coffeescripts/ in shuriken-0.1.1 vs coffeescripts/ in shuriken-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,127 +1,133 @@
-# First off, add our dataAttr extensions.
-if jQuery?
- (($) ->
- stringToDataKey: (key) -> "data-$key".replace /_/g, '-'
- $.fn.dataAttr: (key, value) -> @attr stringToDataKey(key), value
- $.fn.removeDataAttr: (key) -> @removeAttr stringToDataKey(key)
- $.fn.hasDataAttr: (key) -> @is "[${stringToDataKey(key)}]"
- $.metaAttr: (key) -> $("meta[name='$key']").attr "content"
- )(jQuery)
+ # First off, add our dataAttr extensions.
+ if jQuery?
+ (($) ->
+ stringToDataKey: (key) -> "data-$key".replace /_/g, '-'
+ $.fn.dataAttr: (key, value) -> @attr stringToDataKey(key), value
+ $.fn.removeDataAttr: (key) -> @removeAttr stringToDataKey(key)
+ $.fn.hasDataAttr: (key) -> @is "[${stringToDataKey(key)}]"
+ $.metaAttr: (key) -> $("meta[name='$key']").attr "content"
+ )(jQuery)
-Shuriken: {
- Base: {}
- Util: {}
- jsPathPrefix: "/javascripts/"
- jsPathSuffix: ""
- namespaces: {}
- extensions: []
+ Shuriken: {
+ Base: {}
+ Util: {}
+ jsPathPrefix: "/javascripts/"
+ jsPathSuffix: ""
+ namespaces: {}
+ extensions: []
+ }
-Shuriken.Util.underscoreize: (s) ->
- s.replace(/\./g, '/').replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/-/g, '_').toLowerCase()
+ Shuriken.Util.underscoreize: (s) ->
+ s.replace(/\./g, '/').replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/-/g, '_').toLowerCase()
-Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure: (closure, scope) ->
- scope, scope if $.isFunction closure
+ scopedClosure: (closure, scope) ->
+ scope, scope if $.isFunction closure
-# Base is the prototype for all namespaces.
-base: Shuriken.Base
+ # Base is the prototype for all namespaces.
+ base: Shuriken.Base
-base.hasChildNamespace: (child) ->
- @children.push child
+ base.hasChildNamespace: (child) ->
+ @children.push child
-base.toNSName: (children...) ->
- parts: children
- current: @
- while current.parent?
- parts.unshift parts
- current: current.parent
- parts.join "."
+ base.toNSName: (children...) ->
+ parts: children
+ current: @
+ while current.parent?
+ parts.unshift parts
+ current: current.parent
+ parts.join "."
-base.getNS: (namespace) ->
- parts: key.split "."
- currentNS: @
- for name in parts
- return unless currentNS[name]?
- currentNS: currentNS[name]
- currentNS
+ base.getNS: (namespace) ->
+ parts: key.split "."
+ currentNS: @
+ for name in parts
+ return unless currentNS[name]?
+ currentNS: currentNS[name]
+ currentNS
-base.getRootNS: ->
- current: @
- current: current.parent while current.parent?
- current
+ base.getRootNS: ->
+ current: @
+ current: current.parent while current.parent?
+ current
-base.hasNS: (namespace) ->
- @getNS(namespace)?
+ base.hasNS: (namespace) ->
+ @getNS(namespace)?
-base.withNS: (key, initializer) ->
- parts: key.split "."
- currentNS: @
- for name in parts
- currentNS[name]: makeNS(name, currentNS, @baseNS) if not currentNS[name]?
- currentNS: currentNS[name]
- hadSetup: $.isFunction currentNS.setup
- Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure initializer, currentNS
- currentNS.setupVia currentNS.setup if not hadSetup and $.isFunction currentNS.setup
- currentNS
+ base.withNS: (key, initializer) ->
+ parts: key.split "."
