lib/soaspec/exchange/exchange_extractor.rb in soaspec-0.2.33 vs lib/soaspec/exchange/exchange_extractor.rb in soaspec-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,90 +1,105 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Soaspec
- # Methods for extracting aspects of the traffic for a request / response
- # in an exchange from the ExchangeHandler that it's tied to
- module ExchangeExtractor
- # Request of API call. Either intended request or actual request
- # @return [Object] Object representing request of API
- def request
- exchange_handler.request(@response)
- end
- # Get status code from api class. This is http response code for Web Api
- # @return [Integer] Status code from api class
- def status_code
- exchange_handler.status_code_for(response)
- end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether Api success code is successful
- def successful_status_code?
- (200..299).cover? status_code
- end
- # Extract value from path api class
- # @example Extract unique value
- # @exchange['unique_value_name']
- # @example Extract value via JSON path
- # @exchange['$']
- # @example Extract value via XPath
- # @exchange['//path/to/element']
- # @param [Object] path Path to return element for api class E.g - for SOAP this is XPath string. For JSON, this is Hash dig Array
- # @return [String] Value at path
- def [](path)
- exchange_handler.value_from_path(response, path.to_s)
- end
- alias value_from_path []
- # Using same path syntax as []. Returns true of false depending on whether an element is found
- # @return [Boolean] Whether an element exists at the path
- def element?(path)
- self[path]
- true
- rescue NoElementAtPath
- false
- end
- # @example Counting items in a JSON list
- # # Say there is JSON response {"notes":[{"title":"note1","note":"A note"},{"title":"note2"}]}
- # titles = @exchange.values_at_path('$..title')
- # expect(titles.count).to eq 2
- # expect(titles.first).to eq 'note1'
- # @param [String] path XPath, JSONPath to extract value
- # @param [String] attribute Attribute to obtain from XML element
- # @return [Array] List of values found at path
- def values_from_path(path, attribute: nil)
- exchange_handler.values_from_path(response, path, attribute: attribute)
- end
- # Return the response equivalent of the response. XML, JSON will be converted to a Hash
- # @example Counting items in a JSON list
- # # Say there is JSON response {"notes":[{"title":"note1","note":"A note"},{"title":"note2"}]}
- # hash = @exchange.to_hash
- # expect(hash['notes'].count).to eq 2
- # expect(hash['notes'].first['title']).to eq 'note1'
- # @return [Hash] Hash representing the response of the API
- def to_hash
- exchange_handler.to_hash(response)
- end
- private
- # Used to define methods on an exchange based on what's defined by the ExchangeHandler's methods
- # @param [String] element Element to define methods for
- def methods_for_element(element)
- element_name = element.to_s.split('__custom_path_').last
- define_singleton_method(element_name) do
- exchange_handler.__send__(element, response) # Forward the call onto handler to retrieve the element for the response
- end
- define_singleton_method("#{element_name}?") do
- begin
- __send__ element_name
- true
- rescue NoElementAtPath
- false
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Soaspec
+ # Methods for extracting aspects of the traffic for a request / response
+ # in an exchange from the ExchangeHandler that it's tied to
+ module ExchangeExtractor
+ # Request of API call. Either intended request or actual request
+ # @return [Object] Object representing request of API
+ def request
+ exchange_handler.request(@response)
+ end
+ # Get status code from api class. This is http response code for Web Api
+ # @return [Integer] Status code from api class
+ def status_code
+ exchange_handler.status_code_for(response)
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether Api success code is successful
+ def successful_status_code?
+ (200..299).cover? status_code
+ end
+ # Extract value from path api class
+ # @example Extract unique value
+ # @exchange['unique_value_name']
+ # @example Extract value via JSON path
+ # @exchange['$']
+ # @example Extract value via XPath
+ # @exchange['//path/to/element']
+ # @param [Object] path Path to return element for api class E.g - for SOAP this is XPath string. For JSON, this is Hash dig Array
+ # @return [String] Value at path
+ def [](path)
+ exchange_handler.value_from_path(response, path.to_s)
+ end
+ alias value_from_path []
+ # @return [Symbol] Type of response. XML, JSON, etc
+ def format
+ Interpreter.response_type_for(response)
+ end
+ # Using same path syntax as []. Returns true of false depending on whether an element is found
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether an element exists at the path
+ def element?(path)
+ self[path]
+ true
+ rescue NoElementAtPath
+ false
+ end
+ # @example Counting items in a JSON list
+ # # Say there is JSON response {"notes":[{"title":"note1","note":"A note"},{"title":"note2"}]}
+ # titles = @exchange.values_at_path('$..title')
+ # expect(titles.count).to eq 2
+ # expect(titles.first).to eq 'note1'
+ # @param [String] path XPath, JSONPath to extract value
+ # @param [String] attribute Attribute to obtain from XML element
+ # @return [Array] List of values found at path
+ def values_from_path(path, attribute: nil)
+ exchange_handler.values_from_path(response, path, attribute: attribute)
+ end
+ # Return the response equivalent of the response. XML, JSON will be converted to a Hash
+ # @example Counting items in a JSON list
+ # # Say there is JSON response {"notes":[{"title":"note1","note":"A note"},{"title":"note2"}]}
+ # hash = @exchange.to_hash
+ # expect(hash['notes'].count).to eq 2
+ # expect(hash['notes'].first['title']).to eq 'note1'
+ # @return [Hash] Hash representing the response of the API
+ def to_hash
+ exchange_handler.to_hash(response)
+ end
+ # @return [String] Get multiline pretty version of response
+ def pretty_response_body
+ case format
+ when :json then JSON.pretty_generate to_hash
+ when :xml then response.body # TODO: Single line XML make multiline
+ else
+ response.body
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # Used to define methods on an exchange based on what's defined by the ExchangeHandler's methods
+ # @param [String] element Element to define methods for
+ def methods_for_element(element)
+ element_name = element.to_s.split('__custom_path_').last
+ define_singleton_method(element_name) do
+ exchange_handler.__send__(element, response) # Forward the call onto handler to retrieve the element for the response
+ end
+ define_singleton_method("#{element_name}?") do
+ begin
+ __send__ element_name
+ true
+ rescue NoElementAtPath
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end