lib/slosilo/attr_encrypted.rb in slosilo-1.1.0 vs lib/slosilo/attr_encrypted.rb in slosilo-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,39 +3,62 @@
module Slosilo
# we don't trust the database to keep all backups safe from the prying eyes
# so we encrypt sensitive attributes before storing them
module EncryptedAttributes
module ClassMethods
+ # @param options [Hash]
+ # @option :aad [#to_proc, #to_s] Provide additional authenticated data for
+ # encryption. This should be something unique to the instance having
+ # this attribute, such as a primary key; this will ensure that an attacker can't swap
+ # values around -- trying to decrypt value with a different auth data will fail.
+ # This means you have to be able to recover it in order to decrypt attributes.
+ # The following values are accepted:
+ #
+ # * Something proc-ish: will be called with self each time auth data is needed.
+ # * Something stringish: will be to_s-d and used for all instances as auth data.
+ # Note that this will only prevent swapping in data using another string.
+ #
+ # The recommended way to use this option is to pass a proc-ish that identifies the record.
+ # Note the proc-ish can be a simple method name; for example in case of a Sequel::Model:
+ # attr_encrypted :secret, aad: :pk
def attr_encrypted *a
+ options = a.last.is_a?(Hash) ? a.pop : {}
+ aad = options[:aad]
+ # note nil.to_s is "", which is exactly the right thing
+ auth_data = aad.respond_to?(:to_proc) ? aad.to_proc : proc{ |_| aad.to_s }
+ raise ":aad proc must take one argument" unless auth_data.arity.abs == 1 # take abs to allow *args arity, -1
# push a module onto the inheritance hierarchy
# this allows calling super in classes
include(accessors =
accessors.module_eval do
a.each do |attr|
define_method "#{attr}=" do |value|
- super(EncryptedAttributes.encrypt value)
+ super(EncryptedAttributes.encrypt(value, aad: auth_data[self]))
define_method attr do
- EncryptedAttributes.decrypt(super())
+ EncryptedAttributes.decrypt(super(), aad: auth_data[self])
def self.included base
base.extend ClassMethods
class << self
- def encrypt value
+ def encrypt value, opts={}
return nil unless value
- cipher.encrypt value, key: key
+ cipher.encrypt value, key: key, aad: opts[:aad]
- def decrypt ctxt
+ def decrypt ctxt, opts={}
return nil unless ctxt
- cipher.decrypt ctxt, key: key
+ cipher.decrypt ctxt, key: key, aad: opts[:aad]
def key
Slosilo::encryption_key || (raise "Please set Slosilo::encryption_key")