bin/sdc in smartdc-1.3.0 vs bin/sdc in smartdc-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,383 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# sdc
-# Copyright(c) 2012 ogom
-# MIT Licensed
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
-require 'cli_helper'
-module CLI
- def self.ip(uuid)
- res = sdc(config)
- if res.status == 200
- res.content['primaryIp']
- else
- uuid
- end
- end
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
+require 'smartdc'
+require 'smartdc/cli'
- class Base < Thor
- class_option :debug, type: :boolean, aliases: '-d', desc: 'Debug output'
- class_option :raw, type: :boolean, aliases: '-r', desc: 'Raw response body'
- end
- class Key < CLI::Base
- desc 'ls', 'Lists all public keys we have on record for the specified account.'
- def ls
- output sdc(config(options)).keys.all, {table: :h, exclude: [:key]}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [NAME]', 'Retrieves an individual key record.'
- def get(name)
- output sdc(config(options)), {only: :key}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'add [NAME] [FILE]', 'Uploads a new OpenSSH key to SmartDataCenter.'
- def add(name, file)
- raw = {name: name}
- raw[:key] =
- output sdc(config(options)).keys.create(raw), {table: :v, exclude: [:key]}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'del [NAME]', 'Deletes an SSH key by name.'
- def del(name)
- output sdc(config(options)).keys.destroy(name), {message: "Key #{name} deleted."}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- class Datacenter < CLI::Base
- desc 'ls', 'Provides a list of all datacenters this cloud is aware of.'
- def ls
- output sdc(config(options)).datacenters.all, {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [NAME]', 'Gets an individual datacenter by name.'
- def get(name)
- output sdc(config(options)), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- class Dataset < CLI::Base
- desc 'ls', 'Provides a list of datasets available in this datacenter.'
- def ls
- include = [:id, :name, :urn, :version, :os]
- output sdc(config(options)).datasets.all, {table: :h, include: include}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [ID]', 'Gets an individual dataset by id.'
- def get(id)
- output sdc(config(options)), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- class Package < CLI::Base
- desc 'ls', 'Provides a list of packages available in this datacenter.'
- def ls
- output sdc(config(options)).packages.all, {table: :h}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [NAME]', 'Gets a package by name.'
- def get(name)
- output sdc(config(options)), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- class Tag < CLI::Base
- class_option :uuid, type: :string, aliases: '-u', desc: 'Machine uuid'
- desc 'ls', 'Returns the complete set of tags associated with this machine.'
- def ls
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.tags(uuid).all, {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'get [KEY]', 'Returns the value for a single tag on this machine.'
- def get(key)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.tags(uuid).read(key), {'raw' => true}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'set [KEY] [VALUE]', 'Allows you to set the tags for a given machine.'
- def set(key, value)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.tags(uuid).create({key => value}), {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'del [KEY]', 'Deletes tag from this machine.'
- method_option :all, type: :boolean, desc: 'All tags delete.'
- def del(key=nil)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- if key.nil?
- if options.all
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} all tags deleted."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.tags(uuid).destroy, {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- else
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} tag #{key} deleted."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.tags(uuid).destroy(key), {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- end
- end
- class Meta < CLI::Base
- class_option :uuid, type: :string, aliases: '-u', desc: 'Machine uuid'
- desc 'ls', 'Returns the complete set of metadata associated with this machine.'
- method_option :credentials, type: :boolean, aliases: '-c', desc: 'Only output the machine credentials.'
- def ls
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- res = sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.metadata(uuid).read(options)
- res.content = res.content['credentials'].to_json if options.credentials
- output res, {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'set [KEY] [VALUE]', 'Allows you to set the metadata for a given machine.'
- def set(key, value)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.metadata(uuid).create({key => value}), {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'push [KEY] [FILE]', 'Push the metadata from file. (user-script or user-data)'
- def push(key, file)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- value =
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.metadata(uuid).create({key => value}), {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'del [KEY]', 'Deletes metadata key from this machine.'
- method_option :all, type: :boolean, desc: 'All metadata delete.'
- def del(key=nil)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- if key.nil?
