README.rdoc in sinatra-gen-0.1.1 vs README.rdoc in sinatra-gen-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -12,18 +12,46 @@
sinatra-gen has a bunch of different options (based loosley on merb-gen) to try to not lock the
user into any specific frameworks/dev practices.
- sinatra-gen [appname] [options]
+ sinatra-gen [appname] [actions] [options]
- sinatra-gen mysinatrapp --vendor --init --test=shoulda --views=haml
+ sinatra-gen mysinatrapp get:/ post:/:id --vendor --init --test=shoulda --views=haml
-Options (can also be obtained by running sinatra-gen with no arguments):
+=== Actions
+!! NEW as of 0.2.0 (12/23/08)
+For even faster app development you specify actions to include in your app when generating.
+Actions are written out as
+ http_method:path
+And are seperated by spaces. For example:
+ get:/ post:/:id put:/update/*
+Will be added you your app as:
+ get '/' do
+ end
+ post '/:id' do
+ end
+ put '/update/*' do
+ end
+It will also generate test skeletons in the test framework of your choosing.
+=== Options
+(can also be obtained by running sinatra-gen with no arguments):
-v, --version Show the sinatra-gen version number and quit.
-d, --vendor Extract the latest sinatra to vendor/sinatra
--tiny Only create the minimal files.
--init Initialize a git repository
--cap Adds config directory with basic capistrano deploy.rb
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To use the --vendor option, git must be installed.
To run the app without using the vendor option, the sinatra gem must be installed.
- sudo gem install sintra-gen
\ No newline at end of file
+ sudo gem install sintra-gen
+You can also install directly from github:
+ sudo gem install quirkey-sinatra-gen -s