README.rdoc in smile-0.4.1 vs README.rdoc in smile-0.4.3

- old
+ new

@@ -3,10 +3,26 @@ Smile is a simple gem to talk to This gem wraps the 1.2.0 interface. == Features -=== NEW Upload Images/Vids +=== Configure + Smile::Base.configure do |config| + config.log = STDOUT ) + config.logger_on = true + config.api_key = 'your key from smugmug' + end + + + new methods + + album.reload! + photo.reload! + + Exceptions!!!! + Hey it shows you better exceptions now when something goes wrong from the site or lib + +=== Upload Images/Vids smug = Smile.auth( '', 'pass' ) album = smug.albums.first album.add( '/path/to/image.ext' ) # => Smile::Photo (: