lib/soaspec/exchange_handlers/response_extractor.rb in soaspec-0.2.32 vs lib/soaspec/exchange_handlers/response_extractor.rb in soaspec-0.2.33
- old
+ new
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Soaspec
- # Enables extracting a response according to type / path
- module ResponseExtractor
- # Convert XML or JSON response into a Hash. Doesn't accept empty body
- # @param [String] response Response as a String (either in XML or JSON)
- # @return [Hash] Extracted Hash from response
- def extract_hash(response)
- raise NoElementAtPath, "Empty Body. Can't assert on it" if response.body.empty?
- case Interpreter.response_type_for response
- when :xml then parse_xml(response.body.to_s)
- when :json
- converted = JSON.parse(response.body)
- return converted.transform_keys_to_symbols if converted.is_a? Hash
- return!(&:transform_keys_to_symbols) if converted.is_a? Array
- raise 'Incorrect Type produced ' + converted.class
- else
- raise "Neither XML nor JSON detected. It is #{type}. Don't know how to parse It is #{response.body}"
- end
- end
- # @param [Object] response Response object
- # @return [Hash] Hash representing response body
- def to_hash(response)
- case Interpreter.response_type_for(response)
- when :xml then
- when :json
- else
- raise "Unable to interpret type of '#{response.body}'. Could be because of: #{Interpreter.diagnose_error}"
- end
- end
- private
- # @param [String] xml XML to convert
- # @return [Hash] Hash representing XML
- def parse_xml(xml)
- parser = strip_namespaces?, convert_tags_to: ->(tag) { tag.snakecase.to_sym })
- parser.parse(xml)
- end
- # This enables shortcut xpaths to be used. If no '/' is given, one is appended to the start of the path
- # If attribute value is set then this is also adjusted
- # @return [String] New Xpath adjusted according to any add ons
- def prefix_xpath(xpath, attribute)
- xpath = "//*[@#{attribute}]" unless attribute.nil?
- if xpath[0] != '/'
- xpath = convert_to_pascal_case(xpath) if pascal_keys?
- xpath = '//' + xpath
- end
- xpath
- end
- # Convert snakecase to PascalCase
- # @return [String] PascalCase converted path
- def convert_to_pascal_case(key)
- return key if /[[:upper:]]/ =~ key[0] # If first character already capital, don't do conversion
- key.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join
- end
- # Find element with name specified or pascal case equivalent
- # @return [String] String to find paths with pascal converted or given path
- def add_pascal_path(json_path)
- return json_path unless pascal_keys?
- json_path.split(',').collect do |sub_path|
- "#{sub_path},#{convert_to_pascal_case(sub_path)}"
- end.join(',')
- end
- # @param [String] json_path Path set from Exchange
- # @return [String] JSON Path
- def prefix_json_path(json_path)
- return json_path if json_path[0] == '$'
- "$..#{json_path}"
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Soaspec
+ # Enables extracting a response according to type / path
+ module ResponseExtractor
+ # Convert XML or JSON response into a Hash. Doesn't accept empty body
+ # @param [String] response Response as a String (either in XML or JSON)
+ # @return [Hash] Extracted Hash from response
+ def extract_hash(response)
+ raise NoElementAtPath, "Empty Body. Can't assert on it" if response.body.empty?
+ case Interpreter.response_type_for response
+ when :xml then parse_xml(response.body.to_s)
+ when :json
+ converted = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ return converted.transform_keys_to_symbols if converted.is_a? Hash
+ return!(&:transform_keys_to_symbols) if converted.is_a? Array
+ raise 'Incorrect Type produced ' + converted.class
+ else
+ raise "Neither XML nor JSON detected. It is #{type}. Don't know how to parse It is #{response.body}"
+ end
+ end
+ # @param [Object] response Response object
+ # @return [Hash] Hash representing response body
+ def to_hash(response)
+ case Interpreter.response_type_for(response)
+ when :xml then
+ when :json
+ else
+ raise "Unable to interpret type of '#{response.body}'. Could be because of: #{Interpreter.diagnose_error}"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # @param [String] xml XML to convert
+ # @return [Hash] Hash representing XML
+ def parse_xml(xml)
+ parser = strip_namespaces?, convert_tags_to: ->(tag) { tag.snakecase.to_sym })
+ parser.parse(xml)
+ end
+ # This enables shortcut xpaths to be used. If no '/' is given, one is appended to the start of the path
+ # If attribute value is set then this is also adjusted
+ # @return [String] New Xpath adjusted according to any add ons
+ def prefix_xpath(xpath, attribute)
+ xpath = "//*[@#{attribute}]" unless attribute.nil?
+ if xpath[0] != '/'
+ xpath = convert_to_pascal_case(xpath) if pascal_keys?
+ xpath = '//' + xpath
+ end
+ xpath
+ end
+ # Convert snakecase to PascalCase
+ # @return [String] PascalCase converted path
+ def convert_to_pascal_case(key)
+ return key if /[[:upper:]]/ =~ key[0] # If first character already capital, don't do conversion
+ key.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join
+ end
+ # Find element with name specified or pascal case equivalent
+ # @return [String] String to find paths with pascal converted or given path
+ def add_pascal_path(json_path)
+ return json_path unless pascal_keys?
+ json_path.split(',').collect do |sub_path|
+ "#{sub_path},#{convert_to_pascal_case(sub_path)}"
+ end.join(',')
+ end
+ # @param [String] json_path Path set from Exchange
+ # @return [String] JSON Path
+ def prefix_json_path(json_path)
+ return json_path if json_path[0] == '$'
+ "$..#{json_path}"
+ end
+ end