Gulpfile.js in sideshow-0.4.1 vs Gulpfile.js in sideshow-0.4.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,404 +1,419 @@
-//All Requires
-var gulp = require('gulp'),
- autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
- minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'),
- jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
- uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
- csslint = require('gulp-csslint'),
- rename = require('gulp-rename'),
- concat = require('gulp-concat'),
- notify = require('gulp-notify'),
- livereload = require('gulp-livereload'),
- open = require('open'),
- del = require('del'),
- http = require('http'),
- ecstatic = require('ecstatic'),
- util = require('gulp-util'),
- prettify = require('gulp-prettify'),
- beautify = require('gulp-beautify'),
- stylus = require('gulp-stylus'),
- include = require('gulp-include'),
- fs = require('fs'),
- path = require('path'),
- prompt = require('gulp-prompt'),
- yuidoc = require('gulp-yuidoc'),
- bower = require('gulp-bower'),
- unzip = require('gulp-unzip'),
- zip = require('gulp-zip'),
- gzip = require('gulp-gzip'),
- tar = require('gulp-tar'),
- run = require('gulp-run'),
- git = require('gift'),
- repo = git('./'),
- webserverPort = 8080,
- isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform),
- appRoot = path.resolve('.');
- //config = require('./gulp/config');
-/* Tasks (will be extracted to separated files) */
-//Sideshow's main stylesheet
-gulp.task('style', function(){
- compileSideshowStylesheets()
-//Examples pages Style task
-gulp.task('examples-style', function(){
- compileExamplesStylesheet();
-//Bundle Nexit modules with Browserify
-gulp.task('bundle-scripts', function(){
- bundleScripts();
-//Clean task
-gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {
- cleanFiles(cb);
-//Watch Task
-gulp.task('watch', function() {
- pollForChanges();
-//Webserver task
-gulp.task('webserver', function(){
- runDevelopmentWebServer();
-//Default task
-gulp.task('default', function() {
- compileSideshowStylesheets();
- compileExamplesStylesheet();
- // gulp.start('examples-partials');
- runDevelopmentWebServer();
- pollForChanges();
- setTimeout(function(){
- openInBrowser(util.env.browser);
- }, 3000);
-gulp.task('update-version', function(){
- updateVersionNumberReferences();
-gulp.task('update-bower', function(){
- updateBowerDependencies();
-gulp.task('generate-docs', function() {
- generateDocumentation();
-gulp.task('prepare-build', ['update-version', 'update-bower','clean'], function() {
- console.log('Remember to edit the CHANGELOG file before doing a complete build.');
-gulp.task('complete-build', function() {
- if(prompt.confirm('Did you run the prepare-build before this?')){
- compileSideshowStylesheets();
- compileExamplesStylesheet();
- bundleScripts(function(){
- generateDocumentation();
- });
- }
-gulp.task('pack', function() {
- zipDistributableFiles();
- generatePackages();
-function zipDistributableFiles(){
- var distr = gulp.src(['./distr*/**/*', './examples*/**/*', 'example.html']);
- distr
- .pipe(zip(''))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));
- distr
- .pipe(tar('sideshow.tar'))
- .pipe(gzip())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));
-function generatePackages(){
- del(['*.gem', '*.nupkg'], function(){
- repo.status(function(err, status){
- if(Object.keys(status.files).length === 0){
- var versionFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'VERSION');
- fs.readFile(versionFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, version) {
- var versionNumber = version.match(/[\d.]+/);
- gulp.src('./')
- .pipe(run('git tag -a ' + version + ' -m \'' + version + '\''))
- .pipe(run('git push --all origin'));
- console.log('Building and pushing Sideshow gem');
- gulp.src('./')
- .pipe(run('gem build sideshow.gemspec'))
- .pipe(run('gem push sideshow-' + versionNumber + '.gem'));
- if(isWin){
- console.log('Packing and pushing Sideshow nuget package');
- gulp.src('./')
- .pipe(run('nuget pack sideshow.nuspec'))
- .pipe(run('nuget push sideshow.' + versionNumber + '.nupkg'));
- }
- });
- } else {
- console.log('Before packing a new version you must commit your changes.')
