README.rdoc in simple-search-0.10.3 vs README.rdoc in simple-search-0.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,58 +11,90 @@
In your Gemfile:
gem "simple-search" # Last officially released gem
+In your config/environment.rb
+ require 'simple_search'
In your controller:
def index
- @posts = Post.simplesearch(params)
- # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(params[:ss]) # when group options to "ss"
- # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(:id_gt=>1,:id_lt=>3)
+ @posts ='posts.*, as comment_id, comments.body as comment').joins(:comments)
+ @posts = @posts.simplesearch(params)
+ render :index
In your view:
- <%= form_tag('/posts') do -%>
- <%= text_field_tag 'id_gt' %>
- <%= text_field_tag 'id_lt' %>
- .....
- <%= submit_tag %>
+ <%= form_tag('/posts', :method=>:GET) do -%>
+ ID > <%= text_field_tag 'id_gt', params[:id_gt] %> <br/>
+ Subject contains <%= text_field_tag 'subject_ct', params[:subject_ct] %> <br/>
+ <%= submit_tag "Search" %>
<% end -%>
- <%=order_link(:id, "Order by ID" )%>
+ <style>
+ #pages a {border:1px solid grey; display:inline-block; min-width:13px; text-align:center; text-decoration: none}
+ #pages a:first-child, #pages a:last-child {background-color:grey}
+ #pages a.current {color:white; background-color:#333}
+ </style>
+ <div id="pages">
+ Pages : <%=raw page_urls(@posts).join(" ") %>
+ </div>
- <%=page_urls(@posts)%>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th><%=order_link(:id)%></th>
+ <th><%=order_link(:subject)%></th>
+ <th><%=order_link(:body)%></th>
+ <th><%=order_link(:comment_id)%></th>
+ <th><%=order_link(:comment)%></th>
+ </tr>
+ <% @posts.each do |post| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%=h %></td>
+ <td><%=h post.subject %></td>
+ <td><%=h post.body %></td>
+ <td><%=h post.comment_id %></td>
+ <td><%=h post.comment %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
=== Search postfixes
* _eq, equal to, =
* _gt, greater than, >
* _lt, less than, <
* _le, less or equal to, <=
* _ge, greater or equal to, <=
* _in, includes, IN
i.e., &id_in=1,2,3
-* _bt(_between), between, BETWEEN
+* _bt (alias of _between), between, BETWEEN
i.e., &id_between=1,3
-* _sw(_startswith), starts with, LIKE 'key%' (
-* _ew(_endsswith), ends with, LIKE '%key'
-* _ct(_contains,_like), contains, LIKE '%key%'
-* _nc(_notcontains,_notlike), not contains, NOT LIKE '%key%'
+* _sw (alias of _startswith), starts with, LIKE 'key%' (
+* _ew (alias of _endsswith), ends with, LIKE '%key'
+* _ct (alias of _contains,_like), contains, LIKE '%key%'
+* _nc (alias of _notcontains,_notlike), not contains, NOT LIKE '%key%'
* _is, IS
i.e., &id_is=null
-* _it(_isnot), IS NOT
+* _it (alias of _isnot), IS NOT
=== Sorting your result
* order_by
i.e., &order_by=id+asc
=== Paging
* page , page number
i.e. &page=1
* page_by, number of rows in a page
i.e. &page_by=10
+=== Grouping
+* group_by, column to group
+ i.e. &
== Contributing to simple-search
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.