in sib-api-v3-sdk-5.4.0 vs in sib-api-v3-sdk-5.5.0

- old
+ new

@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ *SibApiV3Sdk::AttributesApi* | [**get_attributes**](docs/ | **GET** /contacts/attributes | List all attributes *SibApiV3Sdk::AttributesApi* | [**update_attribute**](docs/ | **PUT** /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Update contact attribute *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**add_contact_to_list**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/add | Add existing contacts to a list *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_attribute**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Create contact attribute *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_contact**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts | Create a contact -*SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_doi_contact**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/doubleOptinConfirmation | Create a contact to trigger the DOI workflow from a Landing Page form +*SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_doi_contact**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/doubleOptinConfirmation | Create Contact via DOI (Double-Opt-In) Flow *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_folder**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/folders | Create a folder *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**create_list**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/lists | Create a list *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**delete_attribute**](docs/ | **DELETE** /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Delete an attribute *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**delete_contact**](docs/ | **DELETE** /contacts/{email} | Delete a contact *SibApiV3Sdk::ContactsApi* | [**delete_folder**](docs/ | **DELETE** /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder (and all its lists) @@ -144,26 +144,26 @@ *SibApiV3Sdk::ListsApi* | [**get_lists**](docs/ | **GET** /contacts/lists | Get all the lists *SibApiV3Sdk::ListsApi* | [**remove_contact_from_list**](docs/ | **POST** /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/remove | Delete a contact from a list *SibApiV3Sdk::ListsApi* | [**update_list**](docs/ | **PUT** /contacts/lists/{listId} | Update a list *SibApiV3Sdk::ProcessApi* | [**get_process**](docs/ | **GET** /processes/{processId} | Return the informations for a process *SibApiV3Sdk::ProcessApi* | [**get_processes**](docs/ | **GET** /processes | Return all the processes for your account -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**add_credits**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/credits/add | Add Email and/or SMS credits to a specific child account -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**associate_ip_to_child**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/ips/associate | Associate a dedicated IP to the child -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**create_child_domain**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains | Create a domain for a child account +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**add_credits**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/add | Add Email and/or SMS credits to a specific child account +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**associate_ip_to_child**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/associate | Associate a dedicated IP to the child +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**create_child_domain**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains | Create a domain for a child account *SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**create_reseller_child**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children | Creates a reseller child -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**delete_child_domain**](docs/ | **DELETE** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains/{domainName} | Delete the sender domain of the reseller child based on the childAuthKey and domainName passed -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**delete_reseller_child**](docs/ | **DELETE** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Delete a single reseller child based on the childAuthKey supplied -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**dissociate_ip_from_child**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/ips/dissociate | Dissociate a dedicated IP to the child -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_account_creation_status**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/accountCreationStatus | Get the status of a reseller's child account creation, whether it is successfully created (exists) or not based on the childAuthKey supplied -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_domains**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains | Get all sender domains for a specific child account -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_info**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Get a child account's details +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**delete_child_domain**](docs/ | **DELETE** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} | Delete the sender domain of the reseller child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**delete_reseller_child**](docs/ | **DELETE** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Delete a single reseller child based on the child identifier supplied +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**dissociate_ip_from_child**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/dissociate | Dissociate a dedicated IP to the child +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_account_creation_status**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountCreationStatus | Get the status of a reseller's child account creation, whether it is successfully created (exists) or not based on the identifier supplied +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_domains**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains | Get all sender domains for a specific child account +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_child_info**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Get a child account's details *SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_reseller_childs**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children | Get the list of all children accounts -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_sso_token**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/auth | Get session token to access Sendinblue (SSO) -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**remove_credits**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/credits/remove | Remove Email and/or SMS credits from a specific child account -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_child_account_status**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/accountStatus | Update info of reseller's child account status based on the childAuthKey supplied -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_child_domain**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey}/domains/{domainName} | Update the sender domain of reseller's child based on the childAuthKey and domainName passed -*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_reseller_child**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childAuthKey} | Update info of reseller's child based on the childAuthKey supplied +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**get_sso_token**](docs/ | **GET** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/auth | Get session token to access Sendinblue (SSO) +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**remove_credits**](docs/ | **POST** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/remove | Remove Email and/or SMS credits from a specific child account +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_child_account_status**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountStatus | Update info of reseller's child account status based on the childIdentifier supplied +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_child_domain**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} | Update the sender domain of reseller's child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed +*SibApiV3Sdk::ResellerApi* | [**update_reseller_child**](docs/ | **PUT** /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Update info of reseller's child based on the child identifier supplied *SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi* | [**create_sms_campaign**](docs/ | **POST** /smsCampaigns | Creates an SMS campaign *SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi* | [**delete_sms_campaign**](docs/ | **DELETE** /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete an SMS campaign *SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi* | [**get_sms_campaign**](docs/ | **GET** /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get an SMS campaign *SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi* | [**get_sms_campaigns**](docs/ | **GET** /smsCampaigns | Returns the information for all your created SMS campaigns *SibApiV3Sdk::SMSCampaignsApi* | [**request_sms_recipient_export**](docs/ | **POST** /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients | Export an SMS campaign's recipients @@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ *SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi* | [**get_senders**](docs/ | **GET** /senders | Get the list of all your senders *SibApiV3Sdk::SendersApi* | [**update_sender**](docs/ | **PUT** /senders/{senderId} | Update a sender *SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi* | [**get_sms_events**](docs/ | **GET** /transactionalSMS/statistics/events | Get all your SMS activity (unaggregated events) *SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi* | [**get_transac_aggregated_sms_report**](docs/ | **GET** /transactionalSMS/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your SMS activity aggregated over a period of time *SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi* | [**get_transac_sms_report**](docs/ | **GET** /transactionalSMS/statistics/reports | Get your SMS activity aggregated per day -*SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi* | [**send_transac_sms**](docs/ | **POST** /transactionalSMS/sms | Send the SMS campaign to a mobile number +*SibApiV3Sdk::TransactionalSMSApi* | [**send_transac_sms**](docs/ | **POST** /transactionalSMS/sms | Send SMS message to a mobile number *SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi* | [**create_webhook**](docs/ | **POST** /webhooks | Create a webhook *SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi* | [**delete_webhook**](docs/ | **DELETE** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete a webhook *SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhook**](docs/ | **GET** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get a webhook details *SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi* | [**get_webhooks**](docs/ | **GET** /webhooks | Get all webhooks *SibApiV3Sdk::WebhooksApi* | [**update_webhook**](docs/ | **PUT** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update a webhook