Rakefile in sinatra-1.1.3 vs Rakefile in sinatra-1.1.4

- old
+ new

@@ -7,45 +7,57 @@ task :spec => :test CLEAN.include "**/*.rbc" def source_version - line = File.read('lib/sinatra/base.rb')[/^\s*VERSION = .*/] - line.match(/.*VERSION = '(.*)'/)[1] + @source_version ||= begin + line = File.read('lib/sinatra/base.rb')[/^\s*VERSION = .*/] + line.match(/.*VERSION = '(.*)'/)[1] + end end +def prev_feature + source_version.gsub(/^(\d\.)(\d+)\..*$/) { $1 + ($2.to_i - 1).to_s } +end + +def prev_version + return prev_feature + '.0' if source_version.end_with? '.0' + source_version.gsub(/\d+$/) { |s| s.to_i - 1 } +end + # SPECS =============================================================== + task :test do ENV['LANG'] = 'C' ENV.delete 'LC_CTYPE' end Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] t.ruby_opts = ['-rubygems'] if defined? Gem t.ruby_opts << '-I.' end + # Rcov ================================================================ + namespace :test do desc 'Mesures test coverage' task :coverage do rm_f "coverage" - rcov = "rcov --text-summary -Ilib" - system("#{rcov} --no-html --no-color test/*_test.rb") + sh "rcov -Ilib test/*_test.rb" end end # Website ============================================================= -# Building docs requires HAML and the hanna gem: -# gem install mislav-hanna --source=http://gems.github.com desc 'Generate RDoc under doc/api' task 'doc' => ['doc:api'] task('doc:api') { sh "yardoc -o doc/api" } CLEAN.include 'doc/api' # README =============================================================== + task :add_template, [:name] do |t, args| Dir.glob('README.*') do |file| code = File.read(file) if code =~ /^===.*#{args.name.capitalize}/ puts "Already covered in #{file}" @@ -54,17 +66,47 @@ if !template puts "Liquid not found in #{file}" else puts "Adding section to #{file}" template = template.gsub(/Liquid/, args.name.capitalize).gsub(/liquid/, args.name.downcase) - code.gsub! /^(\s*===.*CoffeeScript)/, template << "\n\\1" + code.gsub! /^(\s*===.*CoffeeScript)/, "\n" << template << "\n\\1" File.open(file, "w") { |f| f << code } end end end end +# Thanks in announcement =============================================== + +team = ["Ryan Tomayko", "Blake Mizerany", "Simon Rozet", "Konstantin Haase"] +desc "list of contributors" +task :thanks, [:release,:backports] do |t, a| + a.with_defaults :release => "#{prev_version}..HEAD", + :backports => "#{prev_feature}.0..#{prev_feature}.x" + included = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.release}`.lines.to_a + excluded = `git log --format=format:"%aN\t%s" #{a.backports}`.lines.to_a + commits = (included - excluded).group_by { |c| c[/^[^\t]+/] } + authors = commits.keys.sort_by { |n| - commits[n].size } - team + puts authors[0..-2].join(', ') << " and " << authors.last, + "(based on commits included in #{a.release}, but not in #{a.backports})" +end + +task :authors, [:format, :sep] do |t, a| + a.with_defaults :format => "%s (%d)", :sep => ', ' + authors = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = 0 } + blake = "Blake Mizerany" + mapping = { + "blake.mizerany@gmail.com" => blake, "bmizerany" => blake, + "a_user@mac.com" => blake, "ichverstehe" => "Harry Vangberg", + "Wu Jiang (nouse)" => "Wu Jiang" } + `git shortlog -s`.lines.map do |line| + num, name = line.split("\t", 2).map(&:strip) + authors[mapping[name] || name] += num.to_i + end + puts authors.sort_by { |n,c| -c }.map { |e| a.format % e }.join(a.sep) +end + # PACKAGING ============================================================ if defined?(Gem) # Load the gemspec using the same limitations as github def spec @@ -125,11 +167,11 @@ task 'release' => package('.gem') do sh <<-SH gem install #{package('.gem')} --local && gem push #{package('.gem')} && - git add sinatra.gemspec && - git commit --allow-empty -m '#{source_version} release' && + git commit --allow-empty -a -m '#{source_version} release' && + git tag -s v#{source_version} -m '#{source_version} release' && git tag -s #{source_version} -m '#{source_version} release' && git push && (git push sinatra || true) && git push --tags && (git push sinatra --tags || true) SH end