lib/sparklines.rb in sparklines-0.5.0 vs lib/sparklines.rb in sparklines-0.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
Licensed under the MIT license.
class Sparklines
- VERSION = '0.5.0'
+ VERSION = '0.5.1'
@@label_margin = 5.0
@@pointsize = 10.0
class << self
@@ -85,33 +85,33 @@
# Plots a sparkline and returns a Magic::Image object.
def plot_to_image(data=[], options={})
defaults = {
- :type => 'smooth',
- :height => 14,
- :upper => 50,
- :diameter => 20,
- :step => 2,
- :line_color => 'lightgrey',
+ :type => 'smooth',
+ :height => 14,
+ :upper => 50,
+ :diameter => 20,
+ :step => 2,
+ :line_color => 'lightgrey',
- :above_color => 'red',
- :below_color => 'grey',
+ :above_color => 'red',
+ :below_color => 'grey',
:background_color => 'white',
- :share_color => 'red',
- :remain_color => 'lightgrey',
- :min_color => 'blue',
- :max_color => 'green',
- :last_color => 'red',
- :std_dev_color => '#efefef',
+ :share_color => 'red',
+ :remain_color => 'lightgrey',
+ :min_color => 'blue',
+ :max_color => 'green',
+ :last_color => 'red',
+ :std_dev_color => '#efefef',
- :has_min => false,
- :has_max => false,
- :has_last => false,
- :has_std_dev => false,
+ :has_min => false,
+ :has_max => false,
+ :has_last => false,
+ :has_std_dev => false,
- :label => nil
+ :label => nil
# HACK for HashWithIndifferentAccess
options_sym =
options.keys.each do |key|
@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@
# Returns a blob.
def plot(data=[], options={})
plot_to_image(data, options).to_blob
# Writes a graph to disk with the specified filename, or "sparklines.png".
def plot_to_file(filename="sparklines.png", data=[], options={}) filename, 'wb' ) do |png|
png << self.plot( data, options)
@@ -249,32 +249,48 @@
# A bar graph.
+ #
+ # Also takes :target option (a line will be drawn) and :upper (values
+ # under will be drawn in :below_color, above in :above_color).
def bar
- step = @options[:step].to_f
- height = @options[:height].to_f
+ step = @options[:step].to_f
+ height = @options[:height].to_f
+ width = ((@norm_data.size - 1) * step).to_f
background_color = @options[:background_color]
create_canvas(@norm_data.length * step + 2, height, background_color)
- upper = @options[:upper].to_f
- below_color = @options[:below_color]
- above_color = @options[:above_color]
+ upper = @options[:upper].to_f
+ below_color = @options[:below_color]
+ above_color = @options[:above_color]
+ target = @options.has_key?(:target) ? @options[:target].to_f : nil
+ target_color = @options[:target_color] || 'white'
i = 1
+ # raise @norm_data.to_yaml
+ max_normalized = @norm_data.max
@norm_data.each_with_index do |r, index|
- color = (r >= upper) ? above_color : below_color
+ color = (@data[index] >= upper) ? above_color : below_color
- @draw.rectangle( i, @canvas.rows,
- i + step - 2, @canvas.rows - ( (r / @maximum_value) * @canvas.rows) )
+ bar_height_from_top = @canvas.rows - ( (r.to_f / max_normalized.to_f) * @canvas.rows)
+ @draw.rectangle( i, @canvas.rows, i + step - 2, bar_height_from_top )
i += step
+ unless target.nil?
+ normalized_target_value = ((target.to_f - @minimum_value)/(@maximum_value - @minimum_value)) * 100.0
+ adjusted_target_value = (height - 3 - normalized_target_value/(101.0/(height-4))).to_i
+ @draw.stroke(target_color)
+ open_ended_polyline([[-5, adjusted_target_value], [width + 5, adjusted_target_value]])
+ end
@@ -413,32 +429,31 @@
# :underneath_color - A string or color code representing the color that will be used to fill in the area underneath the line. Optional.
# :target - A 1px horizontal line will be drawn at this value. Useful for showing an average.
# :target_color - Color of the target line. Defaults to white.
def smooth
+ step = @options[:step].to_f
+ height = @options[:height].to_f
+ width = ((@norm_data.size - 1) * step).to_f
- step = @options[:step].to_f
- height = @options[:height].to_f
- width = ((@norm_data.size - 1) * step).to_f
background_color = @options[:background_color]
create_canvas(width, height, background_color)
- min_color = @options[:min_color]
- max_color = @options[:max_color]
- last_color = @options[:last_color]
- has_min = @options[:has_min]
- has_max = @options[:has_max]
- has_last = @options[:has_last]
- line_color = @options[:line_color]
- has_std_dev = @options[:has_std_dev]
- std_dev_color = @options[:std_dev_color]
+ min_color = @options[:min_color]
+ max_color = @options[:max_color]
+ last_color = @options[:last_color]
+ has_min = @options[:has_min]
+ has_max = @options[:has_max]
+ has_last = @options[:has_last]
+ line_color = @options[:line_color]
+ has_std_dev = @options[:has_std_dev]
+ std_dev_color = @options[:std_dev_color]
- target = @options.has_key?(:target) ? @options[:target].to_f : nil
- target_color = @options[:target_color] || 'white'
+ target = @options.has_key?(:target) ? @options[:target].to_f : nil
+ target_color = @options[:target_color] || 'white'
drawstddevbox(width,height,std_dev_color) if has_std_dev == true
coords = []
@@ -475,18 +490,20 @@
# whisker and off values create a down whisker. Exceptional values may be
# colored differently than regular values to indicate, for example, a shut out.
# No value produces an empty row to indicate a tie.
# * results - an array of integer values between -2 and 2. -2 is exceptional
- # down, 1 is regular down, 0 is no value, 1 is up, and 2 is exceptional up.
+ # down, -1 is regular down, 0 is no value, 1 is up, and 2 is exceptional up.
# * options - a hash that takes parameters
# :height - height of the sparkline
# :whisker_color - the color of regular whiskers; defaults to black
# :exception_color - the color of exceptional whiskers; defaults to red
+ #
+ # :step - Spacing for whiskers. Includes the whisker itself. Default 2.
def whisker
step = @options[:step].to_i
height = @options[:height].to_f
@@ -537,11 +554,11 @@
# :good - Numeric. Maximum value that will be shown on the graph. Required.
# :height - Numeric. Defaults to 15. Should be a multiple of three.
# :width - This graph expands to any specified width. Defaults to 100.
- #
+ #
# :bad - Numeric. A darker shade background will be drawn up to this point.
# :satisfactory - Numeric. A medium background will be drawn up to this point.
# :target - Numeric value. A thin vertical bar will be drawn.
@@ -607,11 +624,18 @@
def normalize_data
- @minimum_value = @data.min
+ case @options[:type].to_s
+ when 'bar'
+ @minimum_value = 0.0
+ else
+ @minimum_value = @data.min
+ end
@maximum_value = @data.max
case @options[:type].to_s
when 'pie'
@norm_data = @data
when 'bullet'
@norm_data = @data