features/steps/rails_steps.rb in spork-0.5.1 vs features/steps/rails_steps.rb in spork-0.5.2
- old
+ new
@@ -3,5 +3,36 @@
version_argument = ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] ? "_#{ENV['RAILS_VERSION']}_" : nil
# run("#{SporkWorld::RUBY_BINARY} #{%x{which rails}.chomp} #{folder_name}")
run([SporkWorld::RUBY_BINARY, %x{which rails}.chomp, version_argument, folder_name].compact * " ")
@current_dir = File.join(File.join(SporkWorld::SANDBOX_DIR, folder_name))
+Given "the application has a model, observer, route, and application helper" do
+ Given 'a file named "app/models/user.rb" with:',
+ """
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
+ ($loaded_stuff ||= []) << 'User'
+ end
+ """
+ Given 'a file named "app/helpers/application_helper.rb" with:',
+ """
+ module ApplicationHelper
+ ($loaded_stuff ||= []) << 'ApplicationHelper'
+ end
+ """
+ Given 'a file named "app/models/user_observer.rb" with:',
+ """
+ class UserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
+ ($loaded_stuff ||= []) << 'UserObserver'
+ end
+ """
+ Given 'the following code appears in "config/environment.rb" after /Rails::Initializer.run/:',
+ """
+ config.active_record.observers = :user_observer
+ """
+ Given 'the following code appears in "config/routes.rb" after /^end/:',
+ """
+ ($loaded_stuff ||= []) << 'config/routes.rb'
+ """
\ No newline at end of file