spec/cli_spec.rb in socialcast-1.0.7 vs spec/cli_spec.rb in socialcast-1.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,38 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Socialcast::CLI do
+ describe '#share' do
+ # Expects -u=emily@socialcast.com -p=demo --domain=demo.socialcast.com
+ context 'with a basic message' do
+ before do
+ stub_request(:post, "https://emily%40socialcast.com:demo@demo.socialcast.com/api/messages.xml").
+ with(:body => /<message-type.*nil="true">.*testing/m).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
+ Socialcast::CLI.start ['share', 'testing']
+ end
+ it 'should send a POST with a message body of "testing" and nil message-type' do
+ # See expectations
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with a message_type message' do
+ before do
+ stub_request(:post, "https://emily%40socialcast.com:demo@demo.socialcast.com/api/messages.xml").
+ with(:body => /<message-type>review_request<\/message-type>.*please review/m).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
+ Socialcast::CLI.start ['share', 'please review', '--message_type=review_request']
+ end
+ it 'should send a POST with a message body of "please review" and message_type of "review_request"' do
+ # See expectations
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe '#provision' do
context 'with absolute path to ldap.yml file' do
before do
@entry = Net::LDAP::Entry.new("dc=example,dc=com")
@entry[:mail] = 'ryan@example.com'