in simple_calendar-1.0.1 vs in simple_calendar-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,60 +15,108 @@
Just add this into your Gemfile followed by a bundle install:
- gem "simple_calendar", "~> 1.0.0"
+ gem "simple_calendar", "~> 1.1.0"
-Generating calendars is extremely simple with simple_calendar in version 1.0.
+Generating calendars is extremely simple with simple_calendar in version 1.1.
The first parameter is a symbol that looks up the current date in
`params`. If no date is found, it will use the current date.
In these examples, we're using `:start_date` which is the default.
### Month Calendar
You can generate a calendar for the month with the `month_calendar`
-This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar.
-<%= month_calendar :start_date do |day| %>
- <%= day %>
+<%= month_calendar do |date| %>
+ <%= date %>
<% end %>
### Week Calendar
You can generate a week calendar with the `week_calendar` method.
-This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar.
-<%= week_calendar :start_date, number_of_weeks: 2 do |day| %>
- <%= day %>
+<%= week_calendar number_of_weeks: 2 do |date| %>
+ <%= date %>
<% end %>
Setting `number_of_weeks` is optional and defaults to 1.
### Custom Length Calendar
You can generate calendars of any length by passing in the number of days you want to render.
-This will use `params[:start_date]` to render the calendar.
-<%= calendar :start_date, number_of_days: 4 do |day| %>
- <%= day %>
+<%= calendar number_of_days: 4 do |date| %>
+ <%= date %>
<% end %>
Setting `number_of_days` is optional and defaults to 4.
+## Rendering Events
+What's a calendar without events in it? There are two simple steps for
+creating calendars with events.
+The first step is to add the following to your model. We'll be using a
+model called Event, but you can add this to any model or Ruby object.
+We use the `has_calendar` method to tell simple_calendar how to filter
+and sort the events on the different calendar days. This should be the
+start date/time of your event. By default it uses `starts_at` as the
+attribute name.
+class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
+ extend SimpleCalendar
+ has_calendar
+ # Or set a custom attribute for simple_calendar to sort by
+ # has_calendar :attribute => :your_starting_time_column_name
+In your controller, query for these events and store them in an instance
+variable. We'll just load up all the events for this example.
+def index
+ @events = Event.all
+Then in your view, you can pass in the `events` option to render. The
+events will automatically be filter out by day for you.
+<%= month_calendar events: @events do |date, events| %>
+ <%= date %>
+ <% events.each do |event| %>
+ <div>
+ <%= %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+<% end %>
+If you pass in objects that don't respond to the attribute method (like
+starts_at), then all the events will be yielded each day. This lets you
+do custom filtering however you want.
## Customizing The Calendar
You can change a couple of global options that will affect how the
calendars are generated:
@@ -111,14 +159,11 @@
Each of the options are passed directly to the
the `content_tag` method so each of them **must** be a hash.
-<%= calendar :start_date,
- table: {class: "table table-bordered"},
- tr: {class: "row"},
- td: {class: "day"}, do |day| %>
+<%= calendar table: {class: "table table-bordered"}, tr: {class: "row"}, td: {class: "day"}, do |day| %>
<% end %>
This will set the class of `table table-bordered` on the `table` HTML
@@ -147,23 +192,40 @@
dates and returns a hash. The hash will be passed in directly to the
content_tag options. If you wish to set a class or data attributes, just
set them as you normally would in a content_tag call.
-<%= month_calendar :start_date, tr: ->(start_date,
-current_calendar_date) { {class: "calendar-date", data: {day:
-current_calendar_date}} } do |day| %>
+<%= month_calendar td: ->(start_date, current_calendar_date) { {class: "calendar-date", data: {day: current_calendar_date}} } do |day| %>
<% end %>
This generate each day in the calendar like this:
<td class="calendar-date" data-day="2014-05-11">
+Instead of writing the lambdas inline, a cleaner approach is to write a
+helper that returns a lambda. You can duplicate the following example by
+adding this to your helpers
+def month_calendar_td_options
+ ->(start_date, current_calendar_date) {
+ {class: "calendar-date", data: {day: current_calendar_date}}
+ }
+And then your view would use `month_calendar_td_options` as the value.
+<%= month_calendar td: month_calendar_td_options do |day| %>
+<% end %>
### Custom Header Links
Each of the calendar methods will generate a header with links to the
previous and next views. The `month_calendar` also includes a header
that tells you the current month and year that you are viewing.
@@ -172,12 +234,11 @@
`next_link` options into the calendar methods.
The default `month_calendar` look like this:
-<%= month_calendar :start_date,
- prev_link: ->(range) { link_to raw("«"), param_name => range.first - },
+<%= month_calendar prev_link: ->(range) { link_to raw("«"), param_name => range.first - },
header: ->{ content_tag :span, "#{I18n.t("date.month_names")[start_date.month]} #{start_date.year}", class: "calendar-header" },
next_link: ->(range) { link_to raw("»"), param_name => range.last + } do |day| %>
<% end %>
@@ -195,19 +256,15 @@
If you wish to disable any of these partsof the header, just pass in
`false` and that will hide it:
-<%= month_calendar :start_date, header: false do |day| %>
+<%= month_calendar header: false do |day| %>
<% end %>
-- Having an "events" option would be nice. Users can pass in all the
- objects and we can use it to auto-filter them so the user doesn't
- have to. This is what the previous version did and yielded the
- day's events to the block.
- Multi-day events?
## Author
Chris Oliver <>