lib/solrizer/fedora/solrizer.rb in solrizer-fedora-1.1.3 vs lib/solrizer/fedora/solrizer.rb in solrizer-fedora-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,19 +3,25 @@
require 'solrizer/fedora/indexer'
require 'solrizer/xml'
require 'solrizer/html'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
# Let people explicitly require xml support if they want it ...
# require 'solrizer/xml.rb'
require 'fastercsv' # this is used by solrize_objects when you pass it a csv file of pids
require "ruby-debug"
module Solrizer::Fedora
class Solrizer
+ :pid, :label, :fType, :cModel, :state, :ownerId, :cDate, :mDate, :dcmDate,
+ :bMech, :title, :creator, :subject, :description, :contributor,
+ :date, :type, :format, :identifier, :source, :language, :relation, :coverage, :rights
+ ]
attr_accessor :indexer, :index_full_text
# This method initializes the indexer
@@ -91,11 +97,11 @@
num_docs = 1000000 # modify this number to guarantee that all the objects are retrieved from the repository
puts "WARNING: You have turned off indexing of Full Text content. Be sure to re-run indexer with @@index_full_text set to true in main.rb" if index_full_text == false
if @@index_list == false
- objects = ::Fedora::Repository.instance.find_objects(:limit=>num_docs)
+ objects = find_objects(:limit=>num_docs)
puts "Shelving #{objects.length} Fedora objects"
objects.each do |object|
solrize( object, opts )
@@ -116,8 +122,22 @@
puts "#{@@index_list} does not exists!"
end #if File.exists
end #if Index_LISTS
end #solrize_objects
+ def find_objects(*args)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Missing query string" unless args.length >= 1
+ options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
+ params = {}
+ params[:query] = ''
+ params[:maxResults] = options[:limit] if options[:limit]
+ params[:pid] = true
+ connection = ActiveFedora::RubydoraConnection.instance.connection
+ response = Hash.from_xml(connection.find_objects(params))
+ response["result"]["resultList"]["objectFields"].map{|x| x["pid"]}
+ end
end #class
end #module