- }
- });
- });
-function updateBowerDependencies(){
- bower()
- .on('end', function(){
- gulp.src('./bower_components/pagedown/')
- .pipe(unzip())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./bower_components/pagedown'))
- .on('end', function(){
- gulp.src('./bower_components/pagedown/pagedown-*/Markdown.Converter.js')
- .pipe(uglify())
- .pipe(rename('pagedown.min.js'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/dependencies'));
- });
- gulp.src('./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js')
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/dependencies'));
- });
-function compileSideshowStylesheets(){
- return gulp.src('stylesheets/sideshow.styl')
- .pipe(stylus())
- .on('error', errorHandler('sideshow_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
- .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
- .on('error', errorHandler('sideshow_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
- .pipe(rename('sideshow.css'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('tmp'))
- .pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))
- .pipe(csslint.reporter())
- .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
- .pipe(minifycss())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/stylesheets'));
- //Font face stylesheet
- gulp.src('stylesheets/sideshow-fontface.styl')
- .pipe(stylus())
- .on('error', errorHandler('fontface_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
- .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
- .on('error', errorHandler('fontface_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
- .pipe(rename('sideshow-fontface.min.css'))
- .pipe(minifycss())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/fonts'));
-function compileExamplesStylesheet(){
- return gulp.src('examples/stylesheets/styl/example.styl')
- .pipe(stylus())
- .on('error', errorHandler('examples_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
- .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
- .on('error', errorHandler('examples_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
- .pipe(rename('example.css'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('tmp'))
- .pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))
- .pipe(csslint.reporter())
- .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
- .pipe(minifycss())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('examples/stylesheets'));
-function bundleScripts(endCallback){
- return gulp.src('./src/main.js')
- .pipe(include())
- .on('error', errorHandler('jsbuild_error'))
- .pipe(rename('sideshow.js'))
- .pipe(beautify({indentSize: 2}))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/'))
- .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
- .pipe(uglify())
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'))
- .on('end', function(){
- //adding copyright message in the expanded version
- gulp.src(['./src/copyright_info.js', './distr/sideshow.js'])
- .pipe(concat('sideshow.js'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'));
- //adding copyright message in the minified version
- gulp.src(['./src/copyright_info.js', './distr/sideshow.min.js'])
- .pipe(concat('sideshow.min.js'))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'));
- if(endCallback) endCallback();
- });
-function cleanFiles(cb){
- del(['distr/*.js', 'tmp/*', 'docs/**/*'], cb);
-function pollForChanges(){
-'src/**/*.js', ['bundle-scripts']);
-'stylesheets/**/*.styl', ['style', 'examples-style']);
-'examples/stylesheets/styl/**/*.styl', ['examples-style']);
-'examples/partials/**/*.html', ['examples-partials']);
- // Create LiveReload server
- livereload.listen();
- // Watch any files in distr/, reload on change
-['examples/stylesheets/example.min.css', 'distr/**']).on('change', function(){
- livereload.changed();
- notify('Changed.');
- });
- notify('Running livereload.');
-function runDevelopmentWebServer(){
- http.createServer(
- ecstatic({ root: __dirname })
- ).listen(webserverPort);
- notify('Web server started. Listening on port ' + webserverPort + '.');
-function openInBrowser(browser){
- function go(browser){
- return open('http://localhost:' + webserverPort + '/example.html', browser);
- }
- if (browser != 'none'){
- if(browser == 'all'){
- go('firefox');
- go('opera');
- go('safari');
- go('chrome');
- } else if (browser)
- go(browser);
- else
- go('firefox');
- }
-function updateVersionNumberReferences(){
- var version = util.env.version || (function(){ throw "A version number must be passed. Please inform the '--version' argument."; })(),
- name = || (function(){ throw "A version name must be passed. Please inform the '--name' argument."; })(),
- appRoot = path.resolve('.'),
- versionFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'VERSION'),
- yuidocFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'yuidoc.json'),
- bowerFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'bower.json'),
- gemspecFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'sideshow.gemspec'),
- nuspecFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'sideshow.nuspec'),
- packageJsonFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'package.json'),
- changelogFilePath = path.join(appRoot, ''),
- copyrightInfoFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'src', 'copyright_info.js'),
- variablesFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'src', 'general', 'variables.js'),
- releaseDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10);
- //VERSION file
- fs.readFile(versionFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- fs.writeFile(versionFilePath, 'v' + version + '-' + name);
- });
- //yuidoc.json
- fs.readFile(yuidocFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- var json = JSON.parse(data);
- json.version = version;
- fs.writeFile(yuidocFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
- });
- //bower.json
- fs.readFile(bowerFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- var json = JSON.parse(data);
- json.version = version;
- fs.writeFile(bowerFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
- });
- //package.json
- fs.readFile(packageJsonFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- var json = JSON.parse(data);
- json.version = version;
- fs.writeFile(packageJsonFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
- });
- //sideshow.gemspec
- fs.readFile(gemspecFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- fs.writeFile(gemspecFilePath, data.replace(/(s.version\s+=\s+)('[\d.]+')/, "$1'" + version + "'"));
- });
- //copyright_info.js
- fs.readFile(copyrightInfoFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- fs.writeFile(copyrightInfoFilePath, data
- .replace(/(Version: )([\d.]+)/, '$1' + version)
- .replace(/(Date: )([\d-]+)/, '$1' + releaseDate));
- });
- //CHANGELOG file
- fs.readFile(changelogFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- if(data.indexOf('#Version '+ version) == -1){
- var versionChangelogText = '#Version ' + version + ' ' + name + ' (' + releaseDate + ')' +
- '\n\n##General' +
- '\n\n##Fixes\n\n' +
- Array(61).join('-') + '\n\n';
- fs.writeFile(changelogFilePath, versionChangelogText + data);
- }
- });
- fs.readFile(variablesFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- fs.writeFile(variablesFilePath, data.replace(/(get VERSION\(\) {\s+return )("[\d.]+")/, '$1"' + version + '"'));
- });
- fs.readFile(nuspecFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) throw err;
- fs.writeFile(nuspecFilePath, data.replace(/(<version>)([\d.]+)(<\/version>)/, '$1' + version + '$3'));
- });
-function generateDocumentation(){
- return gulp.src("./distr/sideshow.js")
- .pipe(yuidoc())
- .pipe(gulp.dest("./docs"));
-function errorHandler(title){
- return function(error){
- console.log((title || 'Error') + ': ' + error.message);
- notify((title || 'Error') + ': ' + error.message);
- };
-function autoPrefixerConfig(){
- return autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4');
+//All Requires
+var gulp = require('gulp'),
+ autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
+ minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'),
+ jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
+ uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
+ csslint = require('gulp-csslint'),
+ rename = require('gulp-rename'),
+ concat = require('gulp-concat'),
+ notify = require('gulp-notify'),
+ livereload = require('gulp-livereload'),
+ open = require('open'),
+ del = require('del'),
+ http = require('http'),
+ ecstatic = require('ecstatic'),
+ util = require('gulp-util'),
+ prettify = require('gulp-prettify'),
+ beautify = require('gulp-beautify'),
+ stylus = require('gulp-stylus'),
+ include = require('gulp-include'),
+ fs = require('fs'),
+ path = require('path'),
+ prompt = require('gulp-prompt'),
+ yuidoc = require('gulp-yuidoc'),
+ bower = require('gulp-bower'),
+ unzip = require('gulp-unzip'),
+ zip = require('gulp-zip'),
+ gzip = require('gulp-gzip'),
+ tar = require('gulp-tar'),
+ run = require('gulp-run'),
+ wait = require('gulp-wait'),
+ git = require('gift'),
+ repo = git('./'),
+ webserverPort = 8080,
+ isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform),
+ appRoot = path.resolve('.');
+ //config = require('./gulp/config');
+/* Tasks (will be extracted to separated files) */
+//Sideshow's main stylesheet
+gulp.task('style', function(){
+ compileSideshowStylesheets()
+//Examples pages Style task
+gulp.task('examples-style', function(){
+ compileExamplesStylesheet();
+//Bundle Nexit modules with Browserify
+gulp.task('bundle-scripts', function(){
+ bundleScripts();
+//Clean task
+gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {
+ cleanFiles(cb);
+//Watch Task
+gulp.task('watch', function() {
+ pollForChanges();
+//Webserver task
+gulp.task('webserver', function(){
+ runDevelopmentWebServer();
+//Default task
+gulp.task('default', function() {
+ compileSideshowStylesheets();
+ compileExamplesStylesheet();
+ // gulp.start('examples-partials');
+ runDevelopmentWebServer();
+ pollForChanges();
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ openInBrowser(util.env.browser);
+ }, 3000);
+gulp.task('update-version', function(){
+ updateVersionNumberReferences();
