Rakefile in snappy-0.0.3 vs Rakefile in snappy-0.0.4

- old
+ new

@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' +require 'rbconfig' begin Bundler.setup(:default, :development) rescue Bundler::BundlerError => e $stderr.puts e.message $stderr.puts "Run `bundle install` to install missing gems" exit e.status_code end require 'rake' +DLEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] + require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem| # gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for more options gem.name = "snappy" gem.homepage = "http://github.com/miyucy/snappy" @@ -46,5 +49,19 @@ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = "snappy #{version}" rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('ext/**/*.cc') end + +task :spec => "ext/snappy.#{DLEXT}" + +file "ext/snappy.#{DLEXT}" => Dir.glob("ext/*{.rb,.c}") do + Dir.chdir("ext") do + ruby "extconf.rb" + sh "make" + end + cp "ext/snappy.#{DLEXT}", "lib" +end + +task :clean do + rm_rf(["ext/snappy.#{DLEXT}", "lib/snappy.#{DLEXT}", "ext/mkmf.log", "ext/config.h", "ext/api.o", "ext/Makefile", "ext/snappy.cc", "ext/snappy.h", "ext/snappy.o"] + Dir["ext/snappy-*"]) +end \ No newline at end of file