lib/slideshow.rb in slideshow-0.7.7 vs lib/slideshow.rb in slideshow-0.7.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,645 +1,55 @@
$KCODE = 'utf'
+LIB_PATH = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) )
+# core and stlibs
require 'optparse'
require 'erb'
-require 'redcloth'
require 'logger'
require 'fileutils'
require 'ftools'
require 'pp'
+# required gems
+require 'redcloth'
+# own code
+require 'slideshow/opts'
+require 'slideshow/gen'
module Slideshow
- VERSION = '0.7.7'
+ VERSION = '0.7.8'
-# todo: split (command line) options and headers?
-# e.g. share (command line) options between slide shows (but not headers?)
-class Opts
- def initialize
- @hash = {}
- end
+ def Slideshow.main
- def put( key, value )
- key = normalize_key( key )
- setter = "#{key}=".to_sym
- if respond_to? setter
- send setter, value
- else
- @hash[ key ] = value
- end
- end
- def gradient=( value )
- put_gradient( value, :theme, :color1, :color2 )
- end
- def gradient_colors=( value )
- put_gradient( value, :color1, :color2 )
- end
- def gradient_color=( value )
- put_gradient( value, :color1 )
- end
- def gradient_theme=( value )
- put_gradient( value, :theme )
- end
- def []( key )
- value = @hash[ normalize_key( key ) ]
- if value.nil?
- puts "** Warning: header '#{key}' undefined"
- "- #{key} not found -"
- else
- value
- end
- end
- def generate?
- get_boolean( 'generate', false )
- end
- def has_includes?
- @hash[ :include ]
- end
- def includes
- # fix: use os-agnostic delimiter (use : for Mac/Unix?)
- has_includes? ? @hash[ :include ].split( ';' ) : []
- end
- def s5?
- get_boolean( 's5', false )
- end
- def fullerscreen?
- get_boolean( 'fuller', false ) || get_boolean( 'fullerscreen', false )
- end
- def manifest
- get( 'manifest', 's6.txt' )
- end
- def output_path
- get( 'output', '.' )
- end
- def code_engine
- get( 'code-engine', DEFAULTS[ :code_engine ] )
- end
- def code_txmt
- get( 'code-txmt', DEFAULTS[ :code_txmt ])
- end
- {
- :title => 'Untitled Slide Show',
- :footer => '',
- :subfooter => '',
- :gradient_theme => 'dark',
- :gradient_color1 => 'red',
- :gradient_color2 => 'black',
- :code_engine => 'uv', # ultraviolet (uv) | coderay (cr)
- :code_txmt => 'false', # Text Mate Hyperlink for Source?
- }
- def set_defaults
- DEFAULTS.each_pair do | key, value |
- @hash[ key ] = value if @hash[ key ].nil?
- end
- end
- def get( key, default )
- @hash.fetch( normalize_key(key), default )
- end
- def normalize_key( key )
-'-', '_').to_sym
- end
- # Assigns the given gradient-* keys to the values in the given string.
- def put_gradient( string, *keys )
- values = string.split( ' ' )
- do |v, k|
- @hash[ normalize_key( "gradient-#{k}" ) ] = '-', '_' )
- end
- end
- def get_boolean( key, default )
- value = @hash[ normalize_key( key ) ]
- if value.nil?
- default
- else
- (value == true || value =~ /true|yes|on/i) ? true : false
- end
- end
-end # class Opts
-class Gen
- KNOWN_TEXTILE_EXTNAMES = [ '.textile', '.t' ]
- KNOWN_MARKDOWN_EXTNAMES = [ '.markdown', '.m', '.mark', '.mkdn', '.md', '.txt', '.text' ]
- # note: only bluecloth is listed as a dependency in gem specs (because it's Ruby only and, thus, easy to install)
- # if you want to use other markdown libs install the required/desired lib e.g.
- # use gem install rdiscount for rdiscount and so on
- #
- # also note for now the first present markdown library gets used
- # the search order is first come, first serve, that is: rdiscount, rpeg-markdown, maruku, bluecloth (fallback, always present)
- [ 'rdiscount', lambda { |content| content ).to_html } ],
- [ 'rpeg-markdown', lambda { |content| content ).to_html } ],
- [ 'maruku', lambda { |content| content, {:on_error => :raise} ).to_html } ],
- [ 'bluecloth', lambda { |content| content ).to_html } ]
- ]
- BUILTIN_MANIFESTS = [ 'fullerscreen.txt', 'fullerscreen.txt.gen',
- 's5.txt', 's5.txt.gen',
- 's6.txt', 's6.txt.gen',
- 's5blank.txt.gen' ]
- def initialize
- @logger =
- @logger.level = Logger::INFO
- @opts =
- end
- # replace w/ attr_reader :logger, :opts ??
