lib/snapshot/snapshot_file.rb in snapshot-0.1.0 vs lib/snapshot/snapshot_file.rb in snapshot-0.2.1.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -30,18 +30,22 @@
raise "scheme has to be an String".red unless value.kind_of?String
@config.manual_scheme = value
when :js_file
raise "js_file has to be an String".red unless value.kind_of?String
raise "js_file at path '#{value}' not found".red unless File.exists?value
- @config.manual_js_file = value
+ @config.manual_js_file = value.gsub("~", ENV['HOME'])
when :screenshots_path
raise "screenshots_path has to be an String".red unless value.kind_of?String
- @config.screenshots_path = value
+ @config.screenshots_path = value.gsub("~", ENV['HOME'])
+ when :html_path
+ raise "html_path has to be an String".red unless value.kind_of?String
+ @config.html_path = value.gsub("~", ENV['HOME'])
+ @config.html_path = @config.html_path + "/screenshots.html" unless @config.html_path.include?".html"
when :project_path
raise "project_path has to be an String".red unless value.kind_of?String
if File.exists?value and (value.end_with?".xcworkspace" or value.end_with?".xcodeproj")
- @config.project_path = value
+ @config.project_path = value.gsub("~", ENV['HOME'])
raise "The given project_path '#{value}' could not be found. Make sure to include the extension as well.".red
Helper.log.error "Unknown method #{method_sym}"
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