Rakefile in sinatra-1.3.5 vs Rakefile in sinatra-1.3.6

- old
+ new

@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ team = ["Ryan Tomayko", "Blake Mizerany", "Simon Rozet", "Konstantin Haase"] desc "list of contributors" task :thanks, [:release,:backports] do |t, a| a.with_defaults :release => "#{prev_version}..HEAD", :backports => "#{prev_feature}.0..#{prev_feature}.x" - included = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.release}`.lines.to_a - excluded = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.backports}`.lines.to_a + included = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.release}`.lines.map { |l| l.force_encoding('binary') } + excluded = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.backports}`.lines.map { |l| l.force_encoding('binary') } commits = (included - excluded).group_by { |c| c[/^[^\t]+/] } authors = commits.keys.sort_by { |n| - commits[n].size } - team puts authors[0..-2].join(', ') << " and " << authors.last, "(based on commits included in #{a.release}, but not in #{a.backports})" end