lib/simple_enum/mongoid.rb in simple_enum-1.6.9 vs lib/simple_enum/mongoid.rb in simple_enum-2.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -21,31 +21,27 @@
# or custom field options (like e.g. type want to be passed):
# as_enum :gender, [:female, :male], :field => { :type => Integer }
module Mongoid
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- included do
- # create class level methods
- class_attribute :simple_enum_definitions, :instance_writer => false, :instance_reader => false
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend SimpleEnum::Attribute
+ base.extend SimpleEnum::Translation
+ base.extend SimpleEnum::Mongoid::ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
- include SimpleEnum::ClassMethods
# Wrap method chain to create mongoid field and additional
# column options
- def as_enum_with_mongoid(enum_cd, values, options = {})
- options = SimpleEnum.default_options.merge({ :column => "#{enum_cd}_cd" }).deep_merge(options)
- # forward custom field options
+ def as_enum(name, values, options = {})
+ source = options[:source].to_s.presence || "#{name}#{SimpleEnum.suffix}"
field_options = options.delete(:field)
- field(options[:column], field_options.is_a?(Hash) ? field_options : {}) unless field_options === false
+ unless field_options === false
+ field_options ||= SimpleEnum.field
+ field(source, field_options) if field_options
+ end
- # call original as_enum method
- as_enum_without_mongoid(enum_cd, values, options)
+ super
- alias_method_chain :as_enum, :mongoid