README.mdown in snfn-0.1.2 vs README.mdown in snfn-0.2.0
- old
+ new
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# Snfn - A Sinatra application generator
Snfn is an opinionated generator for Sinatra projects. It
can be configured using the following options:
-* -d : Database. Options are "postgres," "mysql," "sqlite",
+* `-d` Database. Options are "postgres," "mysql," "sqlite",
and "mongo." Default is "sqlite."
-* --redis : Include Redis configuration options.
-* --no-database : Don't include any database config options.
-* --no-heroku : Don't include Heroku config options.
+* `--redis` Include Redis configuration options.
+* `--no-database` Don't include any database config options.
+* `--no-heroku` Don't include Heroku config options.
## Installation
gem install snfn
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The template autoloads files in config/initializers and
/lib. Database configuration options are stored in `config/db.yml`
and are loaded via `config/initializers/database.rb`.
-Right now Snfn only supports Unicorn as a server, with the config
-stored at config/unicorn.rb.
+Right now Snfn only comes out of the box with support for Unicorn, (the
+config file is stored at config/unicorn.rb), but changing it out for
+thin or mongrel is pretty trivial.
## DB Setup
-Sequel is used as an ORM for relational databases,
-and migrations are stored in db/migrate. Migrations can be
-run using the rake command `rake migrate`.
+[Sequel]( is used as an ORM for
+relational databases, and migrations are stored in db/migrate.
+Migrations can be run using the rake command `rake rb:migrate`.
MongoMapper is used for Mongo apps, with the config options
stored in the same files as relational databases (`config/db.yml`
and `config/initializers/database.rb`).
+### More information
+* [Sequel Migrations](
+* [Sequel Models](
+* [MongoMapper](
+If there is any interest in supporting other ORMs like DataMapper or
+ActiveRecord, either please let me know or implement it yourself and
+send a pull request.
## Set up on Heroku
By default, Snfn creates an app with the proper options for deployment
on Heroku. To get Snfn up and running on Heroku:
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### Heroku Add-Ons
To use PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Redis on Heroku, you'll need to add
the proper Heroku add-ons. The commands to do this are, respectively:
- heroku addons:add shared_database # PostgreSQL
- heroku addons:add mongolab:starter: # MongoDB
+ heroku addons:add shared-database # PostgreSQL
+ heroku addons:add mongolab:starter # MongoDB
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano # Redis
## Contributing to snfn
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet