lib/signaturit_client.rb in signaturit-sdk-0.0.5 vs lib/signaturit_client.rb in signaturit-sdk-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,309 +7,238 @@
# Signaturit client class
class SignaturitClient
# Initialize the object with the token and environment
def initialize(token, production = false)
- base = production ? '' : ''
+ base = production ? '' : ''
- @client = base, :headers => { :Authorization => "Bearer #{token}", :user_agent => 'signaturit-ruby-sdk 0.0.4' }, :ssl_version => :TLSv1_2
+ @client = base, :headers => { :Authorization => "Bearer #{token}", :user_agent => 'signaturit-ruby-sdk 1.0.0' }, :ssl_version => :TLSv1_2
- # get info from your account
- def get_account
- request :get, '/v2/account.json'
- end
- # Set the credentials in account, in order to store a copy from all documents
- #
- # Params:
- # +type+:: Type of storage, sftp or s3
- # +params+:: An array with credentials data
- # sftp:
- # - host: Your host
- # - port: Connection port
- # - dir: Directory where store the files
- # - user: Username
- # - auth_method: KEY or PASS
- # pass:
- # - password: Password
- # key:
- # - private: Private key
- # - public: Public key
- # - passphrase: The passphrase
- # s3:
- # - bucket: Name of bucket
- # - key: S3 key
- # - secret: S3 secret
- def set_document_storage(type, params)
- params[:type] = type
- request :post, '/v2/account/storage.json', params
- end
- # Revert the document storage to the signaturit's default
- def revert_to_default_document_storage
- request :delete, '/v2/account/storage.json'
- end
# Get a concrete signature object
# Params:
# +signature_id+:: The id of the signature object
def get_signature(signature_id)
- request :get, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}.json"
+ request :get, "/v3/signatures/#{signature_id}.json"
# Get a list of signature objects
# Params:
# +limit+:: Maximum number of results to return
# +offset+:: Offset of results to skip
- # +status+:: Status of the signature objects to filter
- # +since+:: Filter signature objects created since this date
- # +data+:: Filter signature objects using custom data
- def get_signatures(limit = 100, offset = 0, status = nil, since = nil, data = nil)
- params = { :limit => limit, :offset => offset }
+ # +conditions+:: Filter conditions
+ def get_signatures(limit = 100, offset = 0, conditions = {})
+ params = extract_query_params conditions
- params[:status] = status unless status.nil?
- params[:since] = since unless since.nil?
+ params['limit'] = limit
+ params['offset'] = offset
- if data
- data.each do |key, value|
- new_key = "data.#{key}"
- params[new_key] = value
- end
- end
- request :get, '/v2/signs.json', params
+ request :get, "/v3/signatures.json", params
# Get the number of signature objects
# Params:
- # +status+:: Status of the signature objects to filter
- # +since+:: Filter signature objects created since this date
- # +data+:: Filter signature objects using custom data
- def count_signatures(status = nil, since = nil, data = nil)
- params = {}
+ # +conditions+:: Filter conditions
+ def count_signatures(conditions = {})
+ params = extract_query_params conditions
- params[:status] = status unless status.nil?
- params[:since] = since unless since.nil?
- if data
- data.each do |key, value|
- new_key = "data.#{key}"
- params[new_key] = value
- end
- end
- request :get, '/v2/signs/count.json', params
+ request :get, "/v3/signatures/count.json", params
- # Get a concrete document from a concrete Signature
- #
- # Params:
- # +signature_id+:: The id of the signature object
- # +document_id+:: The id of the document object
- def get_signature_document(signature_id, document_id)
- request :get, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}.json"
- end
- # Get all documents in the given signature object
- #
- # Params:
- # +signature_id+:: The id of the signature object
- def get_signature_documents(signature_id)
- request :get, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/documents.json"
- end
# Get the audit trail of concrete document
# Params:
# +signature_id++:: The id of the signature object
# +document_id++:: The id of the document object
- # +path++:: Path where the document will be stored
- def get_audit_trail(signature_id, document_id, path)
- response = request :get, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}/download/doc_proof", {}, false
-, 'wb') do |file|
- file.write(response)
- end
- nil
+ def download_audit_trail(signature_id, document_id)
+ request :get, "/v3/signatures/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}/download/audit_trail", {}, false
# Get the signed document
# Params:
# +signature_id++:: The id of the signature object
# +document_id++:: The id of the document object
- # +path++:: Path where the document will be stored
- def get_signed_document(signature_id, document_id, path)
- response = request :get, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}/download/signed", {}, false
-, 'wb') do |file|
- file.write(response)
- end
- nil
+ def download_signed_document(signature_id, document_id)
+ request :get, "/v3/signatures/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}/download/signed", {}, false
