in sidekiq-unique-jobs-2.6.6 vs in sidekiq-unique-jobs-2.6.7
- old
+ new
@@ -70,9 +70,24 @@
Note that objects passed into workers are converted to JSON *after* running through client middleware. In server
middleware, the JSON is passed directly to the worker `#perform` method. So, you may run into issues where the
arguments are different when enqueuing than they are when performing. Your `unique_args` method may need to
account for this.
+### Unlock Ordering
+By default the server middleware will release the worker lock after yielding to the next middleware or worker. Alternatively, this can be changed by passing the `unique_unlock_order` option:
+class UniqueJobWithFilterMethod
+ include Sidekiq::Worker
+ sidekiq_options unique: true,
+ unique_unlock_order: :before_yield
+ ...
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2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)