stylesheets/singularitygs/api/_isolation.scss in singularitygs-1.1.2 vs stylesheets/singularitygs/api/_isolation.scss in singularitygs-1.2.0.rc.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,168 +1,116 @@
-@mixin output-isolation($span, $location, $columns, $gutter, $options: false) {
+@function output-isolation($Span-Map) {
+ // Set up Left/Right maps
+ $Return: ();
- $gutter: find-gutter($gutter);
- $gutter-span: gutter-span($gutter, $columns);
- $end-row: end-row($span, $location, $columns);
- $start-row: start-row($location);
+ $Span: map-get($Span-Map, 'span');
+ $Location: map-get($Span-Map, 'location');
- $gutter-style: find-gutter-style();
- $fixed-gutter: fixed-gutter($columns, $gutter);
- $gutter-property: gutter-property($columns, $gutter);
- $split: index($gutter-style, split);
+ $Grid: map-get($Span-Map, 'grid');
+ $Gutter: map-get($Span-Map, 'gutter');
+ $Style: map-get($Span-Map, 'style');
- $margin-span: column-span(($location - 1), 1, $columns, $gutter, $gutter-style);
+ $Start-Row: map-get($Span-Map, 'start row');
+ $End-Row: map-get($Span-Map, 'end row');
- @if not $fixed-gutter {
- $margin-span: $margin-span + $gutter-span;
+ $Fixed-Gutter: map-get($Span-Map, 'fixed gutter');
+ $Split-Gutter: map-get($Span-Map, 'split gutter');
+ $Gutter-Property: map-get($Span-Map, 'gutter property');
+ $Direction: map-get($Span-Map, 'direction');
+ $Options: map-get($Span-Map, 'options');
+ $Width: column-span($Span, $Location, $Grid, $Gutter, $Style);
+ $Margin-Span: column-span(($Location - 1), 1, $Grid, $Gutter, $Style);
+ $Gutter-Span: gutter-span($Gutter, $Grid);
+ // Backwards Compatibility for Options
+ @if type-of($Options) != 'map' and $Options != null {
+ $Options: ('clear': unquote(nth($Options, 1)));
+ $Dir: $Direction;
+ $Opp: opposite-direction($Dir);
- @if $direction == 'ltr' or $direction == 'both' {
- // Set the CSS direction to ltr
- $cssdir: 'ltr';
- // Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction
- $dir: named-direction($cssdir);
- $opp: opposite-direction($dir);
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('width': $Width));
- width: column-span($span, $location, $columns, $gutter, $gutter-style);
+ @if ($End-Row) {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('float': $Opp));
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': 0));
- // If we are at the last item in the row, we float it the opposite direction
- @if ($end-row) {
- float: $opp;
- margin-#{$dir}: 0;
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$opp}: 0;
- }
+ @if $Split-Gutter and not $Fixed-Gutter {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('#{$Gutter-Property}-#{$Opp}': $Gutter-Span / 2));
@else {
- float: $dir;
- margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Opp}': 0));
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('float': $Dir));
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Opp}': -100%));
- @if $start-row {
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- margin-#{$dir}: $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$dir}: 0%;
- }
+ @if $Start-Row {
+ @if $Split-Gutter and not $Fixed-Gutter {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': $Gutter-Span / 2));
- @else {
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- margin-#{$dir}: $margin-span + $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$dir}: $margin-span;
- }
+ @else if not $Fixed-Gutter {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': 0));
- // If options are set, we clear to that option, otherwise no clear!
- @if ($options) {
- clear: unquote($options);
- }
@else {
- clear: none;
- }
- @if $fixed-gutter {
- @if index($gutter-style, split) {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$dir}: $gutter-span / 2;
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span / 2;
+ @if $Split-Gutter and not $Fixed-Gutter {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': $Margin-Span + $Gutter-Span + $Gutter-Span / 2));
+ @else if not $Fixed-Gutter {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': $Margin-Span + $Gutter-Span));
+ }
@else {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span;
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('margin-#{$Dir}': $Margin-Span));
+ // If options are set, we merge them in!
+ @if ($Options) {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, $Options);
+ }
- @if $direction == 'rtl' or $direction == 'both' {
- // Set the CSS direction to ltr
- $cssdir: 'rtl';
- // Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction
- $dir: named-direction($cssdir);
- $opp: opposite-direction($dir);
+ // If CLear isn't already available, set it!
+ @if not map-has-key($Return, 'clear') {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('clear': none));
+ }
- [dir="#{$cssdir}"] & {
- // If we are at the last item in the row, we float it the opposite direction
- @if ($end-row) {
- float: $opp;
- margin-#{$dir}: 0;
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$opp}: 0;
- }
+ // Left Fixed Gutters
+ @if $Fixed-Gutter {
+ @if index($Style, 'split') {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('#{$Gutter-Property}-#{$Dir}': $Gutter-Span / 2));
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('#{$Gutter-Property}-#{$Opp}': $Gutter-Span / 2));
+ }
+ @else {
+ @if not $End-Row {
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('#{$Gutter-Property}-#{$Opp}': $Gutter-Span));
@else {
- float: $dir;
- margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
- @if $start-row {
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- margin-#{$dir}: $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$dir}: 0%;
- }
- }
- @else {
- @if $split and not $fixed-gutter {
- margin-#{$dir}: $margin-span + $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- margin-#{$dir}: $margin-span;
- }
- }
+ $Return: map-merge($Return, ('#{$Gutter-Property}-#{$Opp}': 0));
- // If options are set, we clear to that option, otherwise no clear!
- @if ($options) {
- clear: unquote($options);
- }
- @else {
- clear: none;
- }
- @if $fixed-gutter {
- @if $direction == 'rtl' {
- @if index($gutter-style, split) {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$dir}: $gutter-span / 2;
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span / 2;
- }
- @else {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span;
- }
- }
- @else if not index($gutter-style, split) {
- #{$gutter-property}-#{$opp}: $gutter-span;
- }
- }
- @include span-shared;
+ @return $Return;
-@mixin push-isolation($span, $location, $columns: false, $gutter: false) {
- @include push-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter);
-@mixin pull-isolation($span, $location, $columns: false, $gutter: false) {
- @include pull-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter);
// Happy Syntax for Isolation
// Makes working with Isolation easier, as it moves Clear to a 1st class citizen of the mixin, and automatically builds the verbose grid-span mixin call
-@mixin isolation-span($span, $location, $clear: false, $grid: false, $gutter: false) {
- @include grid-span($span, $location, $grid, $gutter, 'isolation', $clear);
\ No newline at end of file
+@mixin isolation-span($Span, $Location, $clear: false, $grid: false, $gutter: false, $gutter-style: false, $from: false) {
+ $Options: ();
+ @if $clear {
+ $Options: map-merge($Options, ('clear': $clear));
+ }
+ @if $from {
+ $Options: map-merge($Options, ('from': $from));
+ }
+ $Options: if(length($Options) > 0, $Options, null);
+ @include grid-span($Span, $Location, $grid, $gutter, 'isolation', $gutter-style, $Options);