in simple_form-3.1.0 vs in simple_form-3.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,37 @@
+## master
+## enhancements
+## bug fix
+## 3.1.1
+### enhancements
+ * Add the `disabled_class` to the label when the input is disabled. [@rhodrid](
+### bug fix
+ * Make it possible to override `required` value that was previously set in the wrapper. [@nashby](
+ * `date/time/datetime` inputs now correctly generate the label `for` attribute when
+ HTML5 compatibility is explicitly enabled. [@ericsullivan](
+ * The datetime, date, and time inputs now have a nice format by default on bootstrap.
+ [ulissesalmeida]( [eltonchrls](
+ * Now it is possible to set custom input mappings for collections.
+ Example:
+ ```ruby
+ # On configuration:
+ config.input_mappings = { /gender$/ => :check_boxes }
+ # On form:
+ f.input :gender, collection: [:male, :female]
+ ```
+ [strangeworks](
## 3.1.0
### enhancements
* Update foundation generator to version 5. [@jorge-d](
* Add mapping to `uuid` columns.