stylesheets/singularitygs/api/_isolation.scss in singularitygs-1.0.1 vs stylesheets/singularitygs/api/_isolation.scss in singularitygs-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,39 +1,84 @@
@mixin output-isolation($span, $location, $columns, $gutter, $options: false) {
- @if $options == false {
- $options: 'right';
- }
$gutter: find-gutter($gutter);
+ $end-row: end-row($span, $location, $columns);
+ $start-row: start-row($location);
+ // @debug $options;
@if $direction == 'ltr' or $direction == 'both' {
// Set the CSS direction to ltr
$cssdir: 'ltr';
// Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction
$dir: named-direction($cssdir);
$opp: opposite-direction($dir);
width: column-span($span, $location, $columns);
- margin-#{$dir}: column-span($location - 1, 1, $columns);
- margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
- float: $dir;
- clear: unquote($options);
+ // If we are at the last item in the row, we float it the opposite direction
+ @if ($end-row) {
+ float: $opp;
+ margin-#{$dir}: 0;
+ margin-#{$opp}: 0;
+ }
+ @else {
+ float: $dir;
+ margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
+ @if $start-row {
+ margin-#{$dir}: 0%;
+ }
+ @else {
+ margin-#{$dir}: column-span(($location - 1), 1, $columns) + gutter-span($gutter, $columns);
+ }
+ }
+ // If options are set, we clear to that option, otherwise no clear!
+ @if ($options) {
+ clear: unquote($options);
+ }
+ @else {
+ clear: none;
+ }
@if $direction == 'rtl' or $direction == 'both' {
// Set the CSS direction to ltr
$cssdir: 'rtl';
// Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction
$dir: named-direction($cssdir);
$opp: opposite-direction($dir);
[dir="#{$cssdir}"] & {
- margin-#{$dir}: column-span($location - 1, 1, $columns) + gutter-span($gutter, $columns);
- margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
- float: $dir;
- clear: unquote($options);
+ // If we are at the last item in the row, we float it the opposite direction
+ @if ($end-row) {
+ float: $opp;
+ }
+ @else {
+ float: $dir;
+ margin-#{$opp}: -100%;
+ @if $start-row {
+ margin-#{$dir}: 0%;
+ }
+ @else {
+ margin-#{$dir}: column-span(($location - 1), 1, $columns) + gutter-span($gutter, $columns);
+ }
+ }
+ // If options are set, we clear to that option, otherwise no clear!
+ @if ($options) {
+ clear: unquote($options);
+ }
+ @else {
+ clear: none;
+ }
@include span-shared;
@@ -43,6 +88,18 @@
@include push-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter);
@mixin pull-isolation($span, $location, $columns: false, $gutter: false) {
@include pull-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter);
+// Happy Syntax for Isolation
+// Makes working with Isolation easier, as it moves Clear to a 1st class citizen of the mixin, and automatically builds the verbose grid-span mixin call
+@mixin isolation-span($span, $location, $clear: false, $columns: false, $gutter: false) {
+ $grid: find-grid($columns);
+ $gutter: find-gutter($gutter);
+ @include grid-span($span, $location, $grid, $gutter, 'isolation', $clear);
\ No newline at end of file