spec/spec_helper.rb in sidekiq-status-2.1.3 vs spec/spec_helper.rb in sidekiq-status-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -58,12 +58,51 @@
yield if block_given?
+def redis_client_thread message_limit, *channels
+ thread = Thread.new {
+ messages = []
+ Sidekiq.redis do |conn|
+ puts "Subscribing to #{channels} for #{message_limit.to_s.bold} messages".cyan if ENV['DEBUG']
+ pubsub = conn.pubsub
+ pubsub.call("SUBSCRIBE", *channels)
+ timeouts = 0
+ loop do
+ type, ch, msg = pubsub.next_event(2)
+ next if type == "subscribe"
+ if msg
+ puts "Message received: #{ch} -> #{msg}".white if ENV['DEBUG']
+ messages << msg
+ break if messages.length >= message_limit
+ else
+ # no new message was received in the allocated timeout
+ timeouts += 1
+ break if timeouts >= 30
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts "Returing from thread".cyan if ENV['DEBUG']
+ messages
+ }
+ sleep 0.1
+ yield if block_given?
+ thread.join
+def branched_redis_thread n, *channels, &block
+ if Sidekiq.major_version < 7
+ redis_thread(n, *channels, &block)
+ else
+ redis_client_thread(n, *channels, &block)
+ end
def capture_status_updates n, &block
- redis_thread(n, "status_updates", &block).value
+ branched_redis_thread(n, "status_updates", &block).value
# Configures server middleware and launches a sidekiq server
def start_server server_middleware_options = {}
@@ -74,23 +113,22 @@
$stdout.reopen File::NULL, 'w' unless ENV['DEBUG']
$stderr.reopen File::NULL, 'w' unless ENV['DEBUG']
# Load and configure server options
require 'sidekiq/cli'
- Sidekiq.options[:queues] << 'default'
- Sidekiq.options[:require] = File.expand_path 'environment.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__)
- Sidekiq.options[:timeout] = 1
- Sidekiq.options[:concurrency] = 5
# Add the server middleware
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
- config.redis = Sidekiq::RedisConnection.create
+ config.concurrency = 5
+ config.redis = Sidekiq::RedisConnection.create if Sidekiq.major_version < 7
Sidekiq::Status.configure_server_middleware config, server_middleware_options
# Launch
puts "Server starting".yellow if ENV['DEBUG']
- Sidekiq::CLI.instance.run
+ instance = Sidekiq::CLI.instance
+ instance.parse(['-r', File.expand_path('environment.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))])
+ instance.run
# Run the client-side code