- def logger
- @logger
- end
- def opts
- @opts
- end
- def headers
- # give access to helpers to opts with a different name
- @opts
- end
- def session
- # give helpers/plugins a session-like hash
- @session
- end
- def markup_type
- @markup_type # :textile, :markdown
- end
- def load_markdown_libs
- # check for available markdown libs/gems
- # try to require each lib and remove any not installed
- @markdown_libs = []
- KNOWN_MARKDOWN_LIBS.each do |lib|
- begin
- require lib[0]
- @markdown_libs << lib
- rescue LoadError => ex
- logger.debug "Markdown library #{lib[0]} not found. Use gem install #{lib[0]} to install."
- end
- end
- logger.debug "Installed Markdown libraries: #{{ |lib| lib[0] }.join(', ')}"
- logger.debug "Using Markdown library #{@markdown_libs.first[0]}."
- end
- # todo: move to filter (for easier reuse)
- def markdown_to_html( content )
- @markdown_libs.first[1].call( content )
- end
- # todo: move to filter (for easier reuse)
- def textile_to_html( content )
- # turn off hard line breaks
- # turn off span caps (see
- red = content, [:no_span_caps] )
- red.hard_breaks = false
- content = red.to_html
- end
- def wrap_markup( text )
- if markup_type == :textile
- # saveguard with notextile wrapper etc./no further processing needed
- "<notextile>\n#{text}\n</notextile>"
- else
- text
- end
- end
+ # allow env variable to set RUBYOPT-style default command line options
+ # e.g. -o slides -t <your_template_manifest_here>
+ slideshowopt = ENV[ 'SLIDESHOWOPT' ]
- def cache_dir
- PLATFORM =~ /win32/ ? win32_cache_dir : File.join(File.expand_path("~"), ".slideshow")
- end
- def win32_cache_dir
- unless File.exists?(home = ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] + ENV['HOMEPATH'])
- puts "No HOMEDRIVE or HOMEPATH environment variable. Set one to save a" +
- "local cache of stylesheets for syntax highlighting and more."
- return false
- else
- return File.join(home, 'slideshow')
- end
- end
- def load_manifest( path )
+ args = []
+ args += slideshowopt.split if slideshowopt
+ args += ARGV.dup
- # check if file exists (if yes use custom template package!) - allows you to override builtin package with same name
- if BUILTIN_MANIFESTS.include?( path ) && !File.exists?( path )
- templatesdir = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates"
- logger.debug "use builtin template package"
- logger.debug "templatesdir=#{templatesdir}"
- filename = "#{templatesdir}/#{path}"
- else
- templatesdir = File.dirname( path )
- logger.debug "use custom template package"
- logger.debug "templatesdir=#{templatesdir}"
- filename = path
- end
- manifest = []
- puts " Loading template manifest #{filename}..."
- filename ).readlines.each_with_index do |line,i|
- case line
- when /^\s*$/
- # skip empty lines
- when /^\s*#.*$/
- # skip comment lines
- else
- logger.debug "line #{i+1}: #{line.strip}"
- values = line.strip.split( /[ <,+]+/ )
- # add source for shortcuts (assumes relative path; if not issue warning/error)
- values << values[0] if values.size == 1
- # normalize all source paths (1..-1) /make full path/add template dir
- (1..values.size-1).each do |i|
- values[i] = "#{templatesdir}/#{values[i]}"
- logger.debug " path[#{i}]=>#{values[i]}<"
- end
- manifest << values
- end
- end
- manifest
- def load_template( path )
- puts " Loading template #{path}..."
- return path )
- end
- def render_template( content, the_binding )
- content ).result( the_binding )
- end
- def load_template_old_delete( name, builtin )
- if opts.has_includes?
- opts.includes.each do |path|
- logger.debug "File.exists? #{path}/#{name}"
- if File.exists?( "#{path}/#{name}" ) then
- puts "Loading custom template #{path}/#{name}..."
- return "#{path}/#{name}" )
- end
- end
- end
- # fallback load builtin template packaged with gem
- load_builtin_template( builtin )
- end
- def with_output_path( dest, output_path )
- dest_full = File.expand_path( dest, output_path )
- logger.debug "dest_full=#{dest_full}"
- # make sure dest path exists
- dest_path = File.dirname( dest_full )
- logger.debug "dest_path=#{dest_path}"
- File.makedirs( dest_path ) unless dest_path
- dest_full
- end
- def create_slideshow_templates
- logger.debug "manifest=#{opts.manifest}.gen"
- manifest = load_manifest( opts.manifest+".gen" )
- # expand output path in current dir and make sure output path exists
- outpath = File.expand_path( opts.output_path )
- logger.debug "outpath=#{outpath}"
- File.makedirs( outpath ) unless outpath
- manifest.each do |entry|
- dest = entry[0]
- source = entry[1]
- puts "Copying to #{dest} from #{source}..."
