file)
- file.gsub(/variables\//, '').split('/')[0..-2].join('/')
-def import_variables
- CSV.parse(['CSV'].to_s, 'r:iso-8859-1:utf-8'){|f|}, headers: true ) do |line|
- row = line.to_hash
- if not row.keys.include?('id')
- puts "\nMissing column header `".colorize( :red ) + "id".colorize( :light_cyan ) + "` in data dictionary.".colorize( :red ) + additional_csv_info
- exit(1)
- end
- next if row['id'] == ''
- folder = File.join('variables', row.delete('folder').to_s)
- FileUtils.mkpath folder
- hash = {}
- id = row.delete('id')
- hash['id'] = id
- hash['display_name'] = row.delete('display_name')
- hash['description'] = row.delete('description').to_s
- hash['type'] = row.delete('type')
- domain = row.delete('domain').to_s
- hash['domain'] = domain if domain != ''
- units = row.delete('units').to_s
- hash['units'] = units if units != ''
- calculation = row.delete('calculation').to_s
- hash['calculation'] = calculation if calculation != ''
- labels = row.delete('labels').to_s.split(';')
- hash['labels'] = labels if labels.size > 0
- hash['other'] = row unless row.empty?
- file_name = File.join(folder, id.to_s.downcase + '.json')
-, 'w') do |file|
- file.write(JSON.pretty_generate(hash) + "\n")
- end
- puts " create".colorize( :green ) + " #{file_name}"
- end
-def import_domains
- domains = {}
- CSV.parse(['CSV'].to_s, 'r:iso-8859-1:utf-8'){|f|}, headers: true ) do |line|
- row = line.to_hash
- if not row.keys.include?('domain_id')
- puts "\nMissing column header `".colorize( :red ) + "domain_id".colorize( :light_cyan ) + "` in data dictionary.".colorize( :red ) + additional_csv_info
- exit(1)
- end
- if not row.keys.include?('value')
- puts "\nMissing column header `".colorize( :red ) + "value".colorize( :light_cyan ) + "` in data dictionary.".colorize( :red ) + additional_csv_info
- exit(1)
- end
- if not row.keys.include?('display_name')
- puts "\nMissing column header `".colorize( :red ) + "display_name".colorize( :light_cyan ) + "` in data dictionary.".colorize( :red ) + additional_csv_info
- exit(1)
- end
- next if row['domain_id'].to_s == '' or row['value'].to_s == '' or row['display_name'].to_s == ''
- folder = File.join('domains', row['folder'].to_s).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.-]/, '_')
- domain_name = row['domain_id'].to_s.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.-]/, '_')
- domains[domain_name] ||= {}
- domains[domain_name]["folder"] = folder
- domains[domain_name]["options"] ||= []
- hash = {}
- hash['value'] = row.delete('value').to_s
- hash['display_name'] = row.delete('display_name').to_s
- hash['description'] = row.delete('description').to_s
- domains[domain_name]["options"] << hash
- end
- domains.each do |domain_name, domain_hash|
- folder = domain_hash["folder"]
- FileUtils.mkpath folder
- file_name = File.join(folder, domain_name.to_s.downcase + '.json')
-, 'w') do |file|
- file.write(JSON.pretty_generate(domain_hash["options"]) + "\n")
- end
- puts " create".colorize( :green ) + " #{file_name}"
- end
-def additional_csv_info
- "\n\nFor additional information on specifying CSV column headers before import see:\n\n " + "".colorize( :light_cyan ) + "\n\n"