stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_find.scss in singularitygs-1.0.1 vs stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_find.scss in singularitygs-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -9,64 +9,73 @@
@if $user-object != false {
@return $user-object;
@else if $length > 1 {
- $query-min: breakpoint-get-context('min-width');
- $query-max: breakpoint-get-context('max-width');
+ //////////////////////////////
+ // @TODO! REplace with Native Sass Fucntion when vailable!
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////
+ @if (is-breakpoint-list($haystack) != false) {
+ $query-min: breakpoint-get-context('min-width');
+ $query-max: breakpoint-get-context('max-width');
- // If we've got a min-width or max-width
- @if $query-min or $query-max {
- // Reverse the grid so we can step through it
- $reverse-haystack: ();
- @for $i from 2 through $length {
- $reverse-haystack: append($reverse-haystack, nth($haystack, $i), comma);
- }
- $reverse-haystack: reverse($reverse-haystack);
- $rg-length: $length - 1;
+ // If we've got a min-width or max-width
+ @if $query-min or $query-max {
+ // Reverse the grid so we can step through it
+ $reverse-haystack: ();
+ @for $i from 2 through $length {
+ $reverse-haystack: append($reverse-haystack, nth($haystack, $i), comma);
+ }
+ $reverse-haystack: reverse($reverse-haystack);
+ $rg-length: $length - 1;
- // Grab the largest and smallest MQs
- $smallest: nth(nth($haystack, 2), 2);
- $largest: nth(nth($reverse-haystack, 1), 2);
- $context: $query-min;
+ // Grab the largest and smallest MQs
+ $smallest: nth(nth($haystack, 2), 2);
+ $largest: nth(nth($reverse-haystack, 1), 2);
+ $context: $query-min;
- @if not ($mobile-first) {
- $context: $query-max;
- }
+ @if not ($mobile-first) {
+ $context: $query-max;
+ }
- // If it's smallest than the smallest MQ, use the 1st grid
- @if $context < $smallest {
- @return nth($haystack, 1);
- }
- // If it's larger than or equal to the largest MQ, use the last grid
- @else if $context >= $largest {
- @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, 1), 1);
- }
- // If it's in between the smallest and largest, go run a check.
- @else {
- // Loop through each MQ.
- @for $j from 1 through $rg-length {
- $query: nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 2);
+ // If it's smallest than the smallest MQ, use the 1st grid
+ @if $context < $smallest {
+ @return nth($haystack, 1);
+ }
+ // If it's larger than or equal to the largest MQ, use the last grid
+ @else if $context >= $largest {
+ @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, 1), 1);
+ }
+ // If it's in between the smallest and largest, go run a check.
+ @else {
+ // Loop through each MQ.
+ @for $j from 1 through $rg-length {
+ $query: nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 2);
- // If the MQ is greather than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (mobile first)
- @if ($mobile-first) {
- @if $context >= $query {
- @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 1);
+ // If the MQ is greather than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (mobile first)
+ @if ($mobile-first) {
+ @if $context >= $query {
+ @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 1);
+ }
- }
- // If the MQ is less than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (not mobile first)
- @else {
- @if $context <= $query {
- @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 1);
+ // If the MQ is less than or equal to the the MQ in question, use it! (not mobile first)
+ @else {
+ @if $context <= $query {
+ @return nth(nth($reverse-haystack, $j), 1);
+ }
+ // All else fails, return the first grid
+ @else {
+ @return nth($haystack, 1);
+ }
- // All else fails, return the first grid
@else {
- @return nth($haystack, 1);
+ @return $haystack;
// All else fails, return the first grid
@else {
@return nth($haystack, 1);
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