+gulp.task('update-bower', function(){
+ updateBowerDependencies();
+gulp.task('generate-docs', function() {
+ generateDocumentation();
+gulp.task('prepare-build', ['update-version', 'update-bower','clean'], function() {
+ console.log('Remember to edit the CHANGELOG file before doing a complete build.');
+gulp.task('complete-build', function() {
+ if(prompt.confirm('Did you run the prepare-build before this?')){
+ compileSideshowStylesheets();
+ compileExamplesStylesheet();
+ bundleScripts(function(){
+ generateDocumentation();
+ });
+ }
+gulp.task('pack', function() {
+ zipDistributableFiles();
+ generatePackages();
+gulp.task('zip', function() {
+ zipDistributableFiles();
+function zipDistributableFiles(){
+ var distr = gulp.src(['./distr*/**/*', './examples*/**/*', 'example.html']);
+ distr
+ .pipe(zip(''))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));
+ distr
+ .pipe(tar('sideshow.tar'))
+ .pipe(gzip())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));
+function generatePackages(){
+ var target = || 'all';
+ del(['*.gem', '*.nupkg'], function(){
+ repo.status(function(err, status){
+ if(Object.keys(status.files).length === 0){
+ var versionFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'VERSION');
+ fs.readFile(versionFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, version) {
+ var versionNumber = version.match(/[\d.]+/);
+ if(['all', 'github'].indexOf(target) > -1){
+ console.log('Generating git tag and push everything.');
+ gulp.src('./')
+ .pipe(run('git tag -a ' + version + ' -m \'' + version + '\''))
+ .pipe(wait(5000))
+ .pipe(run('git push --all origin'));
+ }
+ if(['all', 'gem'].indexOf(target) > -1){
+ console.log('Building and pushing Sideshow gem');
+ gulp.src('./')
+ .pipe(run('gem build sideshow.gemspec'))
+ .pipe(wait(5000))
+ .pipe(run('gem push sideshow-' + versionNumber + '.gem'));
+ }
+ if(isWin && ['all', 'nuget'].indexOf(target) > -1){
+ console.log('Packing and pushing Sideshow nuget package');
+ gulp.src('./')
+ .pipe(run('nuget pack sideshow.nuspec'))
+ .pipe(wait(5000))
+ .pipe(run('nuget push sideshow.' + versionNumber + '.nupkg'));
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log('Before packing a new version you must commit your changes.')
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function updateBowerDependencies(){
+ bower()
+ .on('end', function(){
+ gulp.src('./bower_components/pagedown/')
+ .pipe(unzip())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./bower_components/pagedown'))
+ .on('end', function(){
+ gulp.src('./bower_components/pagedown/pagedown-*/Markdown.Converter.js')
+ .pipe(uglify())
+ .pipe(rename('pagedown.min.js'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/dependencies'));
+ });
+ gulp.src('./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js')
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/dependencies'));
+ });
+function compileSideshowStylesheets(){
+ return gulp.src('stylesheets/sideshow.styl')
+ .pipe(stylus())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('sideshow_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
+ .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('sideshow_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
+ .pipe(rename('sideshow.css'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('tmp'))
+ .pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))
+ .pipe(csslint.reporter())
+ .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
+ .pipe(minifycss())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/stylesheets'));
+ //Font face stylesheet
+ gulp.src('stylesheets/sideshow-fontface.styl')
+ .pipe(stylus())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('fontface_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
+ .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('fontface_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
+ .pipe(rename('sideshow-fontface.min.css'))
+ .pipe(minifycss())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/fonts'));
+function compileExamplesStylesheet(){
+ return gulp.src('examples/stylesheets/styl/example.styl')
+ .pipe(stylus())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('examples_stylesheet_compiling_error'))
+ .pipe(autoPrefixerConfig())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('examples_stylesheet_autoprefixing_error'))
+ .pipe(rename('example.css'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('tmp'))
+ .pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))
+ .pipe(csslint.reporter())
+ .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
+ .pipe(minifycss())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('examples/stylesheets'));
+function bundleScripts(endCallback){
+ return gulp.src('./src/main.js')
+ .pipe(include())
+ .on('error', errorHandler('jsbuild_error'))
+ .pipe(rename('sideshow.js'))
+ .pipe(beautify({indentSize: 2}))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('distr/'))
+ .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
+ .pipe(uglify())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'))
+ .on('end', function(){
+ //adding copyright message in the expanded version
