spec/commands/generator_spec.rb in softcover-0.6.10 vs spec/commands/generator_spec.rb in softcover-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
describe "book.yml" do
subject(:yml) { YAML.load_file(File.join name, 'book.yml') }
it "should have the right title" do
- expect(yml['title']).to eq name
+ expect(yml['title']).to eq "Title of the Book"
it "should have the right copyright year" do
expect(yml['copyright']).to eq Time.new.year
@@ -47,23 +47,19 @@
it "should build all formats without error" do
expect { `softcover build` }.not_to raise_error
- describe "base LaTeX file" do
- subject(:base) { 'foo_bar.tex' }
- it { should exist }
- it "should use the 14-point extbook doctype" do
- expect(File.read(base)).to match(/\[14pt\]\{extbook\}/)
- end
- end
it "should have chapter files" do
expect('chapters/a_chapter.tex').to exist
expect('chapters/another_chapter.tex').to exist
+ it "should have Book.txt" do
+ expect(Softcover::BookManifest::TXT_PATH).to exist
+ end
it "should not have the markdown files" do
expect('chapters/a_chapter.md').not_to exist
it "should have a README" do
@@ -106,26 +102,12 @@
describe "styles" do
it "should have a right style file" do
expect('softcover.sty').to exist
- it "should include the right style file by default" do
- book_base = File.read('foo_bar.tex')
- expect(book_base).to match(/^\\usepackage{softcover}/)
- end
- describe "base LaTeX file" do
- subject { File.read('foo_bar.tex') }
- it { should match(/\\include{chapters\/a_chapter}/) }
- it { should match(/\\include{chapters\/another_chapter}/) }
- it { should match(/\\title{.*?}/) }
- it { should match(/\\author{.*?}/) }
- end
shared_examples "a chapter" do
it { should include('\chapter') }
it { should include('\label') }
@@ -136,132 +118,8 @@
describe "second chapter file" do
subject { File.read('chapters/another_chapter.tex') }
it_should_behave_like "a chapter"
- end
- end
- context "generate simple book_base in non-book directory" do
- before(:all) do
- chdir_to_non_book
- @name = 'foo_bar'
- Softcover::Commands::Generator.generate_file_tree @name, simple: true,
- polytex: true
- end
- let(:name) { @name }
- before do
- chdir_to_non_book
- end
- after(:all) do
- chdir_to_non_book
- FileUtils.rm_rf name
- end
- it "should copy files" do
- expect(Softcover::Commands::Generator.verify!).to be_true
- end
- context "generated contents from template" do
- before { Dir.chdir(name) }
- it "should build all formats without error" do
- expect { `softcover build` }.not_to raise_error
- end
- describe "base LaTeX file" do
- subject(:base) { 'foo_bar.tex' }
- it { should exist }
- describe "contents" do
- subject(:text) { File.read(base) }
- it { should match /\[14pt\]\{extbook\}/ }
- it { should_not match /frontmatter/ }
- it { should_not match /mainmatter/ }
- end
- end
- it "should have chapter files" do
- expect('chapters/a_chapter.tex').to exist
- expect('chapters/another_chapter.tex').to exist
- end
- it "should not have preface file" do
- expect('chapters/preface.tex').not_to exist
- end
- end
- end
- context "generate Markdown book in non-book directory" do
- before(:all) do
- chdir_to_non_book
- @name = 'foo_bar'
- Softcover::Commands::Generator.generate_file_tree @name
- end
- let(:name) { @name }
- before do
- chdir_to_non_book
- end
- after(:all) do
- chdir_to_non_book
- FileUtils.rm_rf name
- end
- it "should copy files" do
- expect(Softcover::Commands::Generator.verify!).to be_true
- end
- context "generated contents from template" do
- before { Dir.chdir(name) }
- it "should build all formats without error" do
- expect { `softcover build` }.not_to raise_error
- end
- describe "base LaTeX file" do
- subject(:base) { 'foo_bar.tex' }
- it { should exist }
- it "should use the 14-point extbook doctype" do
- expect(File.read(base)).to match(/\[14pt\]\{extbook\}/)
- end
- end
- it "should have the markdown files" do
- expect('chapters/a_chapter.md').to exist
- expect('chapters/another_chapter.md').to exist
- end
- end
- end
- context "overwriting" do
- let(:name) { 'bar' }
- before do
- chdir_to_non_book
- $stdin.should_receive(:gets).and_return("a")
- silence do
- 2.times do
- Softcover::Commands::Generator.generate_file_tree name, polytex: true
- end
- end
- end
- after do
- chdir_to_non_book
- FileUtils.rm_rf name
- end
- it "should overwrite files" do
- expect(Softcover::Commands::Generator.verify!).to be_true