CHANGELOG in skylinecms-3.1.0 vs CHANGELOG in skylinecms-3.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,57 @@
# Changelog for Skyline #
-## 3.1.0 (Juli 14, 2011) ##
+## 3.2.0 (November 1, 2011) ##
+### Core ###
+* [Core] Skyline is now an Engine! This changes quite a lot, please see doc/INSTALL
+* [Core] Skyline now works with Rails 3.0.x
+* [Core] Skyline now works on Ruby 1.9 (tested 1.9.2)
+* [Core] Add route constraints so they can be used in the implementation (Skyline::RouteConstraints)
+* [Core] Update will_paginate to rails compatible
+* [Core] Add TMail as gem dependency, it's no longer included in Rails
+* [Core] Update test_helpers and factory girl for rails3
+* [Core] Development versions now use the commit SHA1 as the patch version
+* [Core] Skyline does no longer force you to use Mootools in your application (Skyline itself still uses it)
+* [Core] Skyline does no longer overwrite the default form builder
+* [Core] Skyline now has a pluggable authentication interface. (Skyline::Authentication::User)
+### User interface (core) ###
+* [UI] Update tinyMCE to 3.4.4
+* [UI] Various fixes to the wysiwyg editor (mainly browser support)
+* [UI] Switch to unobtrusive rails helpers, include rails.js and update to mootools 1.3
+* [UI] Various minor UI fixes
+* [UI] Don't show section choice button if there are no sections to choose from.
+* [UI] Allow setting some parts of a Skyline.Panel with data- attributes
+* [UI] Fix drag & drop of last child of a subtree
+### Configuration (core) ###
+* [Config] Make the default skyline root route configurable (Configuration.default_route)
+* [Config] RSS section cache path is no longer required to be available unless you are using it
+### Referables (core) ###
+* [Referables] Add Linkable interface so we can browse for any object in the linkbrowser that defines this interface
+* [Referables] Use data-skyline-* attributes instead of our custom skyline-* so the wysiwyg is always valid HTML(5)
+* [Referables] Add InflineRef#compile_html, convert all doc to Yardoc
+### Articles ###
+* [Articles] Added support for `save_with_skip_version` so you can save an ArticleVersion without updating the version counter
+* [Articles] Added support for cloning
+* [Articles] Remove Article#enable_publishing? in favour of the documented Article.publishable?
+* [Articles] Remove Article#enable_locking? in favour of Article#lockable? and Article.lockable?
+* [Articles] Remove Article#enable_multiple_variants? in favour of Article.can_have_multiple_variants? and Article#can_have_multiple_variants?
+* [Articles] Remove unused Article#rollbackable?
+* [Articles] Add support for saving with_skip_version
+* [Articles] Fix destruction of last variant of a page that still has children
+### Media Library ###
+* [MediaLibrary] Add better caching to the Skyline::Media::DataController, also respond with a 404 if the image can't be found
+* [MediaLibrary] Fixed localizations for NL/EN
+### Content Elements ###
+* [ContentElements] Fix checkable_list editor for contentitems
+## 3.1.0 (July 14, 2011) ##
### Core ###
* [Core] Update gemfile to work with bundler 1.0.7
* [Core] Update gemfile to use Rails 2.3.10 and rack 1.1.0
* [Core] Change migrations so there are no more references to tables without the skyline_* prefix.
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