+ gulp.src(['./src/copyright_info.js', './distr/sideshow.js'])
+ .pipe(concat('sideshow.js'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'));
+ //adding copyright message in the minified version
+ gulp.src(['./src/copyright_info.js', './distr/sideshow.min.js'])
+ .pipe(concat('sideshow.min.js'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./distr/'));
+ if(endCallback) endCallback();
+ });
+function cleanFiles(cb){
+ del(['distr/*.js', 'tmp/*', 'docs/**/*'], cb);
+function pollForChanges(){
+'src/**/*.js', ['bundle-scripts']);
+'stylesheets/**/*.styl', ['style', 'examples-style']);
+'examples/stylesheets/styl/**/*.styl', ['examples-style']);
+'examples/partials/**/*.html', ['examples-partials']);
+ // Create LiveReload server
+ livereload.listen();
+ // Watch any files in distr/, reload on change
+['examples/stylesheets/example.min.css', 'distr/**']).on('change', function(){
+ livereload.changed();
+ notify('Changed.');
+ });
+ notify('Running livereload.');
+function runDevelopmentWebServer(){
+ http.createServer(
+ ecstatic({ root: __dirname })
+ ).listen(webserverPort);
+ notify('Web server started. Listening on port ' + webserverPort + '.');
+function openInBrowser(browser){
+ function go(browser){
+ return open('http://localhost:' + webserverPort + '/example.html', browser);
+ }
+ if (browser != 'none'){
+ if(browser == 'all'){
+ go('firefox');
+ go('opera');
+ go('safari');
+ go('chrome');
+ } else if (browser)
+ go(browser);
+ else
+ go('firefox');
+ }
+function updateVersionNumberReferences(){
+ var version = util.env.version || (function(){ throw "A version number must be passed. Please inform the '--version' argument."; })(),
+ name = || (function(){ throw "A version name must be passed. Please inform the '--name' argument."; })(),
+ appRoot = path.resolve('.'),
+ versionFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'VERSION'),
+ yuidocFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'yuidoc.json'),
+ bowerFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'bower.json'),
+ gemspecFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'sideshow.gemspec'),
+ nuspecFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'sideshow.nuspec'),
+ packageJsonFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'package.json'),
+ changelogFilePath = path.join(appRoot, ''),
+ copyrightInfoFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'src', 'copyright_info.js'),
+ variablesFilePath = path.join(appRoot, 'src', 'general', 'variables.js'),
+ releaseDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10);
+ //VERSION file
+ fs.readFile(versionFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ fs.writeFile(versionFilePath, 'v' + version + '-' + name);
+ });
+ //yuidoc.json
+ fs.readFile(yuidocFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ var json = JSON.parse(data);
+ json.version = version;
+ fs.writeFile(yuidocFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
+ });
+ //bower.json
+ fs.readFile(bowerFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ var json = JSON.parse(data);
+ json.version = version;
+ fs.writeFile(bowerFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
+ });
+ //package.json
+ fs.readFile(packageJsonFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ var json = JSON.parse(data);
+ json.version = version;
+ fs.writeFile(packageJsonFilePath, JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
+ });
+ //sideshow.gemspec
+ fs.readFile(gemspecFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ fs.writeFile(gemspecFilePath, data.replace(/(s.version\s+=\s+)('[\d.]+')/, "$1'" + version + "'"));
+ });
+ //copyright_info.js
+ fs.readFile(copyrightInfoFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ fs.writeFile(copyrightInfoFilePath, data
+ .replace(/(Version: )([\d.]+)/, '$1' + version)
+ .replace(/(Date: )([\d-]+)/, '$1' + releaseDate));
+ });
+ //CHANGELOG file
+ fs.readFile(changelogFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ if(data.indexOf('#Version '+ version) == -1){
+ var versionChangelogText = '#Version ' + version + ' ' + name + ' (' + releaseDate + ')' +
+ '\n\n##General' +
+ '\n\n##Fixes\n\n' +
+ Array(61).join('-') + '\n\n';
+ fs.writeFile(changelogFilePath, versionChangelogText + data);
+ }
+ });
+ fs.readFile(variablesFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ fs.writeFile(variablesFilePath, data.replace(/(get VERSION\(\) {\s+return )("[\d.]+")/, '$1"' + version + '"'));
+ });
+ fs.readFile(nuspecFilePath, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ fs.writeFile(nuspecFilePath, data.replace(/(<version>)([\d.]+)(<\/version>)/, '$1' + version + '$3'));
+ });
+function generateDocumentation(){
+ return gulp.src("./distr/sideshow.js")
+ .pipe(yuidoc())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest("./docs"));
+function errorHandler(title){
+ return function(error){
+ console.log((title || 'Error') + ': ' + error.message);
+ notify((title || 'Error') + ': ' + error.message);
+ };
+function autoPrefixerConfig(){
+ return autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4');