- File.copy( source, with_output_path( dest, outpath ) )
- end
- puts "Done."
- end
- def create_slideshow( fn )
- logger.debug "manifest=#{opts.manifest}"
- manifest = load_manifest( opts.manifest )
- # pp manifest
- # expand output path in current dir and make sure output path exists
- outpath = File.expand_path( opts.output_path )
- logger.debug "outpath=#{outpath}"
- File.makedirs( outpath ) unless outpath
- dirname = File.dirname( fn )
- basename = File.basename( fn, '.*' )
- extname = File.extname( fn )
- logger.debug "dirname=#{dirname}, basename=#{basename}, extname=#{extname}"
- # change working dir to sourcefile dir
- # todo: add a -c option to commandline? to let you set cwd?
- newcwd = File.expand_path( dirname )
- oldcwd = File.expand_path( Dir.pwd )
- unless newcwd == oldcwd then
- logger.debug "oldcwd=#{oldcwd}"
- logger.debug "newcwd=#{newcwd}"
- Dir.chdir newcwd
- end
- puts "Preparing slideshow '#{basename}'..."
- if extname.empty? then
- extname = ".textile" # default to .textile
- KNOWN_EXTNAMES.each do |e|
- logger.debug "File.exists? #{dirname}/#{basename}#{e}"
- if File.exists?( "#{dirname}/#{basename}#{e}" ) then
- extname = e
- logger.debug "extname=#{extname}"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if KNOWN_MARKDOWN_EXTNAMES.include?( extname )
- @markup_type = :markdown
- else
- @markup_type = :textile
- end
- # shared variables for templates (binding)
- @content_for = {} # reset content_for hash
- @name = basename
- @headers = @opts # deprecate/remove: use headers method in template
- @session = {} # reset session hash for plugins/helpers
- inname = "#{dirname}/#{basename}#{extname}"
- logger.debug "inname=#{inname}"
- content_with_headers = inname )
- # todo: read headers before command line options (lets you override options using commandline switch)?
- # read source document; split off optional header from source
- # strip leading optional headers (key/value pairs) including optional empty lines
- read_headers = true
- content = ""
- # fix: allow comments in header too (#)
- content_with_headers.each do |line|
- if read_headers && line =~ /^\s*(\w[\w-]*)[ \t]*:[ \t]*(.*)/
- key = $1.downcase
- value = $2.strip
- logger.debug " adding option: key=>#{key}< value=>#{value}<"
- opts.put( key, value )
- elsif line =~ /^\s*$/
- content << line unless read_headers
- else
- read_headers = false
- content << line
- end
- end
- opts.set_defaults
- # ruby note: .*? is non-greedy (shortest-possible) regex match
- content.gsub!(/__SKIP__.*?__END__/m, '')
- content.sub!(/__END__.*/m, '')
- # allow plugins/helpers; process source (including header) using erb
- # note: include is a ruby keyword; rename to __include__ so we can use it
- content.gsub!( /<%=[ \t]*include/, '<%= __include__' )
- content = content ).result( binding )
- # run pre-filters (built-in macros)
- # o replace {{{ w/ <pre class='code'>
- # o replace }}} w/ </pre>
- content.gsub!( "{{{{{{", "<pre class='code'>_S9BEGIN_" )
- content.gsub!( "}}}}}}", "_S9END_</pre>" )
- content.gsub!( "{{{", "<pre class='code'>" )
- content.gsub!( "}}}", "</pre>" )
- # restore escaped {{{}}} I'm sure there's a better way! Rubyize this! Anyone?
- content.gsub!( "_S9BEGIN_", "{{{" )
- content.gsub!( "_S9END_", "}}}" )
- # convert light-weight markup to hypertext
- content = case @markup_type
- when :markdown
- markdown_to_html( content )
- when :textile
- textile_to_html( content )
- end
- # post-processing
- slide_counter = 0
- content2 = ''
- ## todo: move this to a filter (for easier reuse)
- # wrap h1's in slide divs; note use just <h1 since some processors add ids e.g. <h1 id='x'>
- content.each_line do |line|
- if line.include?( '<h1' ) then
- content2 << "\n\n</div>" if slide_counter > 0
- content2 << "<div class='slide'>\n\n"
- slide_counter += 1
- end
- content2 << line
- end
- content2 << "\n\n</div>" if slide_counter > 0
- manifest.each do |entry|
- outname = entry[0]
- if outname.include? '__file__' # process
- outname = outname.gsub( '__file__', basename )
- puts "Preparing #{outname}..."
