lib/spirit/render/html.rb in spirit-0.2 vs lib/spirit/render/html.rb in spirit-0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,137 +1,37 @@
-# ~*~ encoding: utf-8 ~*~
+require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation'
require 'spirit/render/errors'
-require 'spirit/render/sanitize'
require 'spirit/render/templates'
+require 'spirit/render/processable'
+require 'spirit/render/processors'
module Spirit
module Render
# HTML Renderer for Genie Markup Language, which is just GitHub Flavored
# Markdown with Embedded YAML for describing problems. Designed for use
# with Redcarpet.
# @see Spirit::Tilt::Template
# @see
class HTML < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML
+ include Processable
- @sanitize =
- class << self; attr_reader :sanitize end
+ delegate :solutions, to: :problems
+ attr_accessor :navigation, :problems, :nesting
- # Paragraphs that start and end with '---' are treated as embedded YAML
- # and are parsed for questions/answers.
- PROBLEM_REGEX = /^"""$(.*?)^"""$/m
+ use Processors::SanitizeProcessor
+ use Processors::MathProcessor
+ use Processors::LayoutProcessor
+ use Processors::ProblemsProcessor
+ use Processors::PygmentsProcessor
+ use Processors::BlockImageProcessor
+ use Processors::HeadersProcessor
- # Paragraphs that only contain images are rendered with {Spirit::Render::Image}.
- IMAGE_REGEX = /\A\s*<img[^<>]+>\s*\z/m
- # Renderer configuration options.
- hard_wrap: true,
- no_styles: true,
- }
# Creates a new HTML renderer.
- # @param [Hash] options described in the RedCarpet documentation.
- def initialize(options={})
- super CONFIGURATION.merge options
- @nav, @headers =,
- @prob, @img = 0, 0 # indices for Problem #, Figure #
- @name = options.delete(:name) || 'untitled'
- end
- # Pygmentizes code blocks.
- # @param [String] code code block contents
- # @param [String] marker name of language, for syntax highlighting
- # @return [String] highlighted code
- def block_code(code, marker)
- #language, type, id = (marker || 'text').split ':'
- #highlighted = Albino.colorize code, language
- language, _, _ = (marker || 'text').split ':'
- Albino.colorize code, language
- # TODO
- #case type
- #when 'demo', 'test'
- # executable id: id, raw: code, colored: highlighted
- #else highlighted end
- end
- # Detects block images and renders them as such.
- # @return [String] rendered html
- def paragraph(text)
- case text
- when IMAGE_REGEX then block_image(text)
- else p(text) end
- rescue RenderError => e # fall back to paragraph
- Spirit.logger.warn e.message
- p(text)
- end
- # Increases all header levels by one and keeps a navigation bar.
- # @return [String] rendered html
- def header(text, level)
- html, name = h(text, level += 1)
- @nav.append(text, name) if level == 2
- html
- end
- # Runs a first pass through the document to look for problem blocks.
- # @param [String] document markdown document
- def preprocess(document)
- document.gsub(PROBLEM_REGEX) { |yaml| problem $1 }
- end
- # Sanitizes the final document.
- # @param [String] document html document
- # @return [String] sanitized document
- def postprocess(document)
- HTML.sanitize.clean(@nav.render + document.force_encoding('utf-8'))
- end
- private
- # Prepares an executable code block.
- # @option opts [String] id author-supplied ID
- # @option opts [String] raw code to execute
- # @option opts [String] colored syntax highlighted code
- # @return [String]
- #def executable(opts)
- # opts[:colored] + @exe.render(, id: opts[:id], raw: opts[:raw])
- #end
- # Prepares a problem form. Returns +yaml+ if the given text does not
- # contain valid yaml markup for a problem.
- # @param [String] yaml YAML markup
- # @return [String] rendered HTML
- def problem(yaml)
- problem = Problem.parse(yaml)
- Spirit.logger.record :problem, "ID: #{}"
-!(@name) and problem.render(index: @prob += 1)
- rescue RenderError
- yaml
- end
- # Prepares a block image. Raises {RenderError} if the given text does not
- # contain a valid image block.
- # @param [String] text markdown text
- # @return [String] rendered HTML
- def block_image(text)
- Image.parse(text).render(index: @img += 1)
- end
- # Wraps the given text with header tags.
- # @return [String] rendered HTML
- # @return [String] anchor name
- def h(text, level)
- header = @headers.add(text, level)
- return header.render,
- end
- # Wraps the given text with paragraph tags.
- # @param [String] text paragraph text
- # @return [String] rendered html
- def p(text)
- '<p>' + text + '</p>'
+ # @param [Hash] opts described in the RedCarpet documentation
+ def initialize(opts={})
+ super RENDERER_CONFIG.merge opts