+ currentNS: @
+ for name in parts
+ currentNS[name]: makeNS(name, currentNS, @baseNS) if not currentNS[name]?
+ currentNS: currentNS[name]
+ hadSetup: $.isFunction currentNS.setup
+ scopedClosure initializer, currentNS
+ currentNS.setupVia currentNS.setup if not hadSetup and $.isFunction currentNS.setup
+ currentNS
-base.withBase: (closure) ->
- Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure closure, @baseNS
+ base.withBase: (closure) ->
+ scopedClosure closure, @baseNS
+ base.extend: (closure) ->
+ scopedClosure closure, @
-base.isRoot: ->
- not @parent?
+ base.isRoot: ->
+ not @parent?
-base.log: (args...) ->
- console.log "[${@toNSName()}]", args...
+ base.log: (args...) ->
+ console.log "[${@toNSName()}]", args...
-base.debug: (args...) ->
- console.log "[Debug - ${@toNSName()}]", args...
+ base.debug: (args...) ->
+ console.log "[Debug - ${@toNSName()}]", args...
-base.setupVia: (f) ->
- $(document).ready => Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure(f, @) if @autosetup?
+ base.setupVia: (f) ->
+ $(document).ready => scopedClosure(f, @) if @autosetup?
-base.require: (key, callback) ->
- ns: @getNS key
- if ns?
- Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure callback, ns
- else
- path: Shuriken.Util.underscoreize "${@toNSName()}.$key"
- url: "${Shuriken.jsPathPrefix}${path}.js${Shuriken.jsPathSuffix}"
- script: $ "<script />", {type: "text/javascript", src: url}
- script.load -> Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure callback, @getNS(key)
- script.appendTo $ "head"
+ base.require: (key, callback) ->
+ ns: @getNS key
+ if ns?
+ scopedClosure callback, ns
+ else
+ path: Shuriken.Util.underscoreize "${@toNSName()}.$key"
+ url: "${Shuriken.jsPathPrefix}${path}.js${Shuriken.jsPathSuffix}"
+ script: $ "<script />", {type: "text/javascript", src: url}
+ script.load -> scopedClosure callback, @getNS(key)
+ script.appendTo $ "head"
-base.autosetup: true
+ base.autosetup: true
-# Used as a part of the prototype chain.
-Shuriken.Namespace: ->
-Shuriken.Namespace.prototype: Shuriken.Base
+ # Used as a part of the prototype chain.
+ Shuriken.Namespace: ->
+ Shuriken.Namespace.prototype: Shuriken.Base
-makeNS: (name, parent, sharedPrototype) ->
+ makeNS: (name, parent, sharedPrototype) ->
sharedPrototype?= new Shuriken.Namespace()
namespace: ->
@name: name
@parent: parent
@baseNS: sharedPrototype
@children: []
parent.hasChildNamespace(@) if parent?
- namespace.prototype: sharedPrototype
- new namespace name, parent
-Shuriken.defineExtension: (closure) ->
- for namespace in Shuriken.namespaces
- console.log namespace
- Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure closure, namespace
- Shuriken.extensions.push closure
+ namespace.prototype: sharedPrototype
+ new namespace name, parent (name) ->
- ns: makeNS name
- Shuriken.namespaces[name]: ns
- Shuriken.root[name]: ns
- Shuriken.Util.scopedClosure extension, ns for extension in Shuriken.extensions
- ns
+ Shuriken.defineExtension: (closure) ->
+ for namespace in Shuriken.namespaces
+ console.log namespace
+ scopedClosure closure, namespace
+ Shuriken.extensions.push closure
-Shuriken.root: @
-@['Shuriken']: Shuriken
+ (name) ->
+ ns: makeNS name
+ Shuriken.namespaces[name]: ns
+ Shuriken.root[name]: ns
+ scopedClosure extension, ns for extension in Shuriken.extensions
+ ns
+ Shuriken.root: @
+ @['Shuriken']: Shuriken
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