lib/snapshot/dependency_checker.rb in snapshot-1.4.2 vs lib/snapshot/dependency_checker.rb in snapshot-1.4.3
- old
+ new
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
raise "Run 'xcode-select --install' and start snapshot again"
if Snapshot::LatestIosVersion.version.to_f < 9 # to_f is bad, but should be good enough
Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################'
- Helper.log.fatal "# Your xcode-select Xcode version is below 9.0"
+ Helper.log.fatal "# Your xcode-select Xcode version is below 7.0"
Helper.log.fatal "# To use snapshot 1.0 and above you need at least iOS 9"
Helper.log.fatal "# Set the path to the Xcode version that supports UI Tests"
Helper.log.fatal "# or downgrade to versions older than snapshot 1.0"
Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################'
raise "Run 'sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/'"