lib/sord/rbi_generator.rb in sord-0.6.0 vs lib/sord/rbi_generator.rb in sord-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,57 +10,86 @@
# @return [Array<String>] The lines of the generated RBI file so far.
attr_reader :rbi_contents
# @return [Integer] The number of objects this generator has processed so
# far.
- attr_reader :object_count
+ def object_count
+ @namespace_count + @method_count
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Array(String, YARD::CodeObjects::Base, Integer)>] The
+ # errors encountered by by the generator. Each element is of the form
+ # [message, item, line].
+ attr_reader :warnings
# Create a new RBI generator.
# @param [Hash] options
# @return [RbiGenerator]
def initialize(options)
@rbi_contents = ['# typed: strong']
- @object_count = 0
+ @namespace_count = 0
+ @method_count = 0
+ @warnings = []
# Hook the logger so that messages are added as comments to the RBI file
- Logging.add_hook do |type, msg, item|
- rbi_contents << " # sord #{type} - #{msg}"
+ Logging.add_hook do |type, msg, item, indent_level = 0|
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}# sord #{type} - #{msg}"
end if options.comments
+ # Hook the logger so that warnings are collected
+ Logging.add_hook do |type, msg, item, indent_level = 0|
+ warnings << [msg, item, rbi_contents.length] \
+ if type == :warn
+ end
- # Increment the object counter.
+ # Increment the namespace counter.
# @return [void]
- def count_object
- @object_count += 1
+ def count_namespace
+ @namespace_count += 1
+ # Increment the method counter.
+ # @return [void]
+ def count_method
+ @method_count += 1
+ end
# Given a YARD CodeObject, add lines defining its mixins (that is, extends
# and includes) to the current RBI file.
# @param [YARD::CodeObjects::Base] item
+ # @param [Integer] indent_level
# @return [void]
- def add_mixins(item)
+ def add_mixins(item, indent_level)
extends = item.instance_mixins
includes = item.class_mixins
extends.each do |this_extend|
- rbi_contents << " extend #{this_extend.path}"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}extend #{this_extend.path}"
includes.each do |this_include|
- rbi_contents << " include #{this_include.path}"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}include #{this_include.path}"
# Given a YARD NamespaceObject, add lines defining its methods and their
# signatures to the current RBI file.
# @param [YARD::CodeObjects::NamespaceObject] item
+ # @param [Integer] indent_level
# @return [void]
- def add_methods(item)
+ def add_methods(item, indent_level)
# TODO: block documentation
item.meths.each do |meth|
- count_object
+ count_method
+ # If the method is an alias, skip it so we don't define it as a
+ # separate method. Sorbet will handle it automatically.
+ if meth.is_alias?
+ next
+ end
parameter_list = do |name, default|
# Handle these three main cases:
# - def method(param) or def method(param:)
# - def method(param: 'default')
# - def method(param = 'default')
@@ -93,65 +122,66 @@
# Look for the matching getter method
getter_path = meth.path[0...-1]
getter = item.meths.find { |m| m.path == getter_path }
unless getter
- Logging.omit("no YARD type given for #{name.inspect}, using T.untyped", meth)
+ Logging.omit("no YARD type given for #{name.inspect}, using T.untyped", meth, indent_level)
next "#{name}: T.untyped"
inferred_type = TypeConverter.yard_to_sorbet(
getter.tags('return').flat_map(&:types), meth)
- Logging.infer("inferred type of parameter #{name.inspect} as #{inferred_type} using getter's return type", meth)
+ Logging.infer("inferred type of parameter #{name.inspect} as #{inferred_type} using getter's return type", meth, indent_level)
# Get rid of : on keyword arguments.
name = name.chop if name.end_with?(':')
"#{name}: #{inferred_type}"
- Logging.omit("no YARD type given for #{name.inspect}, using T.untyped", meth)
+ Logging.omit("no YARD type given for #{name.inspect}, using T.untyped", meth, indent_level)
# Get rid of : on keyword arguments.
name = name.chop if name.end_with?(':')
"#{name}: T.untyped"
end.join(", ")
return_tags = meth.tags('return')
returns = if return_tags.length == 0
- elsif return_tags.length == 1 && return_tags.first.types.first.downcase == "void"
+ elsif return_tags.length == 1 && return_tags&.first&.types&.first&.downcase == "void"
"returns(#{TypeConverter.yard_to_sorbet(meth.tag('return').types, meth)})"
prefix = meth.scope == :class ? 'self.' : ''
- sig = sig_params_list.empty? ? " sig { #{returns} }" : " sig { params(#{sig_params_list}).#{returns} }"
+ sig = sig_params_list.empty? ? "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}sig { #{returns} }" : "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}sig { params(#{sig_params_list}).#{returns} }"
rbi_contents << sig
- rbi_contents << " def #{prefix}#{}(#{parameter_list}); end"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * (indent_level + 1)}def #{prefix}#{}(#{parameter_list}); end"
# Given a YARD NamespaceObject, add lines defining its mixins, methods
# and children to the RBI file.
# @param [YARD::CodeObjects::NamespaceObject] item
- def add_namespace(item)
- count_object
+ # @param [Integer] indent_level
+ def add_namespace(item, indent_level = 0)
+ count_namespace
if item.type == :class && item.superclass.to_s != "Object"
- rbi_contents << "class #{} < #{item.superclass.path}"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * indent_level}class #{} < #{item.superclass.path}"
- rbi_contents << "#{item.type} #{}"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * indent_level}#{item.type} #{}"
- add_mixins(item)
- add_methods(item)
+ add_mixins(item, indent_level)
+ add_methods(item, indent_level) { |x| [:class, :module].include?(x.type) }
- .each { |child| add_namespace(child) }
+ .each { |child| add_namespace(child, indent_level + 1) }
- rbi_contents << "end"
+ rbi_contents << "#{' ' * indent_level}end"
# Generates the RBI file and writes it to the given file path.
# @param [String] filename
# @return [void]
@@ -169,14 +199,32 @@
.each { |child| add_namespace(child) }
# Write the file
File.write(filename, rbi_contents.join(?\n))
- Logging.done("Processed #{object_count} objects")
+ if
+ Logging.warn("No objects processed.")
+ Logging.warn("Have you definitely generated the YARD documentation for this project?")
+ Logging.warn("Run `yard` to generate docs.")
+ end
+ Logging.done("Processed #{object_count} objects (#{@namespace_count} namespaces and #{@method_count} methods)")
+ Logging.hooks.clear
+ unless warnings.empty?
+ Logging.warn("There were #{warnings.length} important warnings in the RBI file, listed below.")
+ Logging.warn("The types which caused them have been replaced with SORD_ERROR_ constants.")
+ Logging.warn("Please edit the file near the line numbers given to fix these errors.")
+ Logging.warn("Alternatively, edit your YARD documentation so that your types are valid and re-run Sord.")
+ warnings.each do |(msg, item, line)|
+ puts " #{"Line #{line} |".light_black} (#{item.path.bold}) #{msg}"
+ end
+ end
$@.each do |line|
- puts " #{line}".light_white
+ puts " #{line}"