lib/shoulda/action_controller/macros.rb in shoulda-2.10.3 vs lib/shoulda/action_controller/macros.rb in shoulda-2.11.0
- old
+ new
@@ -22,56 +22,49 @@
# Would produce 5 tests for the +show+ action
module Macros
include Matchers
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#set_the_flash instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the flash contains the given
# value. Expects a +String+ or +Regexp+.
- # If the argument is +nil+, it will assert that the flash is not set.
- # This behavior is deprecated.
- #
# Example:
# should_set_the_flash_to "Thank you for placing this order."
# should_set_the_flash_to /created/i
def should_set_the_flash_to(val)
- if val
- matcher =
- should matcher.description do
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
- else
- warn "[DEPRECATION] should_set_the_flash_to nil is deprecated. " <<
- "Use should_not_set_the_flash instead."
- should_not_set_the_flash
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should set_the_flash")
+ should
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#set_the_flash instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the flash is empty.
def should_not_set_the_flash
- matcher = set_the_flash
- should "not #{matcher.description}" do
- assert_rejects matcher, @controller
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should_not set_the_flash")
+ should_not set_the_flash
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#filter_param instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that filter_parameter_logging
# is set for the specified keys
# Example:
# should_filter_params :password, :ssn
def should_filter_params(*keys)
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should filter_param")
keys.each do |key|
- matcher = filter_param(key)
- should matcher.description do
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
+ should filter_param(key)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#assign_to instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller assigned to
# each of the named instance variable(s).
# Options:
# * <tt>:class</tt> - The expected class of the instance variable being checked.
@@ -83,128 +76,123 @@
# should_assign_to :user, :posts
# should_assign_to :user, :class => User
# should_assign_to(:user) { @user }
def should_assign_to(*names, &block)
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should assign_to")
klass = get_options!(names, :class)
names.each do |name|
matcher = assign_to(name).with_kind_of(klass)
- should matcher.description do
- if block
- expected_value = instance_eval(&block)
- matcher = matcher.with(expected_value)
- end
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
+ matcher = matcher.with(&block) if block
+ should matcher
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#assign_to instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller did not assign to
# any of the named instance variable(s).
# Example:
# should_not_assign_to :user, :posts
def should_not_assign_to(*names)
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should_not assign_to")
names.each do |name|
- matcher = assign_to(name)
- should "not #{matcher.description}" do
- assert_rejects matcher, @controller
- end
+ should_not assign_to(name)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#respond_with instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller responded with a 'response' status code.
# Example:
# should_respond_with :success
def should_respond_with(response)
- should "respond with #{response}" do
- matcher = respond_with(response)
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should respond_with")
+ should respond_with(response)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#respond_with_content_type instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the response content type was 'content_type'.
# Example:
# should_respond_with_content_type 'application/rss+xml'
# should_respond_with_content_type :rss
# should_respond_with_content_type /rss/
def should_respond_with_content_type(content_type)
- matcher = respond_with_content_type(content_type)
- should matcher.description do
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should respond_with_content_type")
+ should respond_with_content_type(content_type)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#set_session instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that a value returned from the
# session is correct. Expects the session key as a parameter, and a block
# that returns the expected value.
# Example:
# should_set_session(:user_id) { }
# should_set_session(:message) { "Free stuff" }
def should_set_session(key, &block)
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should set_session")
matcher = set_session(key)
- should matcher.description do
- expected_value = instance_eval(&block)
- matcher =
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
+ matcher = if block
+ should matcher
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#render_template instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller rendered the given template.
# Example:
# should_render_template :new
def should_render_template(template)
- should "render template #{template.inspect}" do
- assert_template template.to_s
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should render_template")
+ should render_template(template)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#render_with_layout instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller rendered with the given layout.
# Example:
# should_render_with_layout 'special'
def should_render_with_layout(expected_layout = 'application')
- matcher = render_with_layout(expected_layout)
- if expected_layout
- should matcher.description do
- assert_accepts matcher, @controller
- end
- else
- should "render without layout" do
- assert_rejects matcher, @controller
- end
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should render_with_layout")
+ should render_with_layout(expected_layout)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#render_with_layout instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller rendered without a layout.
# Same as @should_render_with_layout false@
def should_render_without_layout
- should_render_with_layout nil
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should_not render_with_layout")
+ should_not render_with_layout
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#redirect_to instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a test asserting that the controller returned a
# redirect to the given path. The passed description will be used when
# generating a test name. Expects a block that returns the expected path
# for the redirect.
# Example:
# should_redirect_to("the user's profile") { user_url(@user) }
def should_redirect_to(description, &block)
- should "redirect to #{description}" do
- expected_url = instance_eval(&block)
- assert_redirected_to expected_url
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should redirect_to")
+ should redirect_to(description, &block)
+ # Deprecated: use ActionController::Matchers#route instead.
+ #
# Macro that creates a routing test. It tries to use the given HTTP
# +method+ on the given +path+, and asserts that it routes to the
# given +options+.
# If you don't specify a :controller, it will try to guess the controller
@@ -223,18 +211,11 @@
# should_route :delete, "/posts/1", :action => :destroy, :id => 1
# should_route :get, "/users/1/posts/1",
# :action => :show, :id => 1, :user_id => 1
def should_route(method, path, options)
- unless options[:controller]
- options[:controller] =$/, '').tableize
- end
- matcher = route(method, path).to(options)
- should matcher.description do
- assert_accepts matcher.in_context(self), self
- end
+ ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use: should route")
+ should route(method, path).to(options)