in snapshotar-0.0.2 vs in snapshotar-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -18,10 +18,16 @@
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install snapshotar
+Run install generator:
+ $ rails generate snapshotar:install
+Lookup *config/initializers/snapshotar.rb* and configure snapshotar.
## What snapshotar can...
1. serializing your rails models to json
2. handling *carrierwave* attachments
3. storing serialized dataset locally or to amazon s3
@@ -31,30 +37,79 @@
## Why snapshotar?
instead of...
- **database backup?** Because image attachments causing trouble!!
-- **fixtures/factories/fakers?** Because this requires coding. Let the
-others fill up your app with sample data.
+- **fixtures/factories/fakers?** Because this requires coding. Don't spend time coding test data - it's boring.
## When to use snapshotar?
- For testing and development!!
- definitely *NOT* for production backups
## Requirements
- Ruby >= 1.9.3
-- Rails ?
+- tested with *Mongoid*, but *ActiveRecord* should work as well.
## Usage
-- one option for snapshotar is **rake**
+### rake
-- you can also integrate snapshotar into your administration backend and let app
-users create snapshots.
+ rake snapshotar:create # create a snapshots
+ rake snapshotar:delete # delete a snapshots
+ rake snapshotar:list # list available snapshots
+ rake snapshotar:load # load a snapshots
+### controller action
+You can also integrate snapshotar into your administration backend and let app
+users create snapshots. A sample controller is provided below
+ class Admin::SnapshotsController < Admin::AdminController
+ def index
+ @snapshots = Snapshotar.list
+ end
+ def load
+ Mongoid.purge!
+ Snapshotar.load(params[:name])
+ redirect_to admin_snapshots_path
+ end
+ def new
+ end
+ def create
+ Snapshotar.create
+ redirect_to admin_snapshots_path
+ end
+ def delete
+ Snapshotar.delete(params[:name])
+ redirect_to admin_snapshots_path
+ end
+ end
## Configuration Options
+For **AWS S3**, you have to provide the following ENV variables provisioning your S3 bucket. For development environments look at this wonderful dot-env gem
+ config.storage_type = :s3
+ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your id>
+ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret>
+ AWS_SNAPSHOTAR_BUCKET=<a bucket name>
+ config.storage_type = :file
+Snapshots are stored in the rails *tmp/* directory
## Testing
This repository is under continuous integration testing on
Amazon S3 related functionalities are not tested in CI as an official account at