test/unit/test_boxes.rb in spontaneous-0.1.0.alpha1 vs test/unit/test_boxes.rb in spontaneous-0.2.0.alpha1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
-require 'test_helper'
+require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
class BoxesTest < MiniTest::Spec
+ def setup
+ @site = setup_site
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_site
+ end
context "Box definitions" do
setup do
- S::Schema.reset!
class ::Piece < Spontaneous::Piece; end
class ::MyBoxClass < Box; end
class ::MyContentClass < Piece; end
class ::MyContentClass2 < MyContentClass; end
MyContentClass.field :description
@@ -35,10 +43,18 @@
MyContentClass.boxes.length.should == 1
MyContentClass.boxes.first.name.should == :images0
MyContentClass.has_boxes?.should be_true
+ should "have a boolean test for emptiness" do
+ MyContentClass.box :images0
+ instance = MyContentClass.new
+ instance.images0.empty?.should be_true
+ instance.images0 << MyContentClass.new
+ instance.images0.empty?.should be_false
+ end
should "always return a symbol for the name" do
MyContentClass.box 'images0'
MyContentClass.boxes.first.name.should == :images0
@@ -109,10 +125,40 @@
instance.images1.class.superclass.should == MyBoxClass
instance.images2.class.superclass.should == Box
instance.boxes.length.should == 2
+ should "know their ordering in the container" do
+ MyContentClass.box :box1
+ MyContentClass.box :box2
+ MyContentClass.box :box3
+ MyContentClass.box_order :box3, :box2, :box1
+ MyContentClass.boxes.box3.position.should == 0
+ MyContentClass.boxes.box2.position.should == 1
+ MyContentClass.boxes.box1.position.should == 2
+ instance = MyContentClass.new
+ instance.box3.position.should == 0
+ instance.box2.position.should == 1
+ instance.box1.position.should == 2
+ end
+ context "instances" do
+ should "have a connection to their owner" do
+ MyContentClass.box :box1
+ instance = MyContentClass.new
+ instance.box1.owner.should == instance
+ instance.box1.parent.should == instance
+ end
+ should "have a link to their container (which is their owner)" do
+ MyContentClass.box :box1
+ instance = MyContentClass.new
+ instance.box1.container.should == instance
+ instance.box1.container.should == instance
+ end
+ end
context "ranges" do
setup do
MyContentClass.box :images1
MyContentClass.box :images2
MyContentClass.box :images3
@@ -185,12 +231,11 @@
should "allow overwriting of class definitions using a block"
context "Box classes" do
setup do
- Schema.reset!
- Spontaneous.template_root = File.expand_path('../../fixtures/templates/boxes', __FILE__)
+ @site.stubs(:template_root).returns(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/templates/boxes', __FILE__))
class ::Piece < Spontaneous::Piece; end
class ::MyContentClass < ::Piece; end
class ::MyBoxClass < Box; end
MyBoxClass.field :title, :string
MyBoxClass.field :description, :string
@@ -235,88 +280,21 @@
field :name, :string
field :logo, :image
field :description, :string
instance = MyContentClass.new
- instance.partners.name.must_be_instance_of(Spontaneous::FieldTypes::StringField)
+ assert instance.partners.name.class < Spontaneous::FieldTypes::StringField
instance.partners.name = "Howard"
instance.partners.description = "Here is Howard"
instance = Content[instance.id]
instance.partners.name.value.should == "Howard"
instance.partners.description.value.should == "Here is Howard"
- should "default to template in root with the same name" do
- end
- # context "with styles" do
- # setup do
- # MyBoxClass.field :title, :string
- # MyBoxClass.style :christy
- # class ::InheritedStyleBox < MyBoxClass; end
- # class ::WithTemplateBox < Box; end
- # class ::WithoutTemplateBox < Box; end
- # class ::BlankContent < Content; end
- # @content = MyContentClass.new
- # @content.images.title = "whisty"
- # end
- # teardown do
- # Object.send(:remove_const, :InheritedStyleBox)
- # Object.send(:remove_const, :WithTemplateBox)
- # Object.send(:remove_const, :WithoutTemplateBox)
- # Object.send(:remove_const, :BlankContent)
- # end
- # should "render using explicit styles" do
- # @content.images.render.should == "christy: whisty\\n"
- # end
- # should_eventually "allow defining style in definition" do
- # BlankContent.box :images do
- # style :inline_style
- # end
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.images.style.filename.should == "inline_style.html.cut"
- # end
- # should "render using default template style" do
- # BlankContent.box :images, :class => :WithTemplateBox
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.images.render.should == "with_template_box.html.cut\\n"
- # end
- # should "render using global default box styles" do
- # entry = Object.new
- # entry.stubs(:render).returns("<entry>")
- # BlankContent.box :images, :class => :WithoutTemplateBox
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.images.stubs(:pieces).returns([entry])
- # instance.images.render.should == "<entry>"
- # end
- # should "find templates named after box in owning classes template dir" do
- # BlankContent.box :things
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.things.render.should == "blank_content/things.html.cut\\n"
- # end
- # should "not use templates with box name found in root template dir" do
- # BlankContent.box :thangs
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.thangs.render.should == ""
- # end
- # should "inherit styles from their superclass" do
- # BlankContent.box :images, :class => :InheritedStyleBox
- # instance = BlankContent.new
- # instance.images.title = "ytsirhc"
- # instance.images.render.should == "christy: ytsirhc\\n"
- # end
- # end
+ # true?
