spec/spanx/actor/log_reader_spec.rb in spanx-0.1.1 vs spec/spanx/actor/log_reader_spec.rb in spanx-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,68 +1,105 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'file/tail'
require 'timeout'
require 'thread'
require 'tempfile'
+require 'timecop'
describe Spanx::Actor::LogReader do
- def test_log_file(file, expected_ip_count, expected_line_count, whitelist = nil)
- counter = 0
- ip_hash = {}
- reader = Spanx::Actor::LogReader.new(file, Queue.new, 1, whitelist)
- reader.file.backward(1000)
+ subject(:reader) { Spanx::Actor::LogReader.new(files, queue, 1, whitelist) }
+ let(:files) { [] }
+ let(:queue) { [] }
+ let(:whitelist) { nil }
+ let(:read_timeout) { 0.1 }
- t_reader = Thread.new do
- begin
- timeout(read_timeout) do
- reader.read do |ip|
- counter += 1
- ip_hash[ip] ||= 0
- ip_hash[ip] += 1
+ describe '#read' do
+ let(:tempfile) { Tempfile.new('access.log') }
+ let!(:file) { Spanx::Actor::File.new(tempfile.path) }
+ it 'yields each ip in a file as it is written' do
+ expect { |b|
+ reader_thread = Thread.new do
+ begin
+ timeout(read_timeout) do
+ reader.read(file, &b)
+ end
+ rescue TimeoutError
- rescue TimeoutError
- end
+ ::File.open(tempfile.path, 'a') do |t|
+ t.puts ' - some stuff'
+ t.puts ' - some other stuff'
+ t.puts ' - whoa moar stuff'
+ end
+ reader_thread.join
+ }.to yield_successive_args('', '', '')
- yield if block_given?
+ context 'if a line matches a whitelist' do
+ let(:whitelist) { double }
- t_reader.join
+ before do
+ allow(whitelist).to receive(:match?).with(" - some stuff\n").and_return(true)
+ allow(whitelist).to receive(:match?).with(" - some other stuff\n").and_return(false)
+ end
- counter.should eql(expected_line_count)
- ip_hash.keys.size.should eql(expected_ip_count)
- end
+ it 'skips that line' do
+ expect { |b|
+ reader_thread = Thread.new do
+ begin
+ timeout(read_timeout) do
+ reader.read(file, &b)
+ end
+ rescue TimeoutError
+ end
+ end
- let(:file_name) { "spec/fixtures/access.log.1" }
- let(:read_timeout) { 0.05 }
+ ::File.open(tempfile.path, 'a') do |t|
+ t.puts ' - some stuff'
+ t.puts ' - some other stuff'
+ end
- context "#read" do
- it "should be able to read and parse IPs from a static file" do
- test_log_file(file_name, 82, 104)
+ reader_thread.join
+ }.to yield_successive_args('')
+ end
+ end
- it "should be able to read and parse IPs from a file being appended to" do
- tempfile = Tempfile.new("access.log")
+ describe '#run' do
+ let!(:file1) { Tempfile.new('log.log') }
+ let!(:file2) { Tempfile.new('loge.log') }
+ let!(:files) { [file1.path, file2.path] }
+ let(:read_timeout) { 0.1 }
- contents = ::File.read(file_name)
- tempfile.write(contents)
- tempfile.close
+ after do
+ file1.close
+ file2.close
+ end
- test_log_file(tempfile.path, 83, 105) do
- t_log_appender = Thread.new do
- ::File.open(tempfile.path, "a") do |t|
- t.write(" - content")
+ xit 'pushes ips from each watched file onto queue' do
+ Timecop.freeze(Time.at(1409270561))
+ runner = Thread.new do
+ begin
+ timeout(read_timeout) do
+ reader.run
+ reader.threads.last.join
+ rescue TimeoutError
- t_log_appender.join
- end
- end
- context "#whitelist" do
- let(:whitelist_file) { "spec/fixtures/whitelist.txt" }
- it "should exclude googlebot log lines" do
- test_log_file("spec/fixtures/access.log.bots", 1, 1, Spanx::Whitelist.new(whitelist_file))
+ sleep 1
+ file1.puts ' - everyone loves a log!'
+ file2.puts ' - only some people love a loge'
+ runner.join
+ expect(queue).to match_array([['', 1409270561], ['', 1409270561]])