- out = with_output_path( outname, outpath ), "w+" )
- out << render_template( load_template( entry[1] ), binding )
- if entry.size > 2 # more than one source file? assume header and footer with content added inbetween
- out << content2
- out << render_template( load_template( entry[2] ), binding )
- end
- out.flush
- out.close
- else # just copy verbatim if target/dest has no __file__ in name
- dest = entry[0]
- source = entry[1]
- puts "Copying to #{dest} from #{source}..."
- File.copy( source, with_output_path( dest, outpath ) )
- end
- end
- puts "Done."
-def load_plugins
- # use lib folder unless we're in our very own folder
- # (that use lib for its core functionality), thus, use plugins instead
- if( File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) ) == File.expand_path( 'lib' ) )
- pattern = 'plugins/**/*.rb'
- else
- pattern = 'lib/**/*.rb'
- end
- logger.debug "pattern=#{pattern}"
- Dir.glob( pattern ) do |plugin|
- begin
- puts "Loading plugins in '#{plugin}'..."
- require( plugin )
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "** error: failed loading plugins in '#{plugin}': #{e}"
- end
- end
-def run( args )
- do |cmd|
- cmd.banner = "Usage: slideshow [options] name"
- #todo/fix: use -s5 option without optional hack? possible with OptionParser package/lib?
- # use -5 switch instead?
- cmd.on( '-s[OPTIONAL]', '--s5', 'S5 Compatible Slide Show' ) { opts.put( 's5', true ); opts.put( 'manifest', 's5.txt' ) }
- cmd.on( '-f[OPTIONAL]', '--fullerscreen', 'FullerScreen Compatible Slide Show' ) { opts.put( 'fuller', true ); opts.put( 'manifest', 'fullerscreen.txt' ) }
- # opts.on( "-s", "--style STYLE", "Select Stylesheet" ) { |s| $options[:style]=s }
- # opts.on( "-v", "--version", "Show version" ) {}
- cmd.on( '-g', '--generate', 'Generate Slide Show Templates' ) { opts.put( 'generate', true ) }
- cmd.on( '-o', '--output PATH', 'outputs to Path' ) { |s| opts.put( 'output', s ) }
- # use -d or -o to select output directory for slideshow or slideshow templates?
- # cmd.on( '-d', '--directory DIRECTORY', 'Output Directory' ) { |s| opts.put( 'directory', s ) }
- # cmd.on( '-i', '--include PATH', 'Load Path' ) { |s| opts.put( 'include', s ) }
- # todo: find different letter for debug trace switch (use v for version?)
- cmd.on( "-v", "--verbose", "Show debug trace" ) do
- logger.datetime_format = "%H:%H:%S"
- logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
- end
- cmd.on( "-t", "--template TEMPLATE", "Template Manifest" ) do |t|
- # todo: do some checks on passed in template argument
- opts.put( 'manifest', t )
- end
- cmd.on_tail( "-h", "--help", "Show this message" ) do
- puts
- puts "Slide Show (S9) is a free web alternative to PowerPoint or KeyNote in Ruby"
- puts
- puts
- puts
- puts "Examples:"
- puts " slideshow microformats"
- puts " slideshow microformats.textile"
- puts " slideshow -s5 microformats # S5 compatible"
- puts " slideshow -f microformats # FullerScreen compatible"
- puts " slideshow -o slides microformats # Output slideshow to slides folder"
- puts
- puts "More examles:"
- puts " slideshow -g # Generate slide show templates"
- puts " slideshow -g -s5 # Generate S5 compatible slide show templates"
- puts " slideshow -g -f # Generate FullerScreen compatible slide show templates"
- puts
- puts " slideshow -t s3.txt microformats # Use custom slide show templates"
- puts
- puts "Further information:"
- puts ""
- exit
- end
- end
- opt.parse!( args )
- puts "Slide Show (S9) Version: #{VERSION} on Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]"
- if opts.generate?
- create_slideshow_templates
- else
- load_markdown_libs
- load_plugins # check for optional plugins/extension in ./lib folder
- args.each { |fn| create_slideshow( fn ) }
- end
-end # class Gen
-def Slideshow.main
end # module Slideshow
# load built-in (required) helpers/plugins
-require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/helpers/text_helper.rb"
-require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/helpers/capture_helper.rb"
+require 'slideshow/helpers/text_helper.rb'
+require 'slideshow/helpers/capture_helper.rb'
# load built-in (optional) helpers/plugins
# If a helper fails to load, simply ingnore it
# If you want to use it install missing required gems e.g.:
# gem install coderay
# gem install ultraviolet etc.
- "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/helpers/uv_helper.rb",
- "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/helpers/coderay_helper.rb",
+ 'slideshow/helpers/uv_helper.rb',
+ 'slideshow/helpers/coderay_helper.rb',
BUILTIN_OPT_HELPERS.each do |helper|
\ No newline at end of file