lib/soaspec/exchange.rb in soaspec-0.0.50 vs lib/soaspec/exchange.rb in soaspec-0.0.51
- old
+ new
@@ -26,13 +26,12 @@
@test_name = name.to_s
@api_class = Soaspec.api_handler # This uses the global parameter. The handler should be set straight before an exchange is made
@override_parameters = override_parameters
@retry_for_success = false
self.retry_count = 3
- # puts 'ELE ' + @api_class.elements.to_s
@api_class.elements.each do |element|
- define_singleton_method(element) do
- @api_class.__send__(element, response)
+ define_singleton_method(element.to_s.split('__custom_path_').last) do
+ @api_class.__send__(element, response) # Forward the call onto handler to retrieve the element for the response
# Make request to handler with parameters defined
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