bin/somadic in somadic-0.0.2 vs bin/somadic in somadic-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -8,254 +8,16 @@
require 'readline'
require 'yaml'
SOMADIC_PATH = ENV['HOME'] + '/.somadic'
-module OS
- def
- (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil
- end
- def OS.mac?
- (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil
- end
- def OS.unix?
- !
- end
- def OS.linux?
- OS.unix? and not OS.mac?
- end
+base_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+Dir["#{base_path}/curses/lib/*.rb"].each do |file|
+ Somadic::Logger.debug("require #{file}")
+ require file
-# Monkey-patches ProgressBar so that it displays periods instead of blank
-# spaces.
-class ProgressBar
- def render_bar
- return '' if bar_width < 2
- "[" +
- "#" * (ratio * (bar_width - 2)).ceil +
- "." * ((1-ratio) * (bar_width - 2)).floor +
- "]"
- end
-# A curses display.
-class Display
- include Curses
- attr_reader :channel
- attr_accessor :kp_queue, :stopped, :search_phrase, :inputting
- def initialize
- curses_init
- @bar =, :bar)
- @kp_queue =
- start_keypress_thread
- end
- # Refreshes the display.
- def refresh
- Somadic::Logger.debug('Display#refresh')
- Curses.clear
- Curses.refresh
- end
- def search(channel)
- #cpos Curses.lines - 1, 0
- @inputting = true
- Curses.close_screen
- @search_phrase = Readline.readline('Go to channel: ', true)
- @search_phrase = '' unless @search_phrase[':']
- cwrite Curses.lines - 1, 0, ''
- @inputting = false
- end
- def clear_search
- cwrite Curses.lines - 1, 0, ''
- end
- # Updates the display.
- def update(channel = nil, songs = nil)
- @channel = channel if channel
- @songs = songs if songs
- return if @channel.nil? || @songs.nil?
- cur_song = @songs.first
- return if cur_song.nil?
- # times
- start_time =[:started]) rescue
- duration = cur_song[:duration]
- if @stopped
- end_time = nil
- elapsed = ( - start_time).to_i
- remains = '][ Paused ]'
- elsif duration <= 0
- end_time = nil
- elapsed = ( - start_time).to_i
- remains = duration < 0 ?
- '][ Updating ]' :
- "][ #{format_secs(elapsed)} ]"
- else
- end_time = start_time + duration
- remains = "][ #{format_secs(( - start_time).to_i)} " \
- "/ #{format_secs(duration)} ]"
- end
- # current song
- track = cur_song[:track]
- channel_and_track = "[ #{clean_channel_name(@channel[:name])} > #{track}"
- up = cur_song[:votes][:up]
- down = cur_song[:votes][:down]
- votes = up + down != 0 ? "+#{up}/-#{down}" : ''
- space_len = Curses.cols - votes.length - channel_and_track.length - remains.length - 1
- spaces = space_len > 0 ? ' ' * space_len : ' '
- line = "#{channel_and_track}#{spaces}#{votes} #{remains}"
- over = Curses.cols - line.length
- if over < 0
- channel_and_track = channel_and_track[0..over - 1]
- line = "#{channel_and_track}#{spaces}#{votes} #{remains}"
- end
- cwrite 0, 0, line, curses_reverse
- # current song progress
- unless @stopped
- if duration <= 0
- @bar.max = @bar.count = 100
- else
- @bar.max = duration
- @bar.count = ( - start_time).to_i
- end
- cwrite 1, 0, @bar.to_s, curses_bold
- end
- # song history
- row = 2
- @songs[1..6].each do |song|
- up = song[:votes][:up]
- down = song[:votes][:down]
- votes = up + down != 0 ? " +#{up}/-#{down} :" : ''
- if song[:duration] == 0
- duration =[:started]).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- else
- duration = format_secs(song[:duration])
- end
- track = ": #{song[:track]}"
- votes_and_duration = "#{votes} #{duration} :"
- space_len = Curses.cols - track.length - votes_and_duration.length
- spaces = space_len > 0 ? ' ' * space_len : ''
- line = "#{track}#{spaces}#{votes_and_duration}"
- if space_len < 0
- spaces = ' '
- track = track[0..space_len - 2]
- line = "#{track}#{spaces}#{votes_and_duration}"
- end
- cwrite row, 0, line, curses_dim
- row += 1
- end
- # TODO: this works around the dupe thing @startup, but it shouldn't be
- # necessary
- cwrite row, 0, ''
- cpos Curses.lines - 1, 0
- end
- private
- def start_keypress_thread
- do
- loop do
- unless @inputting
- ch = Curses.getch
- @kp_queue << ch if ch
- end
- sleep 0.1
- end
- end
- end
- # Curses init
- def curses_init
- #Curses.noecho
- #Curses.curs_set(0)
- Curses.timeout = -1
- Curses.init_screen
- Curses.start_color
- end
- # Curses write
- def cwrite(row, col, message, color = nil)
- Curses.setpos(row, col)
- Curses.clrtoeol
- if color
- Curses.attron(color) { Curses.addstr(message) }
- else
- Curses.addstr(message)
- end
- Curses.refresh
- end
- # Cursor pos
- def cpos(row, col)
- Curses.setpos(row, col)
- Curses.refresh
- end
- # Colors/styles.
- def curses_bold
- curses_white|A_BOLD
- end
- def curses_reverse
- curses_white|A_REVERSE
- end
- def curses_dim
- curses_white|A_DIM
- end
- def curses_white
- color_pair(COLOR_WHITE)
- end
- # Formats `seconds` to hours, mins, secs.
- def format_secs(seconds)
- secs = seconds.abs
- hours = 0
- if secs > 3600
- hours = secs / 3600
- secs -= 3600 * hours
- end
- mins = secs / 60
- secs = secs % 60
- h = hours > 0 ? "#{"%1d" % hours}:" : " "
- "#{h}#{"%02d" % mins}:#{"%02d" % secs}"
- end
- # Cleans up soma channel names.
- def clean_channel_name(name)
- cname = name.gsub(/130$/, '')
- cname.gsub!(/64$/, '')
- cname
- end
Signal.trap("INT") do |sig|
@@ -345,17 +107,17 @@
Somadic::Logger.error("kp_queue.pop error: #{te}")
unless keypresses.empty?
keypresses.each do |kp|
- # Somadic::Logger.debug("kp: #{kp} (a #{kp.class}) (searching=#{searching})")
case kp
when ' '
@channel.send(stopped ? :start : :stop)
stopped = !stopped
when 'c'
- dump_channels
+ chanlist = @channel.channel_list
+ @display.show_channels(chanlist)
when 'n'
when 'N'
when 'q'
@@ -377,15 +139,9 @@
@display.stopped = stopped
sleep 0.1
- end
-def dump_channels
- @channel.channels.each do |c|
- Somadic::Logger.debug("channel: #{c}")
def goto_channel(channel)