# Create a new Signature request
# Params:
# +filepath+:: The pdf file to send or an array with multiple files.
# +recipients+:: A string with an email, a hash like
# {:name => "a name", :email => "", :phone => "34655123456"}
# or an array of hashes.
# +params+:: An array of parameters for the signature object
- # - subject: Subject of the email
- # - body: Body of the email
- # - in_person: If you want to do an in person sign (system will not send
- # an email to the user, but return the signature url instead)
- # - sequential: If you want to do a sequential sign (for multiple
- # recipients, the sign goes in sequential way)
- # - photo: If a photo is required in sign process
- # - mandatory_pages: An array with the pages the signer must sign
- # - branding_id: The id of the branding you want to use
- # - templates: An array ot template ids to use.
- def create_signature_request(filepath, recipients, params = {})
+ def create_signature(filepath, recipients, params = {})
params[:recipients] = {}
- [recipients].flatten().each_with_index do |recipient, index|
+ [recipients].flatten.each_with_index do |recipient, index|
params[:recipients][index] = recipient
- params[:files] = [filepath].flatten().map do |filepath|
+ params[:files] = [filepath] do |filepath|, 'rb')
- params[:templates] = [params[:templates]].flatten() if params[:templates]
+ params[:templates] = [params[:templates]].flatten if params[:templates]
- request :post, '/v2/signs.json', params
+ request :post, "/v3/signatures.json", params
# Cancel a signature request
# Params
# +signature_id++:: The id of the signature object
- def cancel_signature_request(signature_id)
- request :patch, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/cancel.json"
+ def cancel_signature(signature_id)
+ request :patch, "/v3/signatures/#{signature_id}/cancel.json"
# Send a reminder for the given signature request document
# Param
# +signature_id++:: The id of the signature object
- # +document_id++:: The id of the document object
- def send_reminder(signature_id, document_id)
- request :post, "/v2/signs/#{signature_id}/documents/#{document_id}/reminder.json"
+ def send_signature_reminder(signature_id)
+ request :post, "/v3/signatures/#{signature_id}/reminder.json"
# Get a concrete branding
# Params
# +branding_id+:: The id of the branding object
def get_branding(branding_id)
- request :get, "/v2/brandings/#{branding_id}.json"
+ request :get, "/v3/brandings/#{branding_id}.json"
# Get all account brandings
def get_brandings
- request :get, '/v2/brandings.json'
+ request :get, "/v3/brandings.json"
# Create a new branding
# Params:
# +params+:: An array of parameters for the branding object
- # - primary: If set, this new branding will be the default one
- # - corporate_layout_color: Default color for all application widgets
- # - corporate_text_color: Default text color for all application widgets
- # - application_texts: A dict with the new text values
- # - sign_button: Text for sign button
- # - send_button: Text for send button
- # - decline_button: Text for decline button:
- # - decline_modal_title: Title for decline modal
- # - decline_modal_body: Body for decline modal
- # - photo: Photo message text, which tells the user that a photo is
- # needed in the current process
- # - multi_pages: Header of the document, which tells the user the
- # number of pages to sign
- # - subject_tag: This tag appears at the subject of all your messages
- # - reminders: A list with reminder times (in seconds). Every reminder
- # time, a email will be sent, if the signer didn't sign the document
- # - expire_time: The signature time (in seconds). When the expire time is
- # over, the document cannot be signed. Set 0 if you want a signature
- # without expire time.
- # - callback_url: A url to redirect the user, when the process is over.
- # - signature_pos_x: Default position x of signature
- # - signature_pos_y: Default position y of signature
- # - terms_and_conditions_label: The terms text that appears when you need
- # to check the button to accept.
