lib/soaspec/exchange_handlers/rest_accessors.rb in soaspec-0.1.10 vs lib/soaspec/exchange_handlers/rest_accessors.rb in soaspec-0.1.11
- old
+ new
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
def oauth2_file(path_to_filename)
full_path = Soaspec.credentials_folder ? File.join(Soaspec.credentials_folder, path_to_filename) : path_to_filename
full_path += '.yml' unless full_path.end_with?('.yml')
file_hash = YAML.load_file(full_path)
raise 'File at ' + full_path + ' is not a hash ' unless file_hash.is_a? Hash
- oauth_hash = file_hash.transform_keys_to_symbols
- oauth2 **oauth_hash
+ oauth2 file_hash
# @param [Hash] headers Hash of REST headers used in RestClient
def headers(headers)
define_method('rest_client_headers') do
\ No newline at end of file