README.rdoc in simple-search-0.10.1 vs README.rdoc in simple-search-0.10.2
- old
+ new
@@ -10,32 +10,31 @@
== Getting Started
In your Gemfile:
gem "simple-search" # Last officially released gem
- # gem "simple-search", :git => "git://"
In your controller:
def index
@posts = Post.simplesearch(params)
- # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(params[:ss]) # when group options to "ss"
- # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(:id_gt=>1,:id_lt=>3)
+ # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(params[:ss]) # when group options to "ss"
+ # or, @posts = Post.simplesearch(:id_gt=>1,:id_lt=>3)
In your view:
- <%= form_tag('/posts') do -%>
- <%= text_field_tag 'id_gt' %>
- <%= text_field_tag 'id_lt' %>
+ <%= form_tag('/posts') do -%>
+ <%= text_field_tag 'id_gt' %>
+ <%= text_field_tag 'id_lt' %>
- <%= submit_tag %>
- <% end -%>
+ <%= submit_tag %>
+ <% end -%>
- <%=order_link(:id, "Order by ID" )%>
+ <%=order_link(:id, "Order by ID" )%>
- <%=page_urls(@posts)%>
+ <%=page_urls(@posts)%>
=== Search postfixes
* _eq, equal to, =
* _gt, greater than, >
@@ -58,12 +57,12 @@
* order_by
i.e., &order_by=id+asc
=== Paging
* page , page number
- i.e. &page=1
+ i.e. &page=1
* page_by, number of rows in a page
- i.e. &page_by=10
+ i.e. &page_by=10
== Contributing to simple-search
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.