docs/ in sib-api-v3-sdk-7.1.0 vs docs/ in sib-api-v3-sdk-7.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
All URIs are relative to **
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**block_new_domain**]( | **POST** /smtp/blockedDomains | Add a new domain to the list of blocked domains
[**create_smtp_template**]( | **POST** /smtp/templates | Create an email template
+[**delete_blocked_domain**]( | **DELETE** /smtp/blockedDomains/{domain} | Unblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domains
[**delete_hardbounces**]( | **POST** /smtp/deleteHardbounces | Delete hardbounces
[**delete_smtp_template**]( | **DELETE** /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Delete an inactive email template
[**get_aggregated_smtp_report**]( | **GET** /smtp/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your transactional email activity aggregated over a period of time
+[**get_blocked_domains**]( | **GET** /smtp/blockedDomains | Get the list of blocked domains
[**get_email_event_report**]( | **GET** /smtp/statistics/events | Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)
[**get_smtp_report**]( | **GET** /smtp/statistics/reports | Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day
[**get_smtp_template**]( | **GET** /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Returns the template information
[**get_smtp_templates**]( | **GET** /smtp/templates | Get the list of email templates
[**get_transac_blocked_contacts**]( | **GET** /smtp/blockedContacts | Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts
@@ -21,10 +24,68 @@
[**smtp_blocked_contacts_email_delete**]( | **DELETE** /smtp/blockedContacts/{email} | Unblock or resubscribe a transactional contact
[**smtp_log_message_id_delete**]( | **DELETE** /smtp/log/{messageId} | Delete an SMTP transactional log
[**update_smtp_template**]( | **PUT** /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Update an email template
+# **block_new_domain**
+> block_new_domain(block_domain)
+Add a new domain to the list of blocked domains
+Blocks a new domain in order to avoid messages being sent to the same
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'sib-api-v3-sdk'
+# setup authorization
+SibApiV3Sdk.configure do |config|
+ # Configure API key authorization: api-key
+ config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer'
+ # Configure API key authorization: partner-key
+ config.api_key['partner-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['partner-key'] = 'Bearer'
+api_instance =
+block_domain = # BlockDomain |
+ #Add a new domain to the list of blocked domains
+ api_instance.block_new_domain(block_domain)
+rescue SibApiV3Sdk::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling TransactionalEmailsApi->block_new_domain: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **block_domain** | [**BlockDomain**](| |
+### Return type
+nil (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[api-key](../, [partner-key](../
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
# **create_smtp_template**
> CreateModel create_smtp_template(smtp_template)
Create an email template
@@ -78,10 +139,68 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
+# **delete_blocked_domain**
+> delete_blocked_domain(domain)
+Unblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domains
+Unblocks an existing domain from the list of blocked domains
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'sib-api-v3-sdk'
+# setup authorization
+SibApiV3Sdk.configure do |config|
+ # Configure API key authorization: api-key
+ config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer'
+ # Configure API key authorization: partner-key
+ config.api_key['partner-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['partner-key'] = 'Bearer'
+api_instance =
+domain = 'domain_example' # String | The name of the domain to be deleted
+ #Unblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domains
+ api_instance.delete_blocked_domain(domain)
+rescue SibApiV3Sdk::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling TransactionalEmailsApi->delete_blocked_domain: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **domain** | **String**| The name of the domain to be deleted |
+### Return type
+nil (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[api-key](../, [partner-key](../
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
# **delete_hardbounces**
> delete_hardbounces(opts)
Delete hardbounces
@@ -257,10 +376,63 @@
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
+# **get_blocked_domains**
+> GetBlockedDomains get_blocked_domains
+Get the list of blocked domains
+Get the list of blocked domains
+### Example
+# load the gem
+require 'sib-api-v3-sdk'
+# setup authorization
+SibApiV3Sdk.configure do |config|
+ # Configure API key authorization: api-key
+ config.api_key['api-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['api-key'] = 'Bearer'
+ # Configure API key authorization: partner-key
+ config.api_key['partner-key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
+ # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
+ #config.api_key_prefix['partner-key'] = 'Bearer'
+api_instance =
+ #Get the list of blocked domains
+ result = api_instance.get_blocked_domains
+ p result
+rescue SibApiV3Sdk::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling TransactionalEmailsApi->get_blocked_domains: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[api-key](../, [partner-key](../
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
# **get_email_event_report**
> GetEmailEventReport get_email_event_report(opts)
Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)
@@ -291,11 +463,12 @@
days: 56, # Integer | Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with 'startDate' and 'endDate'
email: 'email_example', # String | Filter the report for a specific email addresses
event: 'event_example', # String | Filter the report for a specific event type
tags: 'tags_example', # String | Filter the report for tags (serialized and urlencoded array)
message_id: 'message_id_example', # String | Filter on a specific message id
- template_id: 789 # Integer | Filter on a specific template id
+ template_id: 789, # Integer | Filter on a specific template id
+ sort: 'desc' # String | Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation
#Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)
result = api_instance.get_email_event_report(opts)
@@ -317,10 +490,11 @@
**email** | **String**| Filter the report for a specific email addresses | [optional]
**event** | **String**| Filter the report for a specific event type | [optional]
**tags** | **String**| Filter the report for tags (serialized and urlencoded array) | [optional]
**message_id** | **String**| Filter on a specific message id | [optional]
**template_id** | **Integer**| Filter on a specific template id | [optional]
+ **sort** | **String**| Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation | [optional] [default to desc]
