README.rdoc in simple-search-0.10.2 vs README.rdoc in simple-search-0.10.3
- old
+ new
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@
* _gt, greater than, >
* _lt, less than, <
* _le, less or equal to, <=
* _ge, greater or equal to, <=
* _in, includes, IN
- i.e., &id_in=1,2,3
+ i.e., &id_in=1,2,3
* _bt(_between), between, BETWEEN
- i.e., &id_between=1,3
+ i.e., &id_between=1,3
* _sw(_startswith), starts with, LIKE 'key%' (
* _ew(_endsswith), ends with, LIKE '%key'
* _ct(_contains,_like), contains, LIKE '%key%'
* _nc(_notcontains,_notlike), not contains, NOT LIKE '%key%'
* _is, IS
- i.e., &id_is=null
+ i.e., &id_is=null
* _it(_isnot), IS NOT
=== Sorting your result
* order_by
- i.e., &order_by=id+asc
+ i.e., &order_by=id+asc
=== Paging
* page , page number
- i.e. &page=1
+ i.e. &page=1
* page_by, number of rows in a page
- i.e. &page_by=10
+ i.e. &page_by=10
== Contributing to simple-search
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.