+ should "default to template in root with the same name"
context "Box content" do
setup do
class ::Piece < Spontaneous::Piece; end
@@ -357,11 +335,13 @@
child1.images << child3
@parent = Content[@parent.id]
child1.reload; child2.reload; child3.reload
+ @parent.images.contents.should == [child1]
@parent.images.pieces.should == [child1]
+ @parent.words.contents.should == [child2]
@parent.words.pieces.should == [child2]
@parent.pieces.should == [child1, child2]
child1.images.pieces.should == [child3]
child1.pieces.should == [child3]
@@ -381,13 +361,29 @@
styled = Content[styled.id]
styled.one.pieces.first.style.name.should == :blank2
styled.two.pieces.first.style.name.should == :blank3
- should "allow selection of subclasses" do
+ should "be insertable at any position" do
+ BlankContent.box :box3
+ BlankContent.box :box4
+ instance = BlankContent.new
+ count = 4
+ [:images, :words, :box3, :box4].map { |name| instance.boxes[name] }.each do |box|
+ count.times { |n| box << StyledContent.new(:label => n)}
+ end
+ instance.box4.insert(1, StyledContent.new(:label => "a"))
+ instance.box4.contents.map { |e| e.label }.should == ["0", "a", "1", "2", "3"]
+ instance.box4.insert(5, StyledContent.new(:label => "b"))
+ instance.box4.contents.map { |e| e.label }.should == ["0", "a", "1", "2", "3", "b"]
+ instance.box3.insert(2, StyledContent.new(:label => "c"))
+ instance.box3.contents.map { |e| e.label }.should == ["0", "1", "c", "2", "3"]
+ should "allow selection of subclasses"
context "Allowed types" do
setup do
class ::Allowed1 < Content
style :frank
style :freddy
@@ -421,10 +417,12 @@
class ::Mixed < Box
allow_subclasses :Allowed1
teardown do
[:Parent, :Allowed1, :Allowed11, :Allowed111, :Allowed2, :Allowed3, :Allowed4, :ChildClass, :Allowable, :Mixed].each { |k| Object.send(:remove_const, k) } rescue nil
@@ -475,10 +473,28 @@
a.parents.available_styles(c).map { |s| s.name }.should == [:arthur, :lancelot]
should "inherit allowed types from superclass" do
ChildClass.allowed.should == Parent.allowed
+ Allowable.boxes.parents.allowed_types(nil).should == [Allowed1, Allowed2, Allowed3]
+ class ::AChild < Allowable
+ box :parents do
+ allow :Allowed11
+ end
+ end
+ class ::AChild2 < AChild
+ box :parents, :title => "Things" do
+ allow :Allowed111
+ end
+ end
+ box = AChild.boxes.parents
+ box.allowed_types(nil).should == [Allowed1, Allowed2, Allowed3, Allowed11]
+ box = AChild2.boxes.parents
+ box.title.should == "Things"
+ box.allowed_types(nil).should == [Allowed1, Allowed2, Allowed3, Allowed11, Allowed111]
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :AChild)
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :AChild2)
should "include a subtype's allowed list as well as the supertype's" do
ChildClass.allow :Allowed4
ChildClass.allowed.map {|a| a.instance_class }.should == (Parent.allowed.map {|a| a.instance_class } + [Allowed4])
@@ -489,9 +505,64 @@
instance.parents.allowed_types.should == Parent.allowed_types
should "correctly allow addition of subclasses" do
Mixed.allowed_types.should == [Allowed11, Allowed111]
+ end
+ end
+ context "Box groups" do
+ setup do
+ class ::A < S::Piece
+ box_group :inner do
+ box :a
+ box :b
+ end
+ box_group :outer do
+ box :c
+ box :d
+ end
+ end
+ class ::B < ::A
+ box_group :outer do
+ box :e
+ end
+ end
+ class ::C < ::B
+ box :f, :group => :inner
+ end
+ @a = ::A.new
+ @b = ::B.new
+ @c = ::C.new
+ [@a, @b, @c].each do |instance|
+ instance.boxes[:a].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[a]")
+ instance.boxes[:b].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[b]")
+ instance.boxes[:c].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[c]")
+ instance.boxes[:d].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[d]")
+ end
+ @b.boxes[:e].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[e]")
+ @c.boxes[:e].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[e]")
+ @c.boxes[:f].stubs(:render).with(anything).returns("[f]")
+ end
+ teardown do
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :A)
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :B)
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :C)
+ end
+ should "successfully allocate boxes" do
+ @a.boxes.inner.render.should == "[a][b]"
+ @a.boxes.outer.render.should == "[c][d]"
+ @b.boxes.inner.render.should == "[a][b]"
+ @b.boxes.outer.render.should == "[c][d][e]"
+ @c.boxes.inner.render.should == "[a][b][f]"
+ @c.boxes.outer.render.should == "[c][d][e]"