### Return type
@@ -363,11 +537,12 @@
limit: 10, # Integer | Number of documents returned per page
offset: 0, # Integer | Index of the first document on the page
start_date: 'start_date_example', # String | Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date of the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
end_date: 'end_date_example', # String | Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date of the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
days: 56, # Integer | Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with 'startDate' and 'endDate'
- tag: 'tag_example' # String | Tag of the emails
+ tag: 'tag_example', # String | Tag of the emails
+ sort: 'desc' # String | Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation
#Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day
result = api_instance.get_smtp_report(opts)
@@ -385,10 +560,11 @@
**offset** | **Integer**| Index of the first document on the page | [optional] [default to 0]
**start_date** | **String**| Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date of the report (YYYY-MM-DD) | [optional]
**end_date** | **String**| Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date of the report (YYYY-MM-DD) | [optional]
**days** | **Integer**| Number of days in the past including today (positive integer). Not compatible with 'startDate' and 'endDate' | [optional]
**tag** | **String**| Tag of the emails | [optional]
+ **sort** | **String**| Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation | [optional] [default to desc]
### Return type
@@ -485,11 +661,12 @@
api_instance =
opts = {
template_status: true, # BOOLEAN | Filter on the status of the template. Active = true, inactive = false
limit: 50, # Integer | Number of documents returned per page
- offset: 0 # Integer | Index of the first document in the page
+ offset: 0, # Integer | Index of the first document in the page
+ sort: 'desc' # String | Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation
#Get the list of email templates
result = api_instance.get_smtp_templates(opts)
@@ -504,10 +681,11 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**template_status** | **BOOLEAN**| Filter on the status of the template. Active = true, inactive = false | [optional]
**limit** | **Integer**| Number of documents returned per page | [optional] [default to 50]
**offset** | **Integer**| Index of the first document in the page | [optional] [default to 0]
+ **sort** | **String**| Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation | [optional] [default to desc]
### Return type
@@ -549,11 +727,12 @@
opts = {
start_date: 'start_date_example', # String | Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) from which you want to fetch the blocked or unsubscribed contacts
end_date: 'end_date_example', # String | Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) till which you want to fetch the blocked or unsubscribed contacts
limit: 50, # Integer | Number of documents returned per page
offset: 0, # Integer | Index of the first document on the page
- senders: ['senders_example'] # Array<String> | Comma separated list of emails of the senders from which contacts are blocked or unsubscribed
+ senders: ['senders_example'], # Array<String> | Comma separated list of emails of the senders from which contacts are blocked or unsubscribed
+ sort: 'desc' # String | Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation
#Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts
result = api_instance.get_transac_blocked_contacts(opts)
@@ -570,10 +749,11 @@
**start_date** | **String**| Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) from which you want to fetch the blocked or unsubscribed contacts | [optional]
**end_date** | **String**| Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) till which you want to fetch the blocked or unsubscribed contacts | [optional]
**limit** | **Integer**| Number of documents returned per page | [optional] [default to 50]
**offset** | **Integer**| Index of the first document on the page | [optional] [default to 0]
**senders** | [**Array<String>**](| Comma separated list of emails of the senders from which contacts are blocked or unsubscribed | [optional]
+ **sort** | **String**| Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation | [optional] [default to desc]
### Return type
@@ -674,11 +854,12 @@
opts = {
email: 'email_example', # String | Mandatory if templateId and messageId are not passed in query filters. Email address to which transactional email has been sent.
template_id: 789, # Integer | Mandatory if email and messageId are not passed in query filters. Id of the template that was used to compose transactional email.
message_id: 'message_id_example', # String | Mandatory if templateId and email are not passed in query filters. Message ID of the transactional email sent.
start_date: Date.parse('2013-10-20'), # Date | Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) from which you want to fetch the list. Maximum time period that can be selected is one month.
- end_date: Date.parse('2013-10-20') # Date | Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) till which you want to fetch the list. Maximum time period that can be selected is one month.
+ end_date: Date.parse('2013-10-20'), # Date | Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) till which you want to fetch the list. Maximum time period that can be selected is one month.
+ sort: 'desc' # String | Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation
#Get the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filters
result = api_instance.get_transac_emails_list(opts)
@@ -695,9 +876,10 @@
**email** | **String**| Mandatory if templateId and messageId are not passed in query filters. Email address to which transactional email has been sent. | [optional]
**template_id** | **Integer**| Mandatory if email and messageId are not passed in query filters. Id of the template that was used to compose transactional email. | [optional]
**message_id** | **String**| Mandatory if templateId and email are not passed in query filters. Message ID of the transactional email sent. | [optional]
**start_date** | **Date**| Mandatory if endDate is used. Starting date (YYYY-MM-DD) from which you want to fetch the list. Maximum time period that can be selected is one month. | [optional]
**end_date** | **Date**| Mandatory if startDate is used. Ending date (YYYY-MM-DD) till which you want to fetch the list. Maximum time period that can be selected is one month. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **String**| Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of record creation | [optional] [default to desc]
### Return type