docs/ in sib-api-v3-sdk-2.1.5 vs docs/ in sib-api-v3-sdk-3.0.0

- old
+ new

@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ **attributes** | **Object** | Values of the attributes to fill. The attributes must exist in you contact database | [optional] **email_blacklisted** | **BOOLEAN** | Blacklist the contact for emails (emailBlacklisted = true) | [optional] **sms_blacklisted** | **BOOLEAN** | Blacklist the contact for SMS (smsBlacklisted = true) | [optional] **list_ids** | **Array<Integer>** | Ids of the lists to add the contact to | [optional] **update_enabled** | **BOOLEAN** | Facilitate to update existing contact in same request (updateEnabled = true) | [optional] [default to false] +**smtp_blacklist_sender** | **Array<String>** | SMTP forbidden sender for contact. Use only for email Contact ( only available if updateEnabled = true ) | [optional]