lib/soulmate/loader.rb in soulmate-0.0.6 vs lib/soulmate/loader.rb in soulmate-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@
class Loader < Base
def load(items)
# delete the sorted sets for this type
- # wrap in multi/exec?
phrases = Soulmate.redis.smembers(base)
- phrases.each do |p|
- Soulmate.redis.del("#{base}:#{p}")
+ Soulmate.redis.pipelined do
+ phrases.each do |p|
+ Soulmate.redis.del("#{base}:#{p}")
+ end
+ Soulmate.redis.del(base)
- Soulmate.redis.del(base)
# Redis can continue serving cached requests for this type while the reload is
# occuring. Some requests may be cached incorrectly as empty set (for requests
# which come in after the above delete, but before the loading completes). But
# everything will work itself out as soon as the cache expires again.
@@ -30,29 +31,33 @@
raise ArgumentError unless item["id"] && item["term"]
# kill any old items with this id
remove("id" => item["id"]) unless opts[:skip_duplicate_check]
- # store the raw data in a separate key to reduce memory usage
- Soulmate.redis.hset(database, item["id"], MultiJson.encode(item))
- phrase = ([item["term"]] + (item["aliases"] || [])).join(' ')
- prefixes_for_phrase(phrase).each do |p|
- Soulmate.redis.sadd(base, p) # remember this prefix in a master set
- Soulmate.redis.zadd("#{base}:#{p}", item["score"], item["id"]) # store the id of this term in the index
+ Soulmate.redis.pipelined do
+ # store the raw data in a separate key to reduce memory usage
+ Soulmate.redis.hset(database, item["id"], MultiJson.encode(item))
+ phrase = ([item["term"]] + (item["aliases"] || [])).join(' ')
+ prefixes_for_phrase(phrase).each do |p|
+ Soulmate.redis.sadd(base, p) # remember this prefix in a master set
+ Soulmate.redis.zadd("#{base}:#{p}", item["score"], item["id"]) # store the id of this term in the index
+ end
# remove only cares about an item's id, but for consistency takes an object
def remove(item)
prev_item = Soulmate.redis.hget(database, item["id"])
if prev_item
prev_item = MultiJson.decode(prev_item)
# undo the operations done in add
- Soulmate.redis.hdel(database, prev_item["id"])
- phrase = ([prev_item["term"]] + (prev_item["aliases"] || [])).join(' ')
- prefixes_for_phrase(phrase).each do |p|
- Soulmate.redis.srem(base, p)
- Soulmate.redis.zrem("#{base}:#{p}", prev_item["id"])
+ Soulmate.redis.pipelined do
+ Soulmate.redis.hdel(database, prev_item["id"])
+ phrase = ([prev_item["term"]] + (prev_item["aliases"] || [])).join(' ')
+ prefixes_for_phrase(phrase).each do |p|
+ Soulmate.redis.srem(base, p)
+ Soulmate.redis.zrem("#{base}:#{p}", prev_item["id"])
+ end
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