- if options.all
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} all metadata deleted."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.metadata(uuid).destroy, {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- else
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} metadata #{key} deleted."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.metadata(uuid).destroy(key), {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- end
- end
- class Snapshot < CLI::Base
- class_option :uuid, type: :string, aliases: '-u', desc: 'Machine uuid'
- desc 'ls', 'Lists all snapshots taken for a given machine.'
- def ls
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.snapshots(uuid).all, {table: :h}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'get [NAME]', 'Gets the state of the named snapshot.'
- def get(name)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.snapshots(uuid).read(name), {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'add [NAME]', 'Allows you to take a snapshot of a machine.'
- def add(name)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.snapshots(uuid).create({name: name}), {table: :v}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'del [NAME]', 'Deletes the specified snapshot of a machine.'
- def del(name)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} snapshots #{name} deleted."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.snapshots(uuid).destroy(name), {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'start [NAME]', 'Starts a stopped machine from the referenced snapshot.'
- def start(name)
- uuid = options.uuid.nil? ? config[:use_machine] : options.uuid
- msg = "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} snapshots #{name} started."
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).machines.snapshots(uuid).start(name), {message: msg}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- end
- class Machine < CLI::Base
- desc 'ls', 'Lists all machines on record for an account.'
- method_option :type, type: :string, aliases: '-t', desc: 'virtualmachine or smartmachine'
- method_option :state, type: :string, aliases: '-s', desc: 'running or stopped'
- def ls
- include = [:id, :dataset, :primaryIp, :state]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.all(options), {table: :h, include: include}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [UUID]', 'Gets the details for an individual machine.'
- def get(uuid=nil)
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'add [NAME]', 'Allows you to provision a machine.'
- method_option :dataset, type: :string, aliases: '-e', desc: 'dataset URN; default is indicated in ListDatasets'
- method_option :package, type: :string, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Name of the package to use on provisioning; default is indicated in ListPackages'
- def add(name)
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.create({name: name}.merge(options)), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'del [UUID]', 'Allows you to completely destroy a machine.'
- def del(uuid=nil)
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.destroy(uuid), {message: "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} deleted."}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'stop [UUID]', 'Allows you to shut down a machine.'
- method_option :all, type: :boolean, desc: 'All machine stop.'
- def stop(uuid=nil)
- if options.all
- sdc(config(options)).machines.all({state: 'running'}).content.each do |machine|
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.stop(machine['id']), {message: "Machine #{machine['primaryIp']} stoped."}.merge(options)
- end
- else
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.stop(uuid), {message: "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} stoped."}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- desc 'start [UUID]', 'Allows you to boot up a machine.'
- method_option :all, type: :boolean, desc: 'All machine start.'
- def start(uuid=nil)
- if options.all
- sdc(config(options)).machines.all({state: 'stopped'}).content.each do |machine|
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.start(machine['id']), {message: "Machine #{machine['primaryIp']} started."}.merge(options)
- end
- else
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.start(uuid), {message: "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} started."}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- desc 'reboot [UUID]', 'Allows you to reboot a machine.'
- def reboot(uuid=nil)
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.reboot(uuid), {message: "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} reboot."}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'resize [UUID]', 'Allows you to resize a SmartMachine.'
- method_option :package, type: :string, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Use a package name returned from ListPackages'
- def resize(uuid=nil)
- uuid ||= config[:use_machine]
- output sdc(config(options)).machines.resize(uuid, {}.merge(options)), {message: "Machine #{CLI.ip(uuid)} resize."}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'use [UUID]', 'Use machine.'
- def use(uuid=nil)
- config =
- if uuid.nil?
- puts "use #{config[:use_machine]}"
- else
- config[:use_machine] = uuid
- Configure.write config
- end
- end
- register(Tag, 'tag', 'tag [COMMAND]', 'Machine tag')
- register(Meta, 'meta', 'meta [COMMAND]', 'Machine metadata')
- register(Snapshot, 'snapshot', 'snapshot [COMMAND]', 'Machine snapshot')
- end
- class Analytic < CLI::Base
- desc 'desc', 'Retrieves the schema for instrumentations.'
- method_option :all, type: :boolean, desc: 'All describe.'
- method_option :output, type: :string, :default => 'metrics', aliases: '-o', desc: 'Only output the modules or fields or types or metrics or transformations.'
- def desc
- if options['raw']
- puts sdc(config(options)).analytics.describe.body
- else
- content = sdc(config(options)).analytics.describe.content
- describe('modules', content, {cols: ['key', 'label']}.merge(options))
- describe('fields', content, {cols: ['key', 'label', 'type']}.merge(options))
- describe('types', content, {cols: ['key', 'name', 'arity', 'unit', 'abbr', 'base', 'power']}.merge(options))
- describe('metrics', content, {cols: :all, exclude: [:fields]}.merge(options))
- describe('transformations', content, {cols: ['key', 'label']}.merge(options))
- end
- end
- desc 'ls', 'Retrieves all currently created instrumentations.'
- def ls
- include = ['id', 'module', 'stat', 'decomposition']
- output sdc(config(options)).analytics.all, {table: :h, include: include}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'get [ID]', 'Retrieves the configuration for an instrumentation.'
- method_option :value, type: :boolean, aliases: '-v', desc: 'Analytic value.'
- def get(id)
- if options[:value]
- output sdc(config(options)).analytics.value(id), {table: :v}.merge(options)
- else
- output sdc(config(options)), {table: :v, exclude: ['uris']}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- desc 'add [NAME]', 'Creates an instrumentation.'
- method_option :module, type: :string, aliases: '-m', desc: 'The Cloud analytics module'
- method_option :stat, type: :string, aliases: '-s', desc: 'The Cloud analytics stat'
- def add
- output sdc(config(options)).analytics.create(options), {table: :v, exclude: ['uris']}.merge(options)
- end
- desc 'del [ID]', 'Destroys an instrumentation.'
- def del(id)
- output sdc(config(opt(ARGV, options))).analytics.destroy(id), {message: "Analytic #{id} deleted"}.merge(opt(ARGV, options))
- end
- desc 'heatmap [ID]', 'Retrieves a particular instrumentation heatmap.'
- method_option :image, type: :boolean, aliases: '-i', desc: 'Heatmap image file.'
- method_option :x, type: :numeric, aliases: '-x', desc: 'X-Axis'
- method_option :y, type: :numeric, aliases: '-y', desc: 'Y-Axis'
- def heatmap(id)
- if options[:image]
- output sdc(config(options)).analytics.heatmap(id).image, {table: :v, exclude: ['image', 'present']}.merge(options)
- else
- client = sdc(config(options))
- content =
- query = {'ymin' => content['ymin'], 'ymax' => content['ymax']}
- output, {table: :v}.merge(options)
- end
- end
- end
- class Main < Thor
- desc 'init', 'Sets up an account on a datacenter for use with this CLI.'
- def init
- message = ['Successful configuration.', 'Failed Configuration.']
- state = 0
- Configure.init
- res = sdc(config).keys.all
- if res.status == 200
- rsa_path = Configure.key(res.content)
- config =
- if rsa_path
- raw = {name: config[:use_key], key:}
- res = sdc(config).keys.create(raw)
- state = 1 if res.status != 201
- config.delete(:password)
- else
- config.delete(:password)
- res = sdc(config)[:use_key])
- state = 1 if res.status != 200
- end
- Configure.write config
- else
- state = 1
- end
- msg = res.content['message'] + '.' if state == 1
- puts "#{message[state]} #{msg}"
- end
- register(Key, 'key', 'key [COMMAND]', 'SSH key')
- register(Datacenter, 'datacenter', 'datacenter [COMMAND]', 'Smart Data Center')
- register(Dataset, 'dataset', 'dataset [COMMAND]', 'Machine operating system')
- register(Package, 'package', 'package [COMMAND]', 'Machine resources')
- register(Machine, 'machine', 'machine [COMMAND]', 'Virtual machine')
- register(Analytic, 'analytic', 'analytic [COMMAND]', 'DTrace analytics')
- end