- # - terms_and_conditions_body: Custom text that appears below signature
- # conditions
- # - hide_legal_section: If true, legal section in email footer doesn't
- # appear
- # - hide_info_section: If true, info section in email footer doesn't
- # appear
- # - hide_contact_section: If true, contact section in email footer
- # doesn't appear
def create_branding(params)
- request :post, '/v2/brandings.json', params
+ request :post, "/v3/brandings.json", params
# Update a existing branding
# Params:
# +branding_id+:: Id of the branding to update
# +params+:: Same params as method create_branding, see above
def update_branding(branding_id, params)
- request :patch, "/v2/brandings/#{branding_id}.json", params
+ request :patch, "/v3/brandings/#{branding_id}.json", params
- # Update the logo of a branding
+ # Get a list of template objects
# Params:
- # +branding_id+:: Id of the branding to update
- # +filepath+:: The path to the image file
- def update_branding_logo(branding_id, filepath)
- request :put, "/v2/brandings/#{branding_id}/logo.json",
+ # +limit+:: Maximum number of results to return
+ # +offset+:: Offset of results to skip
+ def get_templates(limit = 100, offset = 0)
+ params = { :limit => limit, :offset => offset }
+ request :get, "/v3/templates.json", params
- # Update the template of a branding
+ # Get all emails
# Params:
- # +branding_id+:: Id of the branding to update
- # +filepath+:: The path to the html file
- # +template+:: The email template trying to update
- def update_branding_template(branding_id, template, filepath)
- request :put, "/v2/brandings/#{branding_id}/emails/#{template}.json",
+ # +limit+:: Maximum number of results to return
+ # +offset+:: Offset of results to skip
+ # +conditions+:: Query conditions
+ def get_emails(limit = 100, offset = 0, conditions = {})
+ params = extract_query_params conditions
+ params['limit'] = limit
+ params['offset'] = offset
+ request :get, "/v3/emails.json", params
- # Get a list of template objects
+ # Count all emails
# Params:
- # +limit+:: Maximum number of results to return
- # +offset+:: Offset of results to skip
- def get_templates(limit = 100, offset = 0)
- params = { :limit => limit, :offset => offset }
+ # +conditions+:: Query conditions
+ def count_emails(conditions = {})
+ params = extract_query_params conditions
- request :get, '/v2/templates.json', params
+ request :get, "/v3/emails/count.json", params
+ # Get a single email
+ #
+ # Params:
+ # +email_id+:: Id of email
+ def get_email(email_id)
+ request :get, "/v3/emails/#{email_id}.json"
+ end
+ # Create a new email
+ #
+ # Params:
+ # +files+:: File or files to send with the email
+ # +recipients+:: Recipients for the email
+ # +subject+:: Email subject
+ # +body+:: Email body
+ # +params+:: Extra params
+ def create_email(files, recipients, subject, body, params = {})
+ params[:recipients] = {}
+ [recipients].flatten.each_with_index do |recipient, index|
+ params[:recipients][index] = recipient
+ end
+ params[:files] = [files] do |filepath|
+, 'rb')
+ end
+ params[:subject] = subject
+ params[:body] = body
+ request :post, "/v3/emails.json", params
+ end
+ # Get the audit trail of concrete certificate
+ #
+ # Params:
+ # +email_id++:: The id of the signature object
+ # +certificate_id++:: The id of the document object
+ def download_email_audit_trail(email_id, certificate_id)
+ request :get, "/v3/emails/#{email_id}/certificates/#{certificate_id}/download/audit_trail", {}, false
+ end
+ # Parse query parameters
+ def extract_query_params(conditions)
+ params = {}
+ conditions.each do |key, value|
+ if key == 'ids'
+ value = value.join(',')
+ end
+ params[key] = value
+ end
+ params
+ end
# Common request method
def request(method, path, params = {}, to_json = true)
case method
when :get, :delete
encoded = URI.encode_www_form(params)
path = "#{path}?#{encoded}" if encoded.length > 0
body = @client[path].send method
@@ -318,6 +247,7 @@
body = JSON.parse body if to_json