in slugbuilder-1.3.0 vs in slugbuilder-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@
# prebuild/postbuild
# using a Proc or Proc-like object (responds to `call` method)
sb = 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
class PostBuildInterface
- def, git_ref:, stats:, slug:)
+ def, git_ref:, git_url:, stats:, slug:)
# postbuild logic
end ->(repo: repo, git_ref: git_ref) { p "prebuild logic" }, postbuild: PostBuildInterface) ->(repo: repo, git_ref: git_ref, git_url: git_url) { p "prebuild logic" }, postbuild: PostBuildInterface)
# prebuild/postbuild with optional blocks
sb = 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master') do |args|
# prebuild logic
p args[:repo]
@@ -82,16 +82,17 @@
## API
### Builder#initialize(repo:, git_ref:, &block)
-- `repo` String (required): the github repo in the form `<organization>/<repository>`
+- `repo` String (required): the github repo in the form `<organization>/<repository_name>`, `https://<git_service>/<organization>/<repository_name>.git`, or `git@<git_service>:<organization>/<repository_name>.git`
- `git_ref` String (required): the SHA or branch to build
- `stdout` IO (optional): the IO stream to write build output to. This defaults to `$stdout`
- `block` Block (optional): an optional block that runs pre-build. It receives a Hash with the structure:
- - `repo` String: The git repo identifier
+ - `repo` String: The git repo identifier in the form `<organization>/<repository_name>`
- `git_ref` String: The git branchname or SHA
+ - `git_url` String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the `Slugbuilder.config.protocol`)
Alternatively, a Proc can be passed to `build` method's keyword argument `prebuild` to achieve the same effect.
### Builder#build(slug_name: nil, clear_cache: false, env: {}, buildpacks: Slugbuilder.config.buildpacks, prebuild: nil, postbuild: nil, &block)
@@ -102,15 +103,17 @@
- `env` Hash (optional): an optional hash of environment variables
- `buildpacks` Array (optional): optionally set buildpacks to be used for that particular build. defaults to `Slugbuilder.config.buildpacks`
- `prebuild` Proc (optional): an optional Proc (or anything that conforms to the `call` API of a Proc) that will be run before the build. The Proc will receive a Hash with the structure:
- `repo` String: The git repo identifier
- `git_ref` String: The git branchname or SHA
+ - `git_url` String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the `Slugbuilder.config.protocol`)
Alternatively, a block can be passed to the `initialize` method to the same effect.
- `postbuild` Proc (optional): an optional Proc (or anything that conforms to the `call` API of a Proc) that will run post-build. The Proc will receive a Hash with the structure:
- `slug` String: Location of the built slug file
- `repo` String: The git repo identifier
- `git_ref` String: The git branchname or SHA
+ - `git_url` String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the `Slugbuilder.config.protocol`)
- `git_sha` String: The git SHA (even if the git ref was a branch name)
- `request_id` String: The unique id of the build request
- `stats` Hash:
- setup `Float`: Amount of time spent in setup
- build `Float`: Total amount of time spent in build (compile/build/slug)
@@ -141,12 +144,13 @@
@base_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder'
@cache_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder-cache'
@output_dir = './slugs'
@git_service = ''
+@protocol = 'https'
@buildpacks = [
- '',
+ '',
@@ -170,9 +174,15 @@
This is where the git repositories live (,,, etc)
> Defaults to ``
+The protocol that should be used to pull down git repositories (including buildbpacks). This can be either `https` or `ssh`
+> Defaults to `https` (also uses `https` if `protocol` is not valid)
Buildpacks is an array of valid git clone-